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Long time ago there was a girl, she was different from the others, she was nice, sweet, kind, beautiful, gorgeous, cute and so much more.. but other people made her think otherwise, this girl is called Lin and this is her goofy story.

Lin walked home from school, she was listening music while walking.. as she walked and walked she noticed that someone dark and tall was following her, so Lin started walking faster but still the dark figure was catching up to her, so lin started running and it seemed like the dark fugure was slowly fading away but then lin saw the figure right infront of her.. lin was too afraid to move or say anything, lin got even more scared as the figure started to reveal who it was, lin closed her eyes from fear. she could hear the figure starting to talk, it had a calming voice with a strong accent. Lin opened her eyes and saw that it was Jonku, Lin was shocked because Jonku wasn't supposed to be there, Lin asked what he was doing there and Jonku said it's a long story, Jonku started to explain that under the influence of cocaine he had decided to walk to belgium.. Lin was shocked and mumbled to Jonku asking did he actually walk close to 3000 kilometers. Jonku started to laugh and answered " noo silly, I just flew here lol " Lin smiled a bit and asked why did Jonku even come to belgium. Jonku said that the answer is simple, he just wanted to meet lin for the first time. Lin smiled and asked did he really come all the way to belgium just to meet her.. Jonku asked what she means by " just to meet her " before Lin gets to say anything Jonku says that he would do anything to be with her cus she is his best and only friend, and she has no idea how much she has helped him, and he is forever greatful to have met her and that he would take a bullet for her.. Lin says that's the cutest shit she has ever heard and Jonku can see couple of tears running on Lin's cheek, Jonku wipes them and says that he got something for lin, Jonku opens his backpack and pulls out a bouquet of magnolia flowers.. Lin blushes a bit and says " those are my favorite flowers, how did you know? " Jonku answers " ehh lucky guess " Jonku tries to give the bouquet of flowers to Lin but Kanye West emerges from the bushes and steals the bouquet. Jonku and Lin stare as Kanye runs away and yells " Bye Bye Fuckers " Jonku looks at Lin and asks what the fuck just happened.. Lin laughs a bit and says that there are a lot of wild Kanyes in Belgium. Jonku repeats " wild kanyes.. " and says " well that's new, in Finland there is a lot of wild homeless guys and nasty hoes but nothing like wild Kanyes.. " Lin laughs and asks what Jonku wants to do. Jonku says that he doesn't know and that he is down to do whatever Lin wants.. Lin says that she could show Jonku some cool places but first they have to drop off Lin's heavy school bag. " Sounds like a plan " says Jonku and offers to carry Lin's bag, Lin asks is he sure cus it's rly heavy, Jonku smirks and says that it can't be that heavy. Jonku takes the bag but it was heavier that he expected, the bag drops on the ground and Jonku asks what the fuck do you carry in ur bag, Lin says that it would be better if she showed, Lin opens the bag and pulls out 100 pounds of pure cocaine zipped tighly in ziplog bags, then Lin pulls out 2 ak47's, 4 mac 11's, 1 glock 17 and a fucking katana. Jonku asks why the hell does she carry all that and lin answers calmly " they always say that use protection, so that's what I did " Jonku thinks for a bit and asks but what about the cocaine, Lin says that " Hoes make money by selling their body, I make money by selling cocaine " Jonku laughs and

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