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1. Popular Accountability of Government:
- Leaders must fear being voted out.
- No inherent right to political power without accountability.

2. Political Competition:
- Voters need choice between candidates/parties.
- Democracy relies on political freedom before voting.
- In Europe, multiple parties offer distinct ideologies/policies.

3. Alternation in Power:
- Samuel Huntington's 'two-turnover test' for stable democracy.
- Two electoral alternations of government mark stability.
- Example: Poland overthrew communist regime in 1989, changed gov in 1997.

4. Uncertain Electoral Outcomes:
- Elections must have uncertainty, individual vote switching.
- Diversity of voting preferences prevents group domination.
- Example: Iraq's Sunnis and Shias vote for different parties.

5. Popular Representation:
- People elect representatives to voice their interests.
- Legislators enact policies reflecting public desires.

6. Majority Decision:
- Majority decides while respecting minority rights.
- Minority views vital to prevent tyranny of the majority.

7. Right of Dissent and Disobedience:
- Right to resist government, advocate civil disobedience.
- Minority voices essential for societal change.

8. Political Equality:
- 'One Person, One Vote' principle ensures equality.
- All citizens eligible for political office.

9. Popular Consultation:
- Leaders monitor public opinion regularly.
- Examples: Opinion polls, town hall meetings.

10. Free Press:
- Media criticism of government indicative of democracy.
- Mass media inform citizens, raise awareness.
- Competing media outlets ensure checks on accuracy.
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