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"My name is Buttercup, crown prince of the Eldarin kingdom of Acacia... no, it's a far-off realm, you wouldn't have heard of it."

Acacia, a land so mysterious that not even the greatest scholars have heard of its existence, yet with a history so rich and so vast that Buttercup could speak for days on end of his culture and heritage. Of the great festivals and wonderous halls of its libraries that populated throughout. Perhaps, given its lack of documentation, you might feel inclined to believe it was merely a product of his wild imagination. Yet, how could anyone, singlehandedly, conjure a fictious reality so monumental?

Regardless of however deeply he may believe in this kingdom, however, the truth is that no library in all the realms would document the existence of such a place, for the simple fact that such a place does not exist. As strange as it may sound, the five hundred generations of heritage, as well as every other aspect of Acacia's history and culture, amounted to nothing more than a maniacal daydream.

For what reason could anyone have to conjure such a lie?

Nobody knows, nor would anyone care to seek out the truth of this matter, as there is no cause to doubt the apparent - if false - fact that Buttercup is, indeed, the heir to an obscure bloodline. Because there is no evidence to any other point of origin for the shadar-kai, either. He is caught between the evident lack of a backstory and the more believable lie he has given himself and his peers. Regardless of its authenticity, it is far more wise to believe the former in such a scenario.

Perhaps the answer would lie in his mask. After all, it is what Buttercup considers his most prized possession, even if he does not know why himself. Unlike his backstory, which he firmly believes in, he will admit that he does not know where the mask came from, nor why it has become so special to him. He firmly regards the mask as special nonetheless, and refuses to remove it unless it is absolutely necessary, even though there seems to be no adverse effects when the mask is removed.

Sometimes, he will acknowledge that he feels like the mask was a gift from an old friend of his, though he will also remark that he has no recollection of such an event taking place.
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