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I love my mum but she doesn't care about me she cares about a little she cares about my brother more than me but as she happy not sad that's OK I'm perfectly fine but I feel like I'm not enough for her I'm scared that one day I'll lose her and my whole life is going for but I don't want to lose her but I have no words anymore I just don't want to lose my mum even though sometimes she doesn't really care about me she's not happy with me or she doesn't hug me or stuff it's fine I deal with it but I'm sad to hear about me my nan says stuff about me yeah I know your life is good but don't think that everyone is going to be OK I love that you are trying to get through this people that have mental issues and stuff look you get through this how you want don't go to a person or a therapist cause they're not going to do anything I've been there a couple times she just tells you what to do and she writes down what you say it gets boring and it gets really what's the word stupid I just can't deal with anymore everyone thinks that people OK but they're not sometimes I haven't told my friends I'm different than them not in that way I mean like more like depressed and stuff the worst parts about having parents which I love my parents but they treat you like you're a piece of paper and you don't have feelings they rip you they crumble you up it's just the worst feeling you could ever get but I hope you get through this the way you are hang out with the right people don't get messed up if anyone seen this just remember UBU cause if anyone says stuff about you laugh at them and talk about them because they won't like it and you can put them in the right spot if people staring well guess what they're just admiring how beautiful you are if people bully you you put them in the right spot if people say stuff about you put them in their right spot if people do stuff to you you put them in the right spot love you hope you have a good day or goodnight I'm hoping you're reading this whoever I hope this can change your life don't do drugs don't do alcohol don't be messed up don't be a person that just wants to hang out with the wrong people UBU that's all I'm saying cause you could be the best person in the world that can change the whole entire world but you just don't see the inside of that get yourself running wake up early get yourself dressed get yourself breakfast and stuff because I'm telling you right now you could be the best person I could ever meet or you could ever meet I don't know if this makes sense to you because I change up some of the stuff quite often but you could be the best person that someone could ever meet you could change someone's life you could help someone whatever you're going through I'm just telling you now you can get through it I want you tomorrow and the rest of the week to put an alarm on to wake up early go to bed early have a shower make yourself dressed and comfortable do your own thing wake up in the morning have a shower get dressed get some breakfast so make some breakfast go for a run enjoy the view or you could wake up even earlier and watch the sunrise and have a cup of tea or a cup of coffee I'm telling you now you could be the first person that could change my life if I ever met you oh I can change your life I hope you're reading this bye have a good night or day

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