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What is Fire Protection and Prevention?
Fire protection and prevention is the science and practice of reducing the risk of destructive fires. It involves the study of fire behaviour, the design of fire protection systems, and the investigation of fires. It also includes the maintenance of buildings according to design-basis rules. These standards are usually embodied in local building codes, which are enforced by the relevant authority.

There are many strategies for fire prevention. They can be used to limit the spread of a flame or quickly put it out. Fire suppression systems are often used to protect the home in the event of a fire. They keep fire from spreading and reduce its damage until the arrival of the fire department. There are cửa lưới chống muỗi kết hợp rèm of suppression systems. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages.

Fire safety is essential in any business. Proper training and education is crucial for employees. Employees need to be trained in fire extinguisher use and OSHA and NFPA compliance. These policies and procedures will help you protect your workers and reduce the likelihood of a fire in the workplace.

Fire safety standards should be used during all construction phases. Many flammable materials are used in the construction industry. Construction workers must have fire protection equipment. This includes fire extinguishers and water supply. Worker should also be aware about hazards and flammable substances in the workplace.
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