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Ten Things Everyone Misunderstands About The Word "Prams 2 In 1"
Prams 2 in 1

It is important to consider how the model will fit your family's needs when selecting a stroller. Choose a product that is of high quality and meets British Safety Standards.

Two-in-one prams come with a pushchair, as well as a carrycot. They are ideal for newborns from six months. They are lightweight and compact but they are also durable.

From birth

Many prams 2 in one can be used from the time of birth because they come with a lie-flat carrycot or bassinet that provides a secure and cosy place for newborns to rest. Once pram 2 in 1 is ready, you will be in a position to convert the pram to a pushchair. This flexibility eliminates the need for separate purchases of prams and pushchairs, saving parents money and making it easier.

The sleek, modern designs are created with the concept of aesthetics and versatility in mind. They are available in a broad range of colours and styles that allow you to pick a design that matches your style and matches your home. They also feature practical features, like large storage baskets with adjustable handles that cater to parents of all sizes.

A stroller that can grow with your child is an excellent investment for all parents, particularly parents who are first-time parents or wish to secure their parenting equipment. This model from Junama includes a bassinet that is lie-flat that can be converted into an infant pram seat and later an infant stroller and toddlers. It's also compatible with a car seat, making it the ideal travel system that can simplify your life while saving money by not having to purchase each component separately.

Our Baby Gear Expert, Claire McCrory, was amazed by the pram's versatility and adaptable features. She liked the fact that it's light and easy to maneuver, even in rough terrain. It folds up compactly, as well, meaning it won't take up too much space in your boot or car. She was also impressed with the quality of the tyres, that are maintenance-free and come with six shock absorbers to protect your child from bumps and uneven surfaces.


Designed with the changing needs of your child in mind, 2-in-1 prams seamlessly transition between pushchair and pram modes. This flexibility will ensure that your child is comfortable during all stages of development, from the initial months in a pram carrycot until the latter years in a movable and practical pushchair. The adaptability of these models can also eliminate the need for multiple pram and pushchair purchases, making them a cost-effective choice.

The 2-in-1 prams are able to be folded up and stored when not in use. This design is space-saving and allows you to maximize your living space, and also reduce storage issues.


A 2-in-1 system provides ultimate comfort. It effortlessly transforms from a secure and cosy carrycot to an easy-to-manoeuvrable stroller for older infants and toddlers. A lot of them also have a spacious storage basket to hold your baby's necessities and a comfortable push handlebar that is adjustable for parents of all heights. This space-saving design makes it unnecessary to buy separate storage for your pushchair and pram which saves you time and money! All come with an ISOFIX-compatible car seat and base.

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