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14 Smart Ways To Spend Your Left-Over Bio Fire Budget
The BIOFIRE System and Your Immune System

The BIOFIRE System offers syndromic testing for infectious diseases, allowing healthcare providers to select the right test the first time. Patients benefit from quicker diagnosis and more targeted treatment. Clinicians benefit from a better stewardship of antibiotics. Labs save money and increase efficiency.

The BioFire Pneumonia Plus Panel (PN panel) examines native sputum (including mini-BAL) as well as endotracheal sludge and bronchoalveolar slurries (including mini BAL) for 33 clinically important pathogens and resistance genes to antimicrobials in one hour.


The burning of biomass (wood plants, agro-forestry and other organic materials) produces gaseous pollutants as well as fine particulate matter which negatively impact the respiratory system. Moreover, the environmental problems caused by forest fires, like droughts, could be potentiated by climate change, which can increase their negative impacts on the human health.

In the United States wildfire smoke is linked to hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, and lung cancer. In addition, this type of air pollution is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and is a significant contributing factor to the burden of illness in the most vulnerable populations that include those with lower socioeconomic status (SES).

In the COVID-19 epidemic, many communities were exposed to harmful levels of air pollution from wildfires. The public health response has been limited to a communication campaign about symptom management. This knowledge gap is alarming, considering the evidence that smoking cigarettes and other sources of air pollution can cause health problems.

Researchers are currently assessing the best way to safeguard public's health in the event of future events of this nature. NIH is funding research on this critical public health problem through the BLUE CORAL study and its successor FIRE CORAL.

For the first time an prospective cohort study will assess long-term outcomes from exposure to smoke from wildfires and other sources. FIRE CORAL recruits adult participants who are admitted to hospital for COVID-19 index episodes and who speak English or Spanish, but are not pregnant. The Fire Coral protocol includes a variety of assessments in person that objectively measure pulmonary function testing, lung imaging and functional assessment.

Smoke and other particles can cause or worsen respiratory problems like emphysema COPD, and pneumonia. Smoke exposure can have negative effects on your health. To lessen or stop these effects, you should avoid outdoor activities and use the EPA "N95" mask. The mask is designed to capture small particles.

Smoking can cause irritation to the eyes, throat and nose. To minimize symptoms, the lungs should be flushed by drinking plenty of water and taking medications that decrease inflammation, like corticosteroids.


Your bloodstream is at the forefront of fighting germs that invade your body. Dendritic cells, which are special cells, act as a call center your fire department. They collect antigens from germs and release proteins that signal other white cells to fight off them. Circulating total white blood cells, differentials, and band cells were elevated after firefighters' firefighting shifts, as compared to levels after strenuous physical exertion without fire-fighting.


As the wildfires in California produced smoke and ash into the air during fall and winter dermatologists were concerned how it could affect the skin of those who were exposed to it. Maria Wei is a graduate student at the University of California, Irvine. She examines how extreme wildfire pollution impacts the skin. Her research was published on April 22 2012 in Scientific Reports.

Wei's research shows that the temperature of the skin varies based on the length of time that the body is exposed to flames. It can take up to two hours for the skin of a person to reach its "flash point"--the moment at which it begins to burn and turn into ash. That's why it's important to not stay near an open flame or campfire and why you should wear protective clothing if you are outdoors during a forest fire, or even just an extremely hot day.

Forest fires will continue to occur, despite the steps implemented to reduce the risk of fires from causing pollution. Wei is forecasting that the number of people suffering from the effects of wildfires will rise as climate change causes more forests to burn. This means that more people will need to wear long sleeves, hats and thick moisturizers.

It's also important to know that atopic dermis (itchy skin) that many people suffer from can be made worse by air pollution from wildfires. She says that the particles in smoke can block pores and cause atopic skin to become worse.

Atopic dermatitis can cause people to be more sensitive towards UV light. This can be exacerbated by smoke from wildfires. This could lead to people seeking out tanning salons to get tanned with less protection.

While a ice and fire facial can help lessen the effects of atopic dermatitis, it is not safe for those with an open wound or rash on their face. This treatment is not recommended for patients with active acne or if you are pregnant or nursing. The IS Clinical Fire & Ice Facial is offered at Novuskin Las Vegas' premier membership MedSpa is a results-driven intensive facial that bridges a mild facelift and a peel, but without the need for any downtime. It's designed to rejuvenate the skin, alleviate rosacea symptoms, decrease acne scarring, reduce wrinkles, and promote cell renewal. This is a fantastic treatment to give your skin a radiant glow.


The human body is a multi-faceted network of organs and tissues that work to guard us against infection. Infections can be caused by microorganisms like parasites, viruses, and bacteria which infect healthy cells, causing them to multiply uncontrollably. If this happens, your immune system may react with symptoms of illness. bio-fuel fires could range from a swollen or achy nose to a stomach upset however, they may also include a fever that is high swelling of the glands, a rash. The nature of the infection and its location can affect your symptoms.

Infections can spread in different ways, but the most common is via droplets of air that remain after coughing or sniffling. Bacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, strep throat, meningococcal disease, and Legionnaires disease spread this way, along with some viral infections, such as the common cold and influenza. Certain bacteria-related infections, like skin infections and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like gonorrhea or chlamydia, are spread by contact with infected tissue or mucous membranes or by indirect contact with surfaces that are contaminated. Some bacterial diseases are carried by bugs like ticks, mosquitoes or fleas, and are transmitted when they bite you.

Viruses and some parasites are small enough to enter your bloodstream and infect your cells, which can cause serious illness like the common cold or AIDS. Fungi cause many skin conditions, like ringworm and athlete's foot. Other types infect the lungs or nervous system, such as the rabies virus.

The BioFire Panel employs our revolutionary FilmArray technology to analyze sputum and bronchoalveolar fluid samples to determine a comprehensive list of pathogens involved in upper respiratory infection. The kit includes a reagent bag that contains all the chemistry needed to perform reverse transcription, nested multiplex PCR, and detection in one machine. This is a straightforward solution that aids clinicians in identifying and treat patients with a variety respiratory symptoms. This test has been given an Emergency Use Authorization. It is available in bioMerieux CLIA medium and high complexity laboratories.

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