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Freestanding Electric Fireplace Suite 101"The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
Add a Freestanding Electric Fireplace Suite to Your Home

Add a stunning focal point to your room with one of our freestanding electric fireplaces. The electric fireplaces have beautiful surrounds that come in traditional and contemporary styles that perfectly frame the fireplace. Some have log storage and display areas for decor to create a stunning appearance.

Electric fireplaces emit radiant heat which warms the furniture in a room. The remote control and sleep timer allow you to choose the desired heat level.

Flame Effect

The flame effect of an electric fireplace that is freestanding can be very realistic and is the thing that sets these fires apart from generic Amazon fireplaces. They employ a high-definition LED effect to make the flames look extremely realistic. This gives off an amazing warm glow similar to a wood-burning fireplace.

The electric fire suites are extremely user-friendly and control with the Flamerite eControl app on an Android or iOS compatible device, or the remote control included with each suite. The app allows you to choose from a range of fuel and flame effects. These include Radia or Nitra. Nitra offers 5 pre-set scrolling animated effects and a timer feature.

They don't emit any dangerous gases like wood-burning units which makes them safe for pets and children. The heat they produce comes generated by a fan that draws in cold air, passes it through a heated coil of metal and then releases it at an increased temperature. This will warm the room and create a current that will quickly warm your guests or family members.

Another thing that makes these units safe is the fact that they don't release carbon monoxide, which can be fatal if inhaled. This is a huge benefit for those who have asthma or other respiratory ailments.

Freestanding electric fires also tend to use less energy than wood-burning units, and also operate more quickly. This is due to the fact that they don't need to burn gas or logs. They can be turned on and off very quickly. There is also no need for ventilation as there isn't any smoke or ash.

The Elgin & Hall Vitalia Electric Fireplace Suite is a beautiful piece of furniture that will add a real feeling of warmth to any living space. The marble surround has exquisite detailing and a stepped angled design that can be fitted to a traditional or contemporary room. It comes with an impressive Elgin and Hall Cotsmore 950 widescreen electric fireplace that can be set up with either log or coal fuel bed options. It is a simple to install unit that can be plugged in and utilized immediately.


Electric fireplaces offer warmth in a more simple method than traditional fireplaces that rely on gas, wood or coal. You simply turn them on and select the temperature you would like to heat your room at. The suite will automatically adjust its output to meet your requirements. This allows you to save money and energy.

Another advantage of electric fireplace suites is that they are incredibly versatile. They can be installed in virtually any room of your house, from the bedroom to the kitchen, and many more. They are a great option for those who wish to save on space or bring warmth and character to a space.

You can choose between different designs and finishes when it comes to your freestanding electric fireplace. Some have an elegant, modern, and clean surround that creates a stunning focal point for your living space. Others feature an older-fashioned design that will seamlessly blend with your existing decor. Some also come with additional features, such as media units or log stores to give you a more personalized style.

These fireplaces with electric technology are more efficient than the traditional ones since they can heat only the area that is utilized every day. There is no need to worry about wasting energy or overheating the home. You can also pick from a wide range of settings, like the ambiance lighting mode that only light the flames but not the heat, or the low-heating option.

A quality electric fireplace that is freestanding comes with remote controls to make it easier to manage its features. You can alter the color of the flames or set a timer from anywhere in the house. The display will display the current state of your room, including its power and temperature. Some models will include a sleep mode which shuts down the heater after a certain period of inactivity.


Addition of an electric fireplace to your home can increase the price of resales and make it more attractive to potential buyers. You can also use it in lieu of gas to heat your home or to cool it in hot temperatures. You will need to make sure that the fireplace is installed correctly to avoid any safety concerns.

The process of installation differs from one model to the next however, you must always be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them. If you're not confident about your ability to do the job, you might require the help of an electrician to complete the job. During the installation process, it's important to follow all safety guidelines and ensure that your hands are clean when working with electrical wiring. You must have the appropriate equipment to join cables.

A majority of our freestanding suites include a ready built surround that blends with the fire perfectly and creates a real attractive feature. Surrounds come in traditional and modern styles. Some even have log storage, or a place to display your decor. These features will allow you to customize your suite and create a space that is distinctive.

Electric wall fireplaces are becoming increasingly popular. They're a fantastic way to add a stunning feature to your home. Electric fires can be installed on a wall provided that the wall is suitable for the product and that the fixings are sturdy enough to support the weight. Review the installation instructions for more details.

Electric fires have the added benefit of being able to be installed in existing fireplace openings without the requirement for a flue or chimney. This is a great option for homeowners who would like to upgrade their fireplace, but don't have the funds or time to undertake substantial renovations.

Electric fireplaces do not release smoke or fumes, unlike fireplaces that burn wood. This makes them an excellent option for homes with children or pets. Additionally, they are simpler to use than wood burning fireplaces since you only have to turn them on and select the desired temperature.


Modern electric fire suites have a variety of security features. A majority of electric fire suites come with a built-in timer, which lets you determine the amount of time you would like your fireplace to run prior to when it ceases to function. They also have a heat protection mode which shuts down the fire if it senses the temperature of the room is becoming too hot. This feature helps prevent the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning which can happen when inhaling the smoke from gas-powered or burning wood fires.

A freestanding electric fireplace does not require a chimney. This makes them a much more adaptable choice for homeowners. To avoid them overheating, keep them away from toys for children and combustibles.

If you're uncertain about the safety of an electric fireplace suite is, it's recommended to check with the manufacturer or an expert. Fireplaces And Stove can also check for warning indications that the fire might be damaged, like melted plastic or a crack on the front of the unit. It is also important to make sure the unit's power cord and plug aren't connected to an extension or power strip cord which could lead to electrical fires and malfunctions.

In addition, it is an excellent idea to purchase a fireplace set-up that has a remote control so you can control it from anywhere in the room. This will stop you from accidentally turning the fire burning while you are asleep or busy in another room. Also, it is important to keep the remote from pets and children to prevent them from tampering with it.

In contrast to wall-mounted electric fireplaces, freestanding fireplaces usually have a more traditional appearance. This is particularly the case for units that are set against the wall. You can mount a TV above them, but you'll be unable to place a TV above a wall mount unit since it requires a lot of vertical space.

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