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Windows Run Commands Shortcuts

cpl stands for Control Panel Item
msc stands for Microsoft System Configuration
All Shortcuts tested under Windows 8.1; please add any missing.
1. Start Run
Win+R, then type cmd, then press enter Start Command Prompt. Starts Traditional Run Window then Command Prompt, or any other run command
Win, then type cmd, then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter Start Command Prompt as Administrator. Start New Windows Search, then Command Prompt, or any other application
2. Control Panel Program Shortcuts
control Control Panel
control desktop Display Properties (Personalization)
control color Personalization - Color and Appearance
control folders Folders Properties
control keyboard Keyboard Properties
control mouse Mouse Properties
control netconnections Network Properties
control printers Printers Folders
control userpasswords Manager current User Account
control userpasswords2 Manager all User Accounts
control update Windows Update
control admintools Administrative Tools
control schedtasks Scheduled Tasks
appwiz.cpl Application Wizard (Program and Features)
powercfg.cpl Power Configuration
timedate.cpl Date and Time Properties
desk.cpl Display - Screen Resolution
intl.cpl Regional Settings (International)
mmsys.cpl Sound Properties (Multimedia System Settings)
inetcpl.cpl Internet Properties (Internet Control Panel)
wscui.cpl Security Center (Windows Security Center UI)
sysdm.cpl System Properties
utilman Ease of Access Utility Manager
firewall.cpl Windows Firewall
3. Commonly used Windows Tools
explorer Windows Explorer
c: Explorer C: Drive
regedit Registry Editor
services.msc Windows Services (local)
taskmgr Task Manager
msconfig System Configuration Utility
mstsc Remote Desktop (Microsoft Terminal Services)
logoff Log Off Windows (without confirmation!)
shutdown Shuts Down Windows (don't try unless you are ready to shutdown)
calc Calculator
cmd Command Prompt
notepad Notepad
4. Microsoft System Configurations
Microsoft System Configurations
devmgmt.msc Device Management
eventvwr.msc Event Viewer
compmgmt.msc Computer Management including System Tools, Storage, Services and Appliations
diskmgmt.msc Disk Partition Manager
dcomcnfg Component Services (Detailed Component Configuration)
gpedit.msc Group Policy Editor
secpol.msc Local Security Policy Settings
lusrmgr.msc Local User and Groups
perfmon.msc Performance Monitor
fsmgmt.msc Shared Folders (File Sharing Management)
5. Other Windows Tools
shrpubw Create a shared folder Wizard
dxdiag Direct X Troubleshooter
cleanmgr Clean Manager - Disk Cleanup Utility
clipbrd Clipboard Viewer (not available after Windows XP)
msiexec Windows Installer Details
magnify Windows Magnifier
osk On Screen Keyboard
msinfo32 System Information
sndvol Volume Control
winver Windows Version ( shows your windows version )
comp Compare Files
ftp MS-Dos FTP
label Volume Serial Number for C:
fsquirt Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
verifier Driver Verifier Utility
migwiz Migration Wizard - Files and Settings Transfer Tool
sigverif File Signature Verification Tool
fonts Fonts
joy.cpl Game Controllers
mrt Malicious Software Removal Tool
eudcedit Private Characters Editor
6. Applications (if installed)
acrobat Adobe Acrobat ( if installed )
photoshop Adobe Photoshop ( if installed )
ccleaner Ccleaner ( if installed )
chrome Chrome ( if installed )
excel Microsoft Excel ( if installed )
access Microsoft Access ( if installed )
powerpnt Microsoft Powerpoint
winword Microsoft Word ( if installed )
wmplayer Windows Media Player
write Wordpad
mspaint Paint
7. IP Config Commands (leave Dos Windows open)
ipconfig /all IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration)
ipconfig /displaydns IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents)
ipconfig /flushdns IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents)
ipconfig /release IP Configuration (Release All Connections)
ipconfig /renew IP Configuration (Renew All Connections)
ipconfig /registerdns IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS)
ipconfig /showclassid IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID)
ipconfig /setclassid IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID)
8. System File Checker Utility
sfc /scannow System File Checker Utility ( Scan Immediately )
sfc /scanonce System File Checker Utility ( Scan Once At Next Boot )
sfc /scanboot System File Checker Utility ( Scan On Every Boot )
sfc /revert System File Checker Utility ( Return to Default Settings)
sfc /purgecache System File Checker Utility ( Purge File Cache )
sfc /cachesize=x System File Checker Utility ( Set Cache Size to Size x )
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