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20 White Freestanding Electric Fire Websites Taking The Internet By Storm
White Freestanding Electric Fire

Create a warm focal point to your home with an electric fire that is freestanding. They include a mantel and plug into a standard outlet.

These models are available in a variety of colors to match your decor. Certain models have holographic flames projected on top of the log set, to add authenticity.


Freestanding electric fireplaces are easy to install and will make a statement in your space. The units are wall-mounted and available in contemporary and traditional designs, they come with the latest in award-winning technology for both heat and visual flame effect.

If you're looking to recreate the appearance of a stove that is wood-burning without the mess, select one with a coal or log fuel beds. If you want a sleeker style, go for one with the pebble effect, which is available in a color or clear.

MagikFlame fireplaces make use of patented HoloFlame technology that was originally designed for theme park special effects to create 3D flames that look as realistic as is possible. Your guests won't know it's an electric fireplace until you reveal the truth! In fireplacesandstove , they draw 6.6 Volts to lower the energy cost. They also operate in a green manner so you'll do your part for the planet! So, why not make the switch to an eco-friendly MagikFlame today?


Freestanding white electric fireplace is a fantastic addition to any home, particularly one that has neutral colors such as gray or cream. It adds warmth and comfort to the space. The color of the fireplace also makes it easier to keep clean. The accumulation of dust is less obvious on white surfaces than a black or wood color, which can look smoky and dirty.

The heat generated by an electric fireplace isn't as powerful as the heat produced by a real fireplace but it's enough to warm an area. It is important to measure the area in which you're planning to put the fireplace, so that you know the amount of space it will require. Consider a wall-mounted fire place when you don't have much floor space. There are also units with stands, which are ideal for smaller areas.

Most of the models that were freestanding we tested were very easy to set up and use. They typically require just a few screws to attach the legs, and they're ready to go. Some models even have remote controls which makes them more user-friendly and convenient. The remote can also be used to alter the flame's height and brightness, as well as temperature. You can also turn off the flames to create a cool, ambient glow.

Some of these models look like an actual fire place with a mantel. Some are smaller and appear like the appearance of a sleeker space heater. They all provide plenty of warmth for the room and to create a focal point for the room.

The best fireplaces are those that produce the most realistic-looking flames. The Real Flame Silverton is one of our favorite options, with a design that resembles a custom-made fireplace and the trim molding. The mantel can support up to 31 pounds, which means it's a great place to hang frames for photos and other décor. It's CSA certified and comes with an overheat protector. We also observed that the unit stayed cool to the touch even when turned up to high.


It's important to ensure that your white freestanding electric fireplace is safe to use. Be sure to read the instructions and warnings for your model. This will let you be aware of what to do if there is an emergency or malfunction.

It is also recommended to unplug the electric fireplace when it is not in use. This will stop it from overheating, and could cause your home to trip the circuit breakers. You should also keep it clear of anything that can ignite such as furniture or blankets. Finally, you should never try to modify the electrical fireplace yourself. Instead, engage a professional to enable any additional features that are available on your unit.

In general, electric fireplaces are safe to use by pets and children. However, it's important to remind children that the flames aren't real. Therefore, they won't get burned if you reach out to touch the fireplace. It's also recommended to have a responsible adult watch when your children play near the fireplace.

Do not place the electric fire near gasolines, paints or flammable liquids and fumes. These chemicals can produce harmful gases that can be dangerous to breathe. If you have to keep these chemicals in a safe place, it's a good idea to purchase a safety cabinet.

You can switch off and on most electric fireplaces using the power switch located on the front panel. There are also models with a remote control that you can use to alter the heat settings and flame effects. Some higher-end models even incorporate a water vapor system for added effects.

Other safety measures include checking the size and the distance of the electric fire to ensure that it is at a safe distance away from any flammable objects or surfaces. Avoid blocking the vent that blows warm air out. This can result in the room to overheat. It's also a good idea to unplug the electric fireplace when you're sleeping or leaving the house for a long period of time.

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