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Jan 1919- Spartacist revolt
June 1919- Treaty of Versailles
March 1920- Kapp Putsch
Jan 1923- Occupation of the Ruhr
1923- Hyperinflation
August 1923- Stresemann becomes chancellor
Nov 1923- Munich Putsch
August 1924- Dawes Plan (800 million marks given to Germany)
July 1925 -Mein Kampf
1925- Locarno Pact (permanent demilitarisation of Rhineland, discussions about Germany joining League of Nations)
Feb 1926- Bamberg conference
Sep 1926- Germany joins League of Nations
August 1928- Kellogg-Briand pact (war is not a method to solve disputes)
August 1929- Young Plan (reduces Germany's reparations by 20%)
October 1929- Stresemann dies: the economic position is only flourishing on the surface. Germany is in fact dancing on a volcano. If the short-term loans are called in by America, a large section of our economy would collapse.
October 1929- Wall Street Crash
July 1932- Nazis are the biggest party in the Reichstag (230 seats)
Jan 1933- Hitler appointed chancellor
Feb 1933- Reichstag fire
Feb 1933- Reichstag Fire decree (day after Reichstag fire)
March 1933- Enabling Act passes
April 1933- Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
April 1933- establishment of Gestapo
July 1933- Concordat
June 1934- night of the long knives (at least 85 people- some sources say 400- including Ernst Rohm and von Shleicher)
1936- Berlin Olympics
Nov 1938- Kristallnacht
Sep 1939- WWII begins
August 1934- death of President Hindenburg
Sep 1935- Nuremburg Laws (Jews and Germans can't marry, Jews didn't have citizenship rights)
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