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Take A Look At You The Steve Jobs Of The Stand Alone Electric Fireplace Industry
The Benefits of a Stand Alone Electric Fireplace

Stand alone electric fireplaces are easy to put in. They don't require mounting brackets and are not integrated into a wall. They can be moved from one place to another.

They don't emit harmful emissions and can be connected to any outlet of the house. They can even work with Amazon Alexa for voice activation.

Safety Features

As opposed to traditional wood-burning fireplaces electric ones do not require venting and are much simpler to install. They are available in a range of styles and can be wall-mounted or freestanding. They're also a safe option for families with young children due to their low energy consumption. However, it is essential to make sure that the fireplace is UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or ETL (Electrical Testing Laboratory) certified for safety. If you have children or pets, it's a good idea choose a fireplace with child locks.

Electric fireplaces are also an excellent alternative since they do not emit harmful byproducts such as creosote and carbon monoxide. white freestanding electric fireplace is recommended to check with your local power company to determine if they generate electricity that can be used to power the fireplace.

This electric fireplace has separate switches for heating and the flames. You can adjust the brightness and height of the flames, as well as the glowing embers to create a warm and cozy atmosphere. You can also turn on the flames without the heat to create a summery fake-fire effect. The installation challenge of this device could be a drawback for some, but the impressive heating output and realistic flame display are well worth it.

This model has flames that are multi-colored to enhance the realism. The heater can heat up to 1,000 square feet of space. You can feel the warmth up to six feet away, which makes it a fantastic option for a large area. It is nevertheless important to keep other objects, blankets, toys, and furniture away from the fireplace for safety reasons.

This fireplace has a modern appearance and can be a freestanding unit or a mounted on the wall. The front of the heater gets hot when it is in use however the glass is cool to the touch. To prevent airflow from being blocked, it's important to keep draperies and other objects out of the way. If you're worried about overheating, this fireplace has an inbuilt timer that can stop the heat at 30 minutes to 9 hours. Always read your user's manual prior to using the fireplace to ensure that the timer is turned off.

Heat Output

Electric fireplaces provide additional heat and ambience without the necessity of an electric line, chimney or ventilation. They can be moved from room to room and are a great feature for any home. If you are shopping for a stand-alone unit, make sure it comes with multiple heating settings to meet your requirements. Also, ensure that it is equipped with an automatic shutoff function when the unit reaches the temperature you want. Some models come with a remote and sleep timer as well.

They're easy to use

In our tests, all electric fireplaces were easy to operate and use. The majority of electric fireplaces can be connected directly into the standard socket of a household. However, you must go through the user's manual to ensure that the fireplace you have is on a circuit breaker. Using a shared breaker can cause overloading of the outlet and could create the risk of fire.

Some of our picks, like the Costway electric fireplace, are compact and portable and have flames that can be switched on separately from the heat. Some models, like the Real Flame Highland FP 360-PEL come with a large flat top which can accommodate a wide-screen TV as well as a built-in shelving for storage or decoration.

Consider an electric fireplace with mantel that has the traditional style. Some come with log sets that replicate the appearance of a burning fire.

Flame Effects

If you opt for an electric fireplace that is freestanding, you can experience flame effects that look quite real. They create a realistic-looking flame that's almost like an actual fire, but without the hassle. They don't require chimneys or special venting, and they do not produce smoke or ash. They can be used all year long and even in the event of burn restrictions in the area.

You can choose from a variety of flame styles for your electric fireplace and most models come with different heat settings so that you can adjust the ambience of any room. Some come with remote control, and some are compatible with smartphones and other smart devices, so you can alter settings on the go. You can also set a timer to your fireplace, and many come with multiple modes to help you get the most of it.

Several companies manufacture different types of flames for their electric fireplaces, including ones that look very realistic, and others that appear more fun. GreatCo and Dimplex are among the top brands that provide these types of options. GreatCo's Linear Wall Mount Units, for example, use a "multifire" technology that uses multiple colors and combinations of flames to create an impressive display. Dimplex has its OptiV flame effect that is extremely real and magical at the same at the same time.

The flames in an electric fireplace aren't hot and therefore aren't an issue for safety concerns for children and pets. They're also not a fire hazard and you don't have to worry about the risk for damage or cleanup when you need to move furniture or rearrange your room. Additionally, you can easily switch them off when the mood strikes.


Take a look at your options if are looking for an electric fireplace. There are a myriad of models, brands, and types to choose from. If you're not careful, you may end up with a fireplace that isn't working or isn't suited to your requirements. The right unit for your house will also depend on how much heating it requires and whether or not you want an installation that is portable or permanent.

Easy installation is one of the major advantages of electric fire. The majority of them can be put in the wall and connected to an outlet that is 120-volts in size. They are a great option for homeowners who do not want to invest in an expensive recessed model or cannot install one due to lack of space.

It's worth noting that certain models can be wired too however this will require the assistance of a professional electrician. If you decide to do this, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions closely and allow ample time for the electrical work. Typically, this involves running a length of 12 gauge wire through the frame of the wall and connecting it to a dedicated circuit breaker of 20 amps, in accordance with the local code specifications. It is important to keep the circuit breaker off until the wiring is complete.

When you're done, the electric fireplace will be ready to use. The instructions for connecting the appliance to a power supply are generally simple. After that all you need to do is plug it in and switch it on to begin taking in the warm air and flickering flames. You can change the color of the flames and the appearance of the logs at any time making it a flexible option for your living room or bedroom. The flames are also cool to touch, which is great when you have pets or children at home. This is a better alternative to an actual fireplace that burns wood and can help you save money on heating expenses.

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