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Name: John Williamson
Age: 15
Country: England

Why should I be accepted to join the TMP:
Well, I have a lot of respect for the current police and I know how hard it can be sometimes so I want to help out and the thing is about police they are the main structure of Takistan, without them there would be people murdering, breaking the law etc with no consequences and I don't want that to happen, I want to help out and make Takistan a better place for not just me but everyone, 1 person can't do it but there are already many trained and skilled officers that can help and many more getting recruited. I used to also be the TMP Major before when EVO merged with RLG. Anyway enough of that I believe I can be a good officer and enforce the law so yeah I want to make a difference, I want to have that rewarding feeling at the end of a day knowing I HAVE made a difference, these and many more reasons are why I, John Williamson would like to join the Takistan Police Department, Thanks for reading, I hope this will be taken into consideration.

What Skills do I have to benefit the TMP:
I am a calm and friendly person that is willing to be active and dedicated also to give my 110% all the time which we should always be doing. I have a good shot and my previous roles in TMP as Major have given me many skills and talents which I would be able to use within my time on duty. It gives me the upperhand in many situations and I will know how to deal with anything quickly, swiftly and accordingly
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Regards; Team

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