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Prams Explained In Fewer Than 140 Characters
What's the Difference Between Prams, Buggys and Pushchairs?

A nimble and lightweight pushchair with a compact and light weight, this Mamas & Papas model nips effortlessly through urban environments and can be used as part of a travel system by the addition of the carrycot. It's ideal for countryside landscapes, too, thanks to foam-filled tires.

The flat, flat position of a pram is great for newborns, as it allows them to breathe and grow. These types of prams are usually equipped with a cocoon or bassinet.

Baby Carriage

Parents who are new to the world can be faced with a difficult task of choosing the best baby transport. Terms like pram, buggy and pushchair are tossed around a lot and it's often unclear what the difference is between each one.

The term pram was used to refer to any wheeled device for carrying children. They varied from small, hand-held baskets to larger elegantly constructed carriages that could be pulled by a draft animal. They were typically designed to look like shells and included a hood, handlebar and storage space. In the 19th century the improvements were made to prams to make them safer for infants and their caregivers. These included adding a brake and models that folded, as well as designs for parasols.

The modern pram is more versatile and practical alternative to the traditional ones. It has a comfortable seat for your child with reclining positions that can be adjusted and a spacious deep bassinet or carrycot. Many prams are also convertible into pushchairs by using the same chassis and an additional car seat carrycot, bassinet or carrycot.

As they grow older, they're able to transition from the pram to a pushchair. The difference between them is not significant, but pushchairs designed for older babies are better for longer walks and trips. The seat is bigger and is often positioned away from the parent for exploration, but also toward them when bonding. Some pushchairs also come with a canopy as well as a storage basket and handlebar that can be adjusted to meet the needs of a growing baby.

If you're in the market for a new pram, pushchair or baby buggy, there's a wide selection of options to choose from at Babyfair. You can even opt for an option that offers the best of both worlds: the pram can be converted into a pushchair and car seats that snap into place on the base. This allows the baby to be moved into and out of the pram without disturbing their sleep or crying and is ideal for long walks or travel. The chassis is light and folds down to allow it to fit into the boot or trunk of a vehicle easily.

Travel System

Travel systems are the ideal option for parents who wish to travel with their baby in the comfort of their home. A travel system is a frame that fits the pushchair that is equipped with a car seat or carrycot. This makes it simple to move a baby who is sleeping from the car to the stroller without them awakening.

A good option for parents who are new to the parenting world, a travel system will ensure that your child is comfortable and safe from birth to. You can utilize a car capsule in the beginning of your child's life, and then move to a pushchair when they reach a certain age. If you're considering purchasing a car seat, look out for travel systems that come with a set of car seat adaptors to guarantee compatibility.

The modern-look Egg 2 pram comes with a sleek, lightweight pushchair chassis and car seat adaptors that allow you to use it with the majority of top car seats. We love its ergonomically designed handles which are shaped like a 'Y' to give you a more comfortable grip and its flat-fold mechanism that takes the hassle out of folding. The tyres are puncture-free and have a unique egg-shaped tread design, which adds to its chic design.

It's suitable from birth and can be used in conjunction with the Oyster 3 carrycot or the Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus Car seat (car seat and adapters sold separately) with its luxurious, dual-sided memory foam cushioning, which provides extra warmth on one side and cool on the other, keeping your baby in a comfortable position. It also features an easy recline feature that offers a range of positions, and a large sun canopy that is simple to attach in case the weather gets bad.

This sleek, modern-day pram can be easily transformed into double pushchair by affixing the Helix+ attachment to the chassis. You can enjoy a comfortable ride with your growing family and create unforgettable moments. The 360-degree rotation, reclining and other features can be adjusted to fit the changing conditions.


Prams are made for infants and newborns who can't sit up or keep their heads straight. They provide a flat area for your baby to lay on while you're out and around. They're an excellent alternative to strollers and may be better suited to your baby for a few minutes.

Newborn babies should lay flat since it's beneficial for their lung development. They'll be prone to slouching when propped up, which is not good for them. It could also affect their breathing. Prams allow your baby to be completely supported in a lying-flat position making them secure and comfortable during your outings together.

A lot of prams come with a hood that can be reduced to protect your child from the elements. They typically have a large basket at the bottom for everything your baby needs and an adjustable rain cover that can be pulled down to protect your little one from the sun. Most prams are easy to clean. Simply vacuum the fabric, or wipe it clean using a damp cloth. It's best to take the wheels off the pram, then wash them in a sink or bathtub, and let them dry completely before installing them. To ensure that your child is safe, make sure your pushchair is in compliance with the Australian Safety Standard.

Strollers are more advanced than prams because they're designed for children who can sit up. They can recline, and have adjustable handlebars that parents can adjust to ensure maximum comfort for your child. They're typically lighter than prams and they have smaller wheels, so they're more maneuverable. The majority of strollers come with the option of a hood that can be zipped to protect your child from sun. They might also come with a bassinet, carrycot or a carrycot designed for smaller children.

It isn't as easy to maintain a stroller than a pram, but it is important to maintain it to ensure that your child is in a comfortable position. Find a stroller that can be machine washed to make cleaning a breeze. If you require a spot clean, use a cloth with mild soap or a liquid for washing. In colder temperatures, a footmuff is a useful accessory. It is recommended to select an item with a soft lining and showerproof outer.


A convertible pram is a stroller that can transform into a double stroller by adding a seat. This is a great option if you plan to have another child or have one. This type of double stroller has numerous advantages over a traditional side-byside double stroller. This includes the ability to accommodate two children from different ages, better maneuverability in rough terrain, and a greater variety of seating options.

Some strollers that convert can be adjusted to up to 24 different configurations. Parents can decide to have one child in a bassinet, and another in a car seat or have both seats facing forward and the other facing backward. There is the possibility of having three children (with the ride-along board). The main drawback of this kind of stroller is that it is heavier than other strollers because it has to be capable of supporting two seats and their weight.

The best convertible strollers are built with a sturdy and durable frame that can handle the extra weight of a second seat without compromising safety or stability. These strollers also have large storage baskets, comfortable seats and can be adjusted to fit different sizes of children. Compare features and costs when looking at strollers convertible.

If you're looking for a pram that can grow with your family, you should consider the Baby Jogger City Select 2. The stroller that is jogger-friendly can be converted from a single to double stroller by adding an additional seat or Rumble Seat. It can also carry three children with a piggyback board which makes it a great investment for growing families. This stroller is customizable with a range of accessories. Weather shields, footmuffs, and baby trays are available, along with parents consoles, carrying bags, and parent consoles. It's important to be aware, however, that this stroller may not be the best choice to travel with as it can be difficult to maneuver on unpaved or steep roads.

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