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The Reasons You Should Experience Servis Retro Fridge Freezer At Least Once In Your Lifetime
Servis Retro Fridge Freezer Review

With a stunning style, this servis retro fridge freezer is a steal. It costs almost half as much as the most popular retro model, and looks just as great.

Available in chilli red and classic cream, this model has a large capacity with an A+ energy rating as well as glass shelves for safety and a wine rack. It features a cooling system that circulates air to help recover quickly after an outage.


The Servis Retro Fridge Freezer is a stylish appliance that will bring a splash of colour to your kitchen. It is available in a variety of colours that include Chili Red, Classic Cream and Tangerine Dream Orange.

This fridge freezer offers an impressive 234-litre capacity for the refrigerator, which is ideal for families with children. This space is split into adjustable shelves and door pockets and one of them is specially designed for larger bottles of juice or milk. There's also a salad crisper and a wine rack.

As well as this the fridge has a total of 4 glass shelves and 3 drawers for freezers. The drawers and shelves are equipped with a clear front so you can easily locate the items you're looking for. The fridge freezer also features a multi airflow cooling system which keeps food fresher longer, and a fast freeze feature that helps to ensure your frozen foods are thawed quickly and evenly.

This fridge freezer is A+ rating for energy efficiency, and consumes less than 325 kWh each year. It will help you save money on your electricity bills. It also has an anti-frost system that eliminates the need for manual defrosting and a cooling fan that blows cold air into all areas of the fridge, which helps keep food cooler.

This fridge freezer comes with a number of features, including an automated defrost system and electronic controls, a an reversible door, a wide-width chrome wine rack and salad crisper. It is also energy efficient, with a low A+ rating and comes with a manufacturer's guarantee of two years to provide peace of mind.

This fridge freezer's sleek body and black finish will make it the focal point of any kitchen. The chrome handles, trim and the Servis name in bold chrome letters highlight the retro style. There's a large LED display that lets you know when the freezer or fridge requires attention. This can be turned off for even more energy savings.


The Servis retro fridge freezer is a fun and vibrant addition to any kitchen. It is available in a range of vibrant colors, such as cherry red and blue as well as classic white and black vinyl. Its design is definitely retro with chrome handles and a sleek finish, but it also offers modern convenience. The fridge comes with adjustable shelves and a wine rack that can be used to save space. The door on the inside of the fridge features an elongated shelf for butter sticks, a large shelf for single-serve bottles of water and small cartons and two shelves that are taller to prevent jostling.

The Retro Fridge Freezer from Servis is available in several eye-catching colors that include jet black, cream, chilli red, pistachio green, and Tangerine Dream. These vibrant colors will add color to your kitchen and spark conversations at family gatherings. This fridge freezer has a huge freezer with a full width chrome wine rack, and a 335 litre capacity.

This gorgeous fridge-freezer made by Servis has a no-frost system that allows you to use it without defrosting. It will save you time and energy. The interior is spacious and clean, and it has adjustable shelves for a flexible and functional space. It is equipped with a 330-litre fridge capacity and an A+ energy rating.

The Servis Retro Fridge-Freezer in Cream is a chic choice for any kitchen. Its chrome trim and the curved stainless handles give it a classic 1950s look. Its glass shelves are simple to clean and offer ample storage. Its top-mounted refrigerator makes it more accessible and is more practical than other refrigerators. It has an A+ energy rating and retails at about $1,500. This is a fantastic fridge freezer for those who love to bake because it offers plenty of room for all the baking ingredients.


The Servis Retro refrigerator freezer is designed to bring a bit of the 1950s to the modern kitchen. It has handles made of stainless steel that are curved and chrome trim, as well as various fun colors such as creamy and robin's eggs blue. The fridge is Energy Star certified and has an internal LED lighting system and comes with a no-frost option that removes the need for manual defrosting. The fridge is equipped with adjustable glass shelves as well as door pockets that help maximize storage space.

This fridge is perfect for families with small children. Its sleek design and vibrant colors make it a standout piece that will fit in with any space. Some reviewers on the internet complain that the cost is too high, but this is an affordable option for those looking to add a touch of nostalgia to their kitchens.

Smeg's FAB50 is its largest retro fridge. It has a total of 19,3 cubic feet of freezer and refrigerator space. It is available in several colors, including classic cream pastel green, and cherry red. The refrigerator also comes with a no-frost system, internal LED lighting and noise alerts that warn you if the fridge is operating too loudly. The fridge is also fingerprint-resistant and can hold magnets, and it's ADA-compliant with handle placements that are lower to the ground than most other fridges.

The fridge is a beautiful refrigerator, even though it doesn't have as many color options as SMEG. The stainless steel finish makes it easy to clean, and the retro design can be incorporated into many kitchen decor styles. The fridge is also quiet and offers plenty of space for snacks and small meals. It is Energy Star certified, and the freezer has a no-frost feature and a fully automatic ice maker.

A new addition to the Retro collection is this metal cased Servis fridge freezer. It's available in a range of appealing colours, ranging from jet black to classic chilli red, cream and pistachio-green. It's targeted at the retro-style market championed by Smeg but is much less expensive. It has a 335-litre capacity as well as an all-width chrome wine rack and an energy rating of A+.


The retro-styled Servis refrigerator freezer is the perfect option for any kitchen that wants to make a bold statement. The fridge is available in a variety of colors such as Chilli Red and Classic Cream. It is also available in Pistachio Green, Tangerine Dream Orange and Pistachio Green. The fridge is energy efficient and A+ and has a capacity of 335 litres and an elegant wine rack. Although it doesn't have all the gadgets that people are searching for, it has great functionality at an affordable price.

The retro fridge freezer with its stylish handle design is a perfect addition to any kitchen. The interior is clean and tidy with a large fridge, eye-level freezer storage space with adjustable glass shelves as well as a space-saving wine rack. A high A+ energy rating helps to reduce electricity costs and the freezer comes with three drawers for ice cubes with clear fronts for easy access to your ice cream or frozen items.

A full length wine rack is included as standard in the freezer compartment, giving ample space to store your favourite bottles. This fridge freezer features an automatic freeze function that can reduce temperatures to very low levels. This will ensure that your food items are frozen quickly and equally. This fridge freezer is designed to be quiet, with an incredibly low noise level of 39 decibels (A-weighted).

While the design of this retro fridge freezer will certainly divide opinions, it is definitely practical and stylish. With 237 cubic litres of fridge space as well as an ample freezer capacity of 98 litres, this model can easily meet the needs of most families. It comes with no frost technology that blows cold air through both compartments to cool the food more evenly and reduce the requirement for defrosting. The refrigerator is incredibly quiet, too it has the noise level being just 39dB during our tests. This is one the most quiet fridges and freezers we've test. Reversible doors allow you to open the door either left or right handed. It has an integrated chrome handle and chrome trim on the reversible door.

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