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15 Terms That Everyone Working In The Pram And Travel System Industry Should Know
Choosing Between stroller travel pushchairsandprams and Travel System

A travel system is an ideal option for those looking for an infant stroller that can grow with your family. They usually come with a bassinet, car capsule or carrycot for newborns. And they often have a seat for an older baby.

They let you click in and out of the car without disturbing your baby. There are many reasons why parents love these devices.


You can move your baby from the car to the pram with an infant travel system. This is great for rushing around to run errands or go shopping. It also means you can get the most enjoyment from park walks and road trips without having to swap equipment in and out to accommodate every scenario.

Some travel systems offer the option of facing your child or reversible pushchair seats to monitor your baby as they nap, while making sure they are safe and comfortable. Many of them come with additional features, like extra padding, ergonomic support, and storage baskets. They are an excellent choice for babies.

In addition, certain travel systems can accommodate twins or a second child in the bassinet or in the seat. This can be a great option to reduce the number of carseats and strollers you require in your home if you have a large family.

Many popular brands of prams come with adapters for infant car seats, which allow you to connect a compatible capsule and use it as a stroller. This is cheaper than buying a separate pram, baby car seat, carrycot or bassinet.

Travel system bundles could include everything you require to travel beginning at the time of birth. This includes a compatible infant seat that can be placed in the bassinet or carrycot of your pram and a pushchair that features an upright seat. Some have additional accessories like changing bags, rain covers and coffee cup holders to ensure that you are ready for any trip.

It is important to know the weight limits of the travel system bundles as some are too heavy and affect safety and functionality. You can avoid this by purchasing an item that is suitable for your child and observing the recommended weight limits. If you're not sure then consult a professional at your local shop for guidance.

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