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15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Overlook Fireplace Suites Electric
Electric Fireplace Suites

Electric fireplaces are available in a variety of designs and are simple to install. They are also cost-effective and don't require gas. They are a great option for homes that do not have a chimney.

These fireplaces with electric technology use LED lights and mirrors that create real-looking flame effects. They can even be used without heat. Some models even have smoke effects.

Easy to install

One of the most important aspects to know about electric fireplace suites is that they are very simple to install. They can be put in any place, as they don't require a chimney. There are many different styles and designs that can be adapted to any space. Some have built-in media cabinets making them the ideal option for those who live in apartments.

You should select a location for your fireplace suite. It is recommended to place it near a power outlet. If not, you'll need to install a new plug socket, and run the cable behind the wall. This can be accomplished easily by an experienced electrician.

You should also look into the power requirements of the fireplace set. There are a myriad of options and some require a specific kind of outlet. If you are unsure what power is required for your fireplace suite be sure to check the wattage of it and the current electricity prices. This will give an estimate of the cost of your fireplace per hour.

An electric fireplace suite is a great option to provide warmth and ambiance your home without having to sacrifice space. They're easy to install, and can be set up within minutes after unpacking. They're also an excellent choice for apartments as they don't require chimneys and can be installed in rooms with no ventilation.

Some models, such as the Elgin & Hall Pryzm Vardo are wall-mounted and can be used in any flat surface. Others, such as the Flamerite Aubade and Tennyson LED fireplace suite can be installed into a standard mantel surround. These units can be used to complement your central heating system. They are also safe for condominiums and apartments.

If you're looking to buy a chic contemporary and modern fire set-up look into the British Fires Winchester - an inset electric fireplace that has a a stunning white micro marble surround and glass front. The fire is also equipped with a matching hearth and back panel. It's an ideal solution for urban areas where fireplaces are prohibited or for those who do not want to face the difficulty of installing a wood or gas fireplace.

Versatile designs

There are a variety of options when it comes to selecting a fireplace suite. Some are fashioned with the traditional log effect while others offer more modern designs. They can be mounted above your TV or can stand free on a flat wall, depending on your preferences. Some of them also offer additional heating that can be beneficial in colder temperatures.

A freestanding electric fireplace suite is one of the best options. It can be set up anywhere you'd like. These units are simple to install and are a great choice for homes without fireplaces. They are available in a variety of finishes, which makes them flexible enough to fit any interior design style. Some are able to be used with driftwood or artificial logs.

A recessed electric fire suite can also be positioned in the wall. Some models are compatible with Amazon Alexa or Google Home. They have an ultra-slim profile with a remote and remote controller. Certain models come with lower lighting settings that is ideal to watch TV in low light. It is important to know that a fireplace with a recessed design emits less heat than one that is wood-burning.

An alternative to a fireplace that is recessed is a wall-mounted electric fire, which can be hung on the wall or mounted in the hearth. They are also great for condos and apartments, as they do not require vents or chimneys. Certain models are built with a built-in shelf, which can be used to store books or other items of decor.

When choosing a fireplace that is wall-mounted, it is important to take into consideration the dimensions of the room and the type installation. If you intend to mount your unit on a flat wall choose wall mounts that have a flush finish to match the wall's paint. This will stop the unit from sagging and appearing too large.

Certain electric fireplaces can serve as a focal point in your living space and others are a subtle accent. If you're looking for a subtle addition, consider a recessed electric fire suite with a glass front that is flat. This design is perfect for smaller spaces as it doesn't require any floor space. There are also recessed electric fire suites with concealed controls and a minimalist look to match modern decor.

Easy to maintain

Electric fireplace suites are easy to maintain because they don't require chimneys or gas lines. The fireplaces are also safe for pets and families with children because they don't emit sparks or smoke. They're also easy to operate with remote controls and timers. They can be utilized with or without heating, so you can enjoy the ambiance of warmth and flames all year round.

electric fireplaces suites have the ability to change the colour of the flames. So you can choose to blend in with your decor or celebrate holidays with themed flame colours. Some models allow you to choose between high- and low-light settings to match your personal preferences or the ambiance in the room.

Electric fire suites can also be advantageous because they can be hung directly on the wall, and do not require venting or flues. The heat they produce can be used to supplement your central heating, saving you money on energy costs during the winter. The majority of the electric fireplace suites from Fires2U feature heat vents on their bottom. This simulates the effect of real flames, and can produce up to 2kW of heat.

Electric fireplace suites are a great alternative for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. The electric fires at Fires2U are energy efficient and consume up to 1 kW per hour, which means you can cut down on electricity usage by using the fireplace suite during off-peak hours.

Full electric fireplaces usually consist of a fire, surround and mantlepiece, but some may also have a hearth and back panel. These fireplaces are great for those who enjoy the traditional look of a wood-burning stove but do not have the space or budget to install one in their home. These fireplaces are ideal for those who want to add a focal point for their living room. Examples include the Elgin & Hall Pryzm Vardo and Be Modern Flare Beadnell.

A majority of the electric fireplaces at Fires2U can be purchased with a complimentary stand or plinth to increase their value and utility. You can choose from a variety of finishes that will match your style and decor. They can be used in many rooms and on the majority of walls.

Simple to operate

Unlike a traditional fireplace, an electric suite doesn't need to be vented or professionally installed. You can simply plug it in, and then relax. These fireplaces also come with a range of customizable options to fit your home. Some models include LED flames that can be altered to various colors, logs, and more. There are even models that come with the ability to control the settings from anywhere in the room.

Online, you can find many different designs of electric fireplace suites. The Be Modern Holden Suite, for instance is a complete unit that only takes the time of assembling. It comes with a brushed steel fascia and fuel bed with pebbles. Its simple design makes it easy to match any decor. Certain electric fireplaces feature a wood veneer surround that can be waxed, varnished or painted to match your style.

Another advantage of electric fireplaces is their low power consumption. A typical electric fireplace uses around 1 kWh per day, which amounts to 18 cents. Several factors influence the amount of electricity that the suite consumes, such as the power of the fire, current energy prices and the frequency at which you'll be using it.

Electric fireplaces are not only easy to use, they also have a variety of advantages. For instance they are low maintenance cost and can heat multiple rooms at once. Electric fireplaces can also be a good choice if you don't have the space to build a traditional fireplace. Some models allow you to connect to your smartphone, allowing you to control the fire from any room.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace suite with a contemporary design can be a striking architectural feature in any living space. It can also be integrated into furniture, like media centers, to provide an inviting accent. Electric fireplaces are easier to maintain and don't require any chimney vents.

Electric fireplaces come in a variety of sizes that can be adapted to any space. They are also portable, so you can carry them with you if you move to a different place. Some models even come with built-in heaters which means you can keep the fire burning all year round.

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