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Herein, a nanomessenger was prepared with signaling transduction cascades to amplify the regulatory activity of chemical messengers and mediate antitumor immunotherapy
Ca2+ and H2S as two chemical messengers were released from nanomessengers to synergistically elevate intracellular Ca2+ stress and mediate subsequent cell death. Meanwhile, zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) as a messenger amplifier suppressed the antideath effect of tumor cells. As a result, tumor cells underwent Ca2+-dependent cell death via signaling transduction cascades to release tumor-associated antigens, which further served as an in situ tumor vaccine to activate antitumor immunity. In vivo studies revealed that both primary tumors and distant metastases were markedly eradicated. Furthermore, immunological memory was fabricated to arrest tumor metastasis and recurrence. This work introduces cascade engineering into chemical messengers and thus offers a strategy for amplifying chemical messenger-mediated cellular regulation, which would promote the future development of chemical messenger-mediated immunotherapy.

̀.Shot noise in electron-beam lithography and line-width measurements.Electron-beam lithography is used extensively in nanoscience and technology for making masks for the semiconductor industry and, on a limited scale, for maskless lithography: that is, writing the patterns directly on the chip. We expect the latter application to extend in the years to come. Control of the dimensions of the written structures is essential in the semiconductor industry. For 45 nm generation, which is presently under development and should reach production at the end of the decade, the required control over the line width is between 1 and 5 nm, depending on the application. One of the factors of influence on the line-width control is the statistics in the number of electrons illuminating the resist.

This effect gives line edge roughness, or in other words a lack of control over the local position of a resist edge. This has long been recognized and often discussed. Recently, we developed an analytic model for the line edge position variation, which we shall illustrate and expand in this paper. The model, supported by Monte Carlo simulations, demonstrates that the line-width variation is inversely proportional to the dose used for the illumination of the resist. This makes it impossible to increase the lithography throughput by developing ultrasensitive resists. For 45 nm features written with a typical resolution of 30 nm, a 30 microC/cm2 resist gives 3 nm line-width variation over line segments of 45 nm long. The line width is usually measured in an adapted critical dimension scanning electron microscope (CD-SEM).

This measurement needs to be more precise than the result of the lithography step, so the requirements are typically sub-nm. Apart from UV-Activated Acid Generator to avoid systematic errors, this measurement also suffers from statistical variations, resulting from the finite number of electrons used for the measurement. In this paper we shall derive an estimate for that variation with a similar model as used for the shot noise effect in the lithography step. One of the conclusions is that for the most precise measurements of the line width it is not advisable to tune the CD-SEM for the best resolution. It is better to allow a larger probe size of the electron beam because that can be accompanied by a much larger current and thus a decrease in the noise level.Exploring the Evolution of Organofluorine-Containing Compounds during Simulated One potential source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in electronics fabrication wastewater are the organofluorine-containing compounds used in photolithography materials such as photoresists and top antireflective coatings (TARCs). However, the exact identities of these constituents are unknown and transformation reactions that may occur during photolithography may result in the formation of unknown or unexpected PFASs.

To address this knowledge gap, we acquired five commercially relevant photolithography materials, characterized the occurrence of organofluorine-containing compounds in each material, and performed simulated photolithography experiments to stimulate any potential transformation reactions. We found that photoresists and TARCs have total fluorine (TF) concentrations in the g L-1 range, similar to the levels of other industrial and commercial products. However, the target and suspect PFASs present in these materials can only explain up to 20% of the TF in a material. We evaluated wastewater samples collected after simulated photolithography experiments and used a mass balance approach to assess the extent of transformations. Although a number of target, suspect, and nontarget PFASs were identified in the wastewater samples, the extent of transformation was limited and the fluorine contained in the PFASs could not explain more than an additional 1% of the TF in the photolithography materials.Optimization of diffraction grating profiles in fabrication by electron-beam We propose a new design method for periodic diffraction gratings to be fabricated with direct-writing electron-beam lithography. When the grating has a small period, the proximity effect of electron scattering restricts the grating profile after developing.
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