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Accidental Arson marshmallows- Bored things featuring Zaza and Gremlin, mention of Crazy (She's the only one who can drive without crashing (Ofc she wants to but thats the only truck they own and its used for bombing things))
Warnings- Arson (Ofc), Crimes,
"Light it!"
Zaza struck the match and hurried outside as they started the campfire. The flames immediately jumped up the walls.
"...Uh oh. We did not think this through."
Gremlin grabbed Zaza and dragged her outside, watching as the third house this week went up in flames. People were already calling the firefighters and ambulances. Luckily, there wasn't anyone home except for these two. They stood outside, watching the flames rise up. Gremlin pulled out her phone.
"Time to ask Crazy whether she can drive us back to the apartments."
"She's gonna be upset. She wanted to sleep."
"Not our fault we burnt a house down."
"Actually, it is our fault, but who cares."
"Agreed, besti."
Gremlin fumbled with her phone, punching in numbers as the call went through. After a quick talk, gremlin hung up.
"She said no, and to walk back home because she wants to sleep."
"Aww, 4th besti doesn't care about us."
Zaza turned to her bag and pulled out a bunch of marshmallows.
"Want one?"
Gremlin nodded and took one, placing it on a stick. They sat there and roasted marshmallows as chaos reigned around them.
"This is fun!"
Zaza nodded.
"Arson is always fun."
They sat there until they ran out of marshmallows. Then gremlin had an actual thought.
"Uhhh... Zaza?"
"Yea besti?"
"...How are we gonna get back?"
They spent the rest of that time they had pleading with Crazy to pick them up. She eventually agreed when they promised to stop trying to commit crimes without her. Then Crazy came to pick them up.
"Get in, idiots. We're going to be legal here."
They, in fact, ended up on the run for speeding and bombing. So, no, no they were not legal. But illegal things are funny when its fiction, so i guess it works?
They ended up arrested btw and Anime had to bail them out with Gremlin's chocolate money. Safe to say that Zaza and Gremlin were not allowed outside the apartment building until they stopped commiting crimes that would obviously get them caught.
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