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1. Tips for AD Carries

It is best to trade in lane when all the melee minions are gone
When engaging(doesn't matter where) it's best to position behind the support and/or next to your mid laner.
While engaging fights in bot lane, when you start taking aggro back off and when your support takes aggro, attack the enemy AD if in range. If the enemy AD isn't in range you can attack the enemy support
Use your Dashes(Lucian E, Ezreal E etc.) to focus the jungler that engaged first. (Alot of people don't understand this but in Korea we tend to focus the enemy jungler first.)
Don't attack pink wards in team fights (This isn't really a tip but there's a huge investigation going around where a famous streamer in Korea got caught for using a script and one of those evidence is him attacking a pink ward 5 times in a team fight precisely)
With Ezreal you can dodge the Alistar W-Q combo.(When you get hit by Alistar's W and then use your Arcane Shift you won't get knocked up)
It's best to max Caitlyn's skill in this order. R>Q>W>E
With Sivir's spell shield dodge the following
Alistar's W-Q combo
Thresh's E
Bard's Q
Trundle's Q
Nautilus's AA, R
Sona's Ult, Q Powerchord
Braum's Passive when it activates
Nami's W
Lulu's Q
Leona's Q
Morgana's R
Janna's W
Taric's E
(The similarity with these skills is that they're hard to avoid or is a targeting skillshot)
When engaging Juke while calculating ahead. (While fighting it's best to juke only in one direction. Juking forward in some situations is good. When Juking think that your going to give up 1 Auto Attack and in that time when you move forward it'll be easier to dodge skill shots.
When using Sivir's Spell shield to block Zed's Ultimate use it until all of his shadows has been used.
Always think about the enemy's most important CC(EX. Nasus's Wither range is 600. When playing Sivir you can predict when he will use it and you can block the effect.)
When you start fight's with Lucian's E and use all your skills(and passive in between)you can use your E again.
When using global Ultimates (Jinx Ezreal Ashe) think ahead where the target is going to go after 8 seconds
The most important thing about ADC's is positioning. Always think about where I can DPS easier while playing.(While you play though, sometimes you don't think about your positioning. However, If you actually think about it you'll actually see that your positioning better.)
Kalista can double jump(Q+ Passive)
Let's use Kalista's W. (People learn it but never use it..)
Phantom Dancer is good
Let's ban Kogmaw
The damage from Corki's Package is extremely strong. You can just place it on the ground but If you use it as a damage source it is extremely good.
It is wrong to trade while losing CS. It is Best when you scale and trade.
You can dodge Twitch's Ultimate.
Ashe's slow gets higher based off of her Critical strike.
You can QSS Fiora's ult.
2. Things to consider while DPSing

Does the enemy i'm attacking have to die now?
For example, I see people attack a Alistar that used his W-Q and ulted. You don't have to attack him but the fact that he's in front of you just makes you want to focus him. I don't understand why your trying to kill Alistar first. A Alistar that used his W-Q is useless. Ignoring him and attacking other champions is good. Using this as an example, finding an opening to engage on the enemy backline is an extremely good option.
Is this position safe?
It's not always safe to be next to your mid laner or behind your support. The best position is the range of where you won't get hit by the enemy's skillshot by a hair. Always keep in mind of the enemy's initiation skills and it will help you improve. (Ex. Lissandra's E range is 1100 Fiora's Q is 430. Always DPS around that range.
Always keep in mind of things we have to juke or QSS
Think of skills we have to juke precisely while DPSing and if you dodge these skills you'll win teamfights. If your Sivir Always spell shield skills that we have to block.(Malphite R, Ahri E, Lux Q etc.) Think of skills we have to QSS (Lissandra R, Zed R, Fiora R, Mordekaiser R etc.)
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