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Five Reasons To Join An Online Buy Chest Freezer Uk Business And 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't
Why Buy a Chest Freezer?

If you want to cut down on food waste and get the most out of the bounty of their harvest, an upright freezer is a necessity. This simple model offers plenty of space and is affordable to operate, and its lid that is counterbalanced won't crash on you when you reach for the last piece of pizza.


Chest models are a good option for families who require more space for food storage. They are typically found in garages, basements or utility rooms. They come in various sizes, ranging from 100 litres up to 500 litres. Top-loading, they have the lid that opens up so that it is easy to access. A lot of them have a basket on top to store smaller, less frequently used food items.

The size of the freezer you choose depends on your storage needs and the number of people who live in your household. It is recommended to allow 2.5 cubic feet for every person in your household. Also, take into account the amount of frozen food you have. A larger freezer is more efficient when you intend to freeze large chunks of food or bulk ingredients.

If price is your primary consideration, we recommend the LOGIK L198CFB20 for its outstanding value and space-saving design. It has a spacious capacity of 93 litres and comes with a sleek black gloss finish that makes it a perfect match for modern kitchen designs. It also has a counterbalanced countertop which won't strike your head when you go to grab a slice of pizza. It's missing some convenient features, however like an electronic display and a fast freeze function.

Energy efficiency

A lot of times, they are utilized in a garage or utility room, chest freezers can be a convenient way to store extra food, especially for batch cooks and allotment holders. With their built-in sidewall insulation, they can withstand cold temperatures effectively and consume less energy than upright freezers. Plus, they can keep their contents frozen for up to three days when unplugged making them an excellent option for power outages and home moves.

A lot of our chest freezers are rated A+ for energy efficiency, and we also have a number of models that are frost free as well. It is important to note that these freezers typically cost less to run than defrosted manual models however they can also lower the amount of energy used and make more ice less frequently.

If you're looking to reduce your freezer's running costs opt for a model that makes use of the eco-friendly refrigerant, HFC-245fa. This information is available on the product's webpage or in the specifications of the freezer.


A chest freezer provides plenty of storage space to keep food items in the freezer in. Chest freezers feature an airtight seal across the lid, as opposed to open-door models with an upright design that could have gaps in the door frame. This helps in conserving energy and maintain a consistent temperature for food.

According to GE Appliances a chest freezer of average size requires 230 kwh each year to keep it at a constant temperature. This is less than the 240 kwh requirement by an upright freezer.

Choosing the right freezer size will depend on what you plan to keep in it. Maytag recommends allowing 2.5 cubic feet of storage space per person in your household however, some buyers may require more storage space than this. If you plan to freeze your meat or purchase in bulk you might require more space than a standard freezer.

Compact models, such as the Essentials C95CFW20 by Currys can be placed into a garage or utility room which isn't heated. These models are slim and appear more like mini fridges than traditional freezers. The Fridgemaster MCF198, available from Currys is a bigger option that can be placed in the kitchen, but also is a great choice for a garage, or an unheated utility. chest freezer for garage are an excellent choice for homeowners who want to have more space, but want to avoid the high running costs associated with the top deep freezers.


In a study of the history of domestic technologies, researchers from Finland, Norway and the UK have looked into how the freezer came to be accepted as a common household technology. Their research has revealed a complex process called 'domestication, where the social significance of a technological object is created as well as its configuration and how it is utilized. The freezer is a common household appliance. However, its widespread and uncritical acceptance is a sign of how complex the process of domestication is.

When you purchase a chest freezer, look for models that have child locks. These locks can prevent children from climbing into the freezer and getting trapped or suffocated. It's also important to look for a model with an open drainage system in the front so that any water left over from defrosting can easily be drained away. Some models include an upper basket to keep frozen peas upright and stop small items from getting lost.

There are many freezers that don't have interior lighting, which makes it difficult to discern what you're seeking in the dark. It's not necessarily an issue for a freezer that's only used for occasional grocery shopping. However, it can be problematic in the event that the food you're planning to store requires long-term storage or if you have children in the home who might be looking through the dark for food items.

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