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20 Resources That'll Make You More Efficient With Fireplace Suite
Fireplace Suites - The Complete Package

A fireplace suite is the complete package; it includes a surround/mantelpiece, hearth and fire all working together to create the centrepiece of your home. Evolution Fires' range of suites are ideal for living rooms, extensions and bedrooms but also the bathroom for the authentic flame ambience.

Hotels with fireplaces create an atmosphere of luxury and warmth that encourages customers to return. Find out how you can add this feeling to your hotel.

The hearth

The hearth is a flat platform at the base of the fireplace. Its function is to shield the floor and walls from embers or heat. It is typically constructed of non-combustible materials like stone or brick and can extend from 16 to 18 inches in front of the fireplace. Electric fireplaces are usually without a hearth.

As a general rule, fireplace suites consist of four main components; an inset fire (either gas or electric), a surround/mantelpiece, a back panel and the hearth. These components are grouped together to create an area of interest that will enhance aesthetics and make your home more inviting. Fireplaces And Stove is why suites are ideal for anyone who wants to transform their home and give it a new look.

Suites are available in a wide range of finishes, styles and colours to suit any decor. There is also a range of options for the kind of flame effect, fire and heating output. Traditional fires that are gas-fueled are best suited to homes with chimneys. However, balanced flue fireplaces are safe to use without chimneys.

Electric fireplace suites are an excellent option for those who want to add an accent to their living spaces without the hassle of installing an old-fashioned wood burner or gas fire. These suites produce their own heat via a process called convection that draws in cool air, then heats it before venting it out into the room. They do not emit carbon monoxide, which is harmful to inhale.

The back panel

The name suggests that the back of your fireplace is at the rear of your fireplace opening and helps create an attractive 'n'-shaped design alongside the surround, mantelpiece and the inset fire. It is made from a variety of materials that are heat-resistant like granite and stone.

The majority of fireplace suites have back panels as part of an all-in-one solution; packaged alongside a surround, mantelpiece and inset fire appliance. This can be a great way to save time and hassle when installing the fireplace as the components are made to work seamlessly visually and structurally.

There are also standalone back panels that can be purchased which are perfect for situations when you're replacing an electric or gas fireplace and want to change the appearance of the existing chimney without having to remove it. These back panels are offered in various styles and materials so you can choose the best one for your home.

Back panels are not just stylish and stylish, but they're constructed of durable materials. This is important as they shield your floors and walls from the effects of a fireplace suite. This is especially important if you choose a solid fuel or gas fireplace suite. They can generate an enormous amount of heat that can be transferred through the ceiling or wall to the space.

A back panel will help you create a cohesive look for your fireplace suite especially if you are going for a contemporary design. For instance, this stunning flamerite Ador LED electric fireplace suite features an angled flame that enhances the look of your brand new fire. Combined with a modern open fronted electric fire this suite can create a stunning focal element in any living space and dining area or extension.

Additionally, the Elgin and Hall Farnham Deluxe suite features the popular Chollerton inset gas fire. The glass-fronted fireplace is a showpiece when paired with the limestone surround and back panel, it will elevate any home to new heights.

This beautiful wall-mounted Flamerite Edwin LED electric set is ideal for a minimalist approach. This suite can be mounted on any flat wall and controlled via the remote control included. It's simple to use and does not require chimneys or flue.

The surround/mantelpiece

Modern electric suites can be a fantastic alternative to traditional fireplaces that need an additional back panel, fire surround, and other components. They can be put on the wall in a straight line creating an impressive focal point. They are great for homes where space is at a premium or where a chimney and flue aren't in the budget.

Fires2U's electric fireplace collection has a range of styles and sizes, so you can find the right one for your home. Select from beautiful stone designs such as the Carron Corbel for the classic Georgian style, or opt for a more minimalist design with the Gallery Lincoln which boasts clean lines and simple elegance. Carron's Gallery Corbel is also popular with pine surrounds. This piece can be finished with wax or left unfinished to show the colour and texture of the wood.

You can select a marble surround for a more sophisticated look. The Elgin & Hall Vitalia Marble electric fire suite is a striking choice with its gorgeous details and an angled step design. If you're looking for something more elegant then the Pureglow Hanley is a great option. The surround is available in a grey finish. It is compatible with electric or gas fireplaces.

In addition to marble surrounds, you can also choose an edgier style by using the sleek look of an all-white unit. The Carron Ashleigh surround is a popular option and goes well with both electric and gas fires.

A traditional cast iron fireplace suite will always be a great choice for those who love the atmosphere of real flames burning within their living spaces. The Flamerite Aubade and Tennyson LED cast iron fireplace sets feature an elegant curved mantelpiece. They are designed to work with wood-burning, electric or gas fires. Standard, they include an adjustable remote that allows you to easily adjust the flame and lighting settings.

If you want to add a touch of luxury you should consider a deluxe fireplace suite? They are generally larger than standard ones, and can enhance the look of your living space. You can find them in a variety of colours and finishes to match your décor. You can even opt for a mirrored surround to create a dramatic effect and increase the amount of light that enters your living space.

The fire

The fire is the center of any fireplace set however, it doesn't have to be a fireplace that burns wood. Electric and gas are both options. It is important to select a design that fits your room and your requirements. You can also pick a larger fireplace or one with a larger screen that frames the fire to create a stunning focal in your room.

Think about the amount of heat your home will need when selecting the right fireplace set. This will depend on a few factors, including the wattage of the fireplace as well as the current rates for electricity, and how long you're planning on using it every day. To find this out, you need to divide the fire's wattage by the energy rate of your electricity provider per kilowatt hour.

A fire place's surround and mantelpiece will also play a big role in how it looks in your space. Some are designed with intricate designs that provide visual interest, while others have a more subtle look that blends into any interior style. There is a selection with an LED glow log to create the illusion of a fireplace without any fuel.

When it comes to fire places there are four types: wood (nice to feel and view but less efficient; emits air pollutants such as particulate matter carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide) gas (more efficient in energy use, but still produces carbon monoxide; burns natural or synthetic logs); and electric (uses a coil and fan process, doesn't release any dangerous gasses, and is extremely economical and cozy). Select a fireplace set-up with a high BTU rating to get the best results. This will heat your room faster and provide a more realistic flame effect.

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