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General rules
Don’t insult each other (too much)
Building Limit : 3 per province.
The size of your land doesn’t matter,but the number of provinces does.
Please calculate what money u use yourself so i dont have to do all work.


Dark Age – Starting . U can research tech 1-2
Feudal Age – 100g . U can research tech 3-5
Castle Age 500g , U can research tech 6-8
Imperial age 1000g – unlocks lvl 9+ techs

Expansion : Province costs 5g to expand . Provinces give +1 income while coastal ( and provinces near big rivers) give =2. You can only expand 10 provinces per turn .

Gov forms list, might be edited :

Merchant republic +1 trade agrement (can trade with 4 ppl instead of 3)
Constitutional Monarchy : price to get into new age lowered by 20%
Tribal monarchy : Farms give +1 income
Administrative Moanrchy : 10% technology cost reduction
Empire -You need at least 200 provinces and 2000 income : Previous bonus increased by 50%
Colonial Kingdom : income from colonies increased with 10%
Absolute Monarchy : Has twice as big army as normal
Khanate : can take 5 provinces per turn for free in ur countries ''Native'' area (your countries modern lands)
Democracy : +2 morale/turn


lvl 1 costs 20; lvl 2 costs 50 ,lvl 3 costs 90 , lvl 4 costs 90+50=140 lvl 5 costs 200 lvl 6 costs 270 lvl 7 costs 350 lvl 8 costs 440 lvl 9 costs 550 lvl 10 costs 1500

Administrative Tech

1.Rise of a civilization : Allows you build buildings and select a gov form.
2. Landgrabbing : you can now expand 20 provinces instead of 10
3.Taxation : U can tax the provinces but u lose morale if it’s more than 1 (tax=1 means 1 morale loss)
4. Religion : U can create your own religion .Creator gets +3 morale and 1 morale and 15g for each member.Members get 2 morale/turn and 15g/turn
5.Even more Landgrabbing : can expand 30 provinces instead of 20
6.Technological advancement : All next technologies will be 20% cheaper
7. Efficient economy +20% Income
8. National unity : + 5 morale / turn
9.Mercenaries: You can train army without using manpower but cost 4x more, max is 10 mercenaries.
10.Administrative reform : Gives you one of the following bonuses:
a)efficient integration : Allows you expand 20 more provinces but they cost double
b)efficient development : Reorganises cities so they have +1 building limit .

Diplomatic Tech
1.Basic ships : Allows you build fishing boats and transports
2.Way to light : Allows you build Lighthouses
3.Trade : Allows you trade slaves ,gold n shits with other niggas on the same continent ,getting 20% of their base income . Max 3 trades/player
4.You can send ships to increase trade power in a region (helps u steal trade from others once u got lvl 6)
5.Cartography: +20% income from trade
6.Extended diplomacy : You can diplomatically annex neighbouring provinces,but you don’t know how many. You can Also vassalize REAL COUNTRY MEMBERS if they accept(or destroy them via war)
7.Convert actions : You can make convert actions on your enemies.Those actions are made in priv . List of convert actions : Support Rebels ,Steal Trade, secretly send soldiers .
8. Imperial fleet : Naval Forcelimit increased double the normal.
9 .Trade Goods:Allows you select a main trade good with special effect on your country:
Ivory+350g/turn, trade income +5%
Iron : Cost of soldiers -10% ,200g/turn
Wood : Cost of ships -10% , 75g/turn
Wine: +2 morale/turn +100g/turn
Grain:50g/turn , 10% population increase
Salt : +150g/turn , negates morale loss if tax set on 1
Copper: +125g/turn , unit upgrade cost -50
10. Colonisation. only on areas known (for example: you cant colonise india until its a map in the game)

*Military tech – Look at army and navy for more info.

MIL 1: Clubman - 10 g
Mil 2 : Swordsman , Archer -20g
Mil 3 : Spearman,Skirmisher ,-25g Ram 50g
Mil 4 : Light Cavalry / Camel 40g Balista50g
Mil 5 : Two handed swordsman , crossbowman 30g
Mil 6 : Pikeman 30g , catapult 75g
Mil 7 : Champion, Elite skirmisher 40g
Mil 8 : Heavy Cavalry / Heavy camel 60g ,trebuchet 100g
Mil 9 : Harbeldier,Arbalester 50g
Mil 10 : Musketeer 70g ,Dragoon 85g , Cannon 150g


Dip 1 Transport Ship 10g
Dip 1 Fishing Boat 8 g
Mil 2 Galley 25g
Mil 3 Fire galley 35g
Mil 4 Galleon 35g
Mil 5 Demolition ship 30
Mil 6 Fire Galleon 45g
Mil 7 War Galleon 50g
Mil 8 Catapult Galley 45g
Mil 9 Catapult galleon 65g
Mil 10 Carrack 75 g


Fishing boat : 8g , 3g income
Lighthouse : 25g , increases fishing ship income by 1, capped at 8 income
City : 20g : +500 pop/turn ,8g / Turn and +25000 max pop.You MUST have 1 city each 3 provinces.
Metropolis :1000G :Requires 100.000 pop and 100 cities. It gives 20% more income and popualtion from cities.Also adds 5 building slots and 100.000 max pop.
Temple/Church/Mosque : 20g, 10 g/turn
Fort: 50g : can be built one each 10 procinces , gives -5 income but defends neighbouring provinces
Farm: 10 g ,gives 5g/turn and +100 population increase and +1000 maxpop
Mine :24g ,gives 14g/turn
Lumber camp : 15 g, gives 9g/turn
Marketplace :25g : increases trade cart income by 1 , capped at 7 income
Cart : 8g,2 income

Unique Buildings
these also require ADM tech 5 (except dock and archery range)

Road system: 5g*nr provinces you have. You get bonus 25% of your city income as base income
Great Market : 200g , +5% income from trade ,70g /turn
Great Church : 200g :70g/turn and +1 morale/turn
Wonder: 500g, gives unique bonus for your civilization
Dock(100G): Allows u build ships.You cannot have more ships than coastal provinces you have
Archery range 100G Allows you train archers
Academy 250G: Allows you train an unique unit for your civilisation (some countries will have common unique unit )
Gunpowder Thing 250G-Allows you train gunpowder units (you have to unlock them first)
Blacksmith 200G – Allows you upgrade your units . You need to be able to recruit them before upgrading them. Upgrade gives you +40% strenght each level .You can upgrade each type of soldier 5 Times.Costs 100(1st tier) /200(2nd tier)/300(3rd tier) to upgrade for first level and +100/200/300 for each level

*In cities you can build a Church without exceeding building limit .Cities are required to build this building.
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