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=When Britain emerged victorious from the Second World War, the Labour Party under Clement Attlee came to power and created a comprehensive welfare state, with the establishment of the National Health Service giving free healthcare to all British citizens, and other reforms to benefits. The Bank of England, railways, heavy industry, and coal mining were all nationalised. The most controversial issue was nationalisation of steel, which was profitable, unlike the others. Economic recovery was slow, housing was in short supply, and bread was rationed along with many necessities in short supply. It was an "age of austerity". American loans and Marshall Plan grants kept the economy afloat. India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon gained independence. Britain was a strong anti-Soviet factor in the Cold War and helped found NATO in 1949. Many historians describe this era as the "post-war consensus", emphasising how both the Labour and Conservative Parties until the 1970s tolerated or encouraged nationalisation, strong trade unions, heavy regulation, high taxes, and a generous welfare state.[1]

The Labour Party introduced charges for NHS dental services and glasses in 1951.[2][3] The Conservatives returned to power in 1951, accepting most of Labour's post-war reforms but introducing prescription charges to the NHS in 1952 and denationalising steel in 1953. They presided over 13 years of economic recovery and stability. However, the Suez Crisis of 1956 demonstrated that Britain was no longer a superpower. Ghana, Malaya, Nigeria, and Kenya were granted independence during this period. Labour returned to power under Harold Wilson in 1964 and oversaw a series of social reforms including the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality and abortion, the relaxing of divorce laws, and the end of capital punishment. Edward Heath returned the Conservatives to power from 1970 to 1974 and oversaw the decimalisation of British currency, the accession of Britain to the European Communities, and the height of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. In the wake of the 1973 oil crisis and a miner's strike, Heath introduced the three-day working week to conserve power.
Labour made a return to power in 1974, but a series of strikes carried out by trade unions over the winter of 1978/79 (known as the Winter of Discontent) paralysed the country, and Labour lost its majority in parliament. The general election in 1979 took Conservative Margaret Thatcher to power, effectively ending the postwar state interventionist consensus of prior decades despite initial intense Labour opposition.

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