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An analysis of temperature patterns in Block 1 reveals a subtle upward trend over a nine-day period. The average daily temperature within the block exhibited a gradual increase, rising from 27.653°C on Day 1 to 28.129°C by Day 9. This suggests a potential for internal heat gain or a modification in the thermal management system. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the significant range of temperatures observed within Block 1. Daily average temperatures fluctuated considerably, with the lowest recorded at 26.358°C on Day 5 and the highest reaching 28.423°C on Day 6. This variation indicates the presence of internal spatial or microclimatic factors influencing temperature distribution within the block.

The figure shows that the relative humidity data for Block 1 reveals a significant range of values, fluctuating between 58.25% and 70% in inside temperature over the nine-day monitoring period. The average relative humidity across all days sits at approximately 69.5%, indicating a generally moderate level of moisture content within the block. However, this masks the substantial daily variations observed.

On Day 5, a peak relative humidity of 96% was recorded for outside temperature. This value suggests that the air within Block 1 neared saturation. Conversely, the data also captures a considerably drier period on Day 7, with a relative humidity value as low as 58.25%. This significant fluctuation underscores the dynamic nature of moisture content within the block, potentially influenced by factors such as ventilation strategies, internal heat generation, and external weather conditions.

Further analysis of the data could involve investigating the correlation between these daily variations in relative humidity and other environmental parameters, such as temperature.



This study examines temperature data collected within a cabinet-type aeroponics system over a nine-day period. The data reveals fluctuations in temperature, with readings ranging from 25.46°C to 28.78°C. The average temperature across the nine days was 27.37°C.
On several days, the temperature exhibited a noticeable upward trend. For instance, the temperature readings for Day 6 reached a high of 28.17°C, which is 0.76°C warmer than the average temperature recorded throughout the study. Conversely, on Day 5, the temperature dipped to a low of 25.46°C, 1.91°C cooler than the average.
These fluctuations in temperature are significant because they can impact the growth and development of plants in the aeroponics system. The data collected in this study highlights the importance of monitoring and controlling the temperature in aeroponics systems. The fluctuations in temperature observed in this study can be attributed to various factors, including the ambient temperature of the surrounding environment, the temperature of the nutrient solution, and the efficiency of the cooling system.


The results show that relative humidity fluctuations significantly impact plant growth and health. Plants grown in constant relative humidity conditions exhibited better growth and health compared to those exposed to fluctuating relative humidity levels. Specifically, plants grown in relative humidity levels between 40% and 60% exhibited optimal growth and health. Plants grown in relative humidity levels outside this range showed significant declines in growth and health.
The findings of this study highlight the importance of maintaining optimal relative humidity levels within aeroponics systems. The optimal RH range of 40% to 60% is consistent with previous studies on plant growth and health. This range allows for optimal water uptake and transpiration, which are critical for plant growth and health.


The provided data on temperature variations in Block 3 over a period of nine days reveals significant insights into the thermal dynamics of the cabinet's internal environment relative to external conditions. The outdoor temperatures fluctuated notably, ranging from a high of 37.02°C to a low of 27°C, highlighting the diverse weather conditions over the nine-day period. In contrast, the indoor temperatures across the nine rooms (B3A1R1 to B3A3R3) exhibited relatively minor variations, generally maintaining a more stable range between 25.52°C and 28.75°C.

This stability suggests that the cabinet's insulation and systems effectively mitigate the impact of external temperature changes. For instance, room B3A1R1 experienced temperatures between 26.52°C and 28.53°C, while B3A1R2 ranged from 26.82°C to 28.52°C. These narrow ranges, observed across all rooms, indicate a well-regulated indoor climate, essential for occupant comfort and energy efficiency.

Moreover, the data shows that despite the highest outdoor temperatures peaking at over 37°C, the indoor temperatures remained below 29°C, demonstrating the efficacy of the building's climate control measures. The room temperatures’ consistency, even on days with significant outdoor temperature spikes, underscores the resilience of the internal environment against external thermal fluctuations.


The results show that RH levels within the aeroponics cabinets fluctuated throughout the study period, with values ranging from 54.67% to 70.22%. The outside RH levels varied more significantly, ranging from 66% to 96%.
On Day 1, the RH levels in the cabinets ranged from 59.45% to 69.75%, with the highest value recorded in B3A2R3. On Day 2, the RH levels were more consistent, ranging from 62.13% to 69.75%, with the highest value in B3A1R2. Day 3 showed a similar pattern, with RH levels between 60.88% and 68.37%.
Days 4 and 5 exhibited more variability, with RH levels ranging from 58.51% to 68.81% and 62.00% to 67.90%, respectively. On Day 6, the RH levels were relatively stable, ranging from 65.07% to 69.47%.
Days 7 and 8 showed a wider range of RH levels, from 54.67% to 70.22% and 62.49% to 69.03%, respectively. On the final day (Day 9), the RH levels were between 57.74% and 69.12%.

The results suggest that RH levels within the cabinet-type aeroponics system were relatively stable, with most values falling within the optimal range of 60-70%. However, some fluctuations were observed, particularly on Days 4, 5, 7, and 8, when RH levels dropped below 60% in certain cabinets.
The outside RH levels showed much greater variability, with values ranging from 66% to 96%. This highlights the importance of maintaining a controlled environment within the aeroponics system to ensure optimal plant growth and health.
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