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Electric Heaters 101 The Ultimate Guide For Beginners
How to Reduce Your Electric Heater Bill

Contrary to wood-burning fireplaces heaters for fireplaces don't produce harmful smoke or byproducts. They are also affordable and energy efficient. They can be used with or without heating to provide a warm and comfortable atmosphere all year round. They can be installed in any space in your home.

They are available in various sizes and designs. They typically have mirrors and LED lights that resemble flames for an authentic appearance.


Electric fireplaces are an excellent alternative to traditional gas or wood fireplaces. They provide aesthetic appeal, warmth and convenience at an affordable price. However their energy bills can add up over time. The cost of running a fireplace varies on the type of fireplace, its size, and the features of your fireplace, as well as the electricity cost. The following tips can help you reduce your electric bill.

The majority of modern electric fireplaces are engineered to use less power than older models. They use a more advanced heating system and provide more insulation. Many newer models also have more features to allow users to control the amount of heat produced and temperature. These features can reduce the amount of time the fireplace is used.

Convection is the method of heating for a fireplace electric heater. When a thermostat is set to activate the air in the room is attracted by a fan. It is then circulated through the fireplace. Then, the heated air is returned into the room. This process can increase the temperature of a room up to 5 degrees in a short time.

A fireplace electric heater is priced between $100 and $500, depending on the model size, features, and dimensions. Tabletop models are typically the least expensive, as they plug into an outlet and do not require installation. Freestanding units can range in price from $200 to $1,500 including installation. Certain models come with remote controls, different heat settings, and customizable fires. They can also be controlled by voice commands through Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, and have a built-in timer.

Find out the wattage (or power) of the electric fireplace you are interested in purchasing. This information is usually printed on the package or can be located in your electric bill. Calculate the number of kilowatt hours (kWh) you use per day. If you don't have a bill for electricity, you can look up the North American average at ten cents per unit of electricity. You can use the calculator to calculate how much an electric stove will cost you over a certain period of time.


There are a variety of safety concerns when using an electric fireplace heater. Be sure it is approved by a reliable test institute and has an automatic shutoff in case it gets too hot. It also should not be used with flammable materials like carpets, curtains, and upholstered furniture. It is also a good idea to keep a clearance of 3 feet between the heater and any flammable material.

Many electric fireplace heaters feature a timer, in addition to the built-in shutoff. This lets you set it to turn off automatically after a certain period of time, ranging between 30 minutes and 9 hours. This decreases the chance of overheating and helps save energy.

Some models have a remote control, which allows you to alter the settings from a distance. Others feature an open front with glass that is cool to the touch, making it safe around children and pets. In addition, some come with a tip-over safety feature that will activate in the event that the device is accidentally tipped over.

When purchasing an electric fireplace, be sure to read the manufacturer's manual carefully to understand how to use it properly. It is important to inspect the unit regularly for signs of damage, such as fraying and cracks on the cord or the exterior. If you find any issues you should consult an expert to repair or replace the unit.

Also, it is an excellent idea to unplug the fireplace when it is not in use to prevent overheating. In addition, ensure that you only plug it into an outlet with polarization, which is specifically designed to accommodate the plug in one way to minimize the risk of electrical shocks and fire hazards. Also, do not plug more than one high-watt appliance into a single outlet.

Finally, it is essential to clean your fireplace regularly. Use a brush to dust the logs as well as the heater's interior, and wipe down the glass front with a damp cloth to remove any stains and keep it clear. Examine the vents and air intakes to ensure that they are not blocked with hair or debris. Clean these areas frequently to prevent overheating.


Electric fireplace heaters can be put in anywhere in the house. They are an excellent alternative to wood-burning or gas fireplaces. Electric fireplaces don't emit any emissions or ash unlike gas-powered fireplaces. They operate by heating air, which is expelled into the room by a fan. Some models use PTC ceramic heat, while others employ heat-producing bulbs or Infrared technology.

It is important to read and follow the directions of the manufacturer before starting the installation. It is also advisable to seek out an expert if you are uncertain about any aspect of the installation. It is recommended to install an electrical outlet in the same space as the fireplace to ensure that hanging cords aren't a danger.

Installing a fireplace electric heater begins with determining the size of the space you intend to install it. Make sure there's enough space in the wall to accommodate the fireplace, in addition to any furniture that might be in the vicinity. You should also check the location of a pre-existing electrical outlet and make sure that it is in reach. If you don't have a power outlet it is a good idea to seek the advice of an electrician to facilitate the installation of one.

When mounting the fireplace it is vital to ensure that it is level and properly fastened. This reduces the chance of it falling off the wall and will ensure a safe and secure installation. Once the fireplace is firmly placed, it is vital to test it thoroughly to make sure that the flames and the heat are working properly.

Electric fireplace heaters are a great option to add warmth to your home. No matter if you're searching for a freestanding or wall-mounted unit, Lowe's has the perfect electric fireplace for your home. Most models include an remote control, and some even have the ability to use only flames for all-year-round ambiance. They are easy to install and do not require special plumbing or ventilation.


A fireplace electric heater can be a beautiful feature for any living space, but it is important to keep up with your equipment. Regular inspections can help to ensure that your fireplace is operating correctly, and ensure that any potential issues are dealt with promptly. If you're experiencing any problems, it's a good idea review the owner's manual, or contact technical support for advice on troubleshooting and possible replacement parts.

Before you inspect your fireplace, disconnect it and allow it to cool. Be careful not to touch the internal components because it could pose danger. Use free standing electric log burner after the appliance has cooled, to remove any dust. In addition, be sure to look for visible signs of wear or damage and call an electrician who is licensed.

It is essential to maintain the cleanness of the blower in your fireplace. Make sure to check it on a regular basis to make sure it's clean free of lint or dust. If you spot a build-up, you can use a microfibre dry cloth to wipe it down or vacuum it with the brush attachment. The ember bed is an additional component of the electrical fireplace that should be checked regularly. It is essential to ensure that it's not blocked by any items and that the LED lights are operating properly.

The replacement of the batteries in your remote control is an easy, quick fix for many common issues with electric fireplaces. This simple procedure will restore the functionality of your remote and also extend the lifespan of the battery. It's also a good idea to clean the glass around your fireplace on a regular basis. You can make a mixture of vinegar and warm water to clean the glass, but it's important not to touch the glass with any flammable substances.

If you're unable to resolve the problem with your fireplace, it's a good idea to seek out an expert technician who is skilled in the model of your electric fireplace. This will ensure that any repairs are completed properly and your warranty coverage remains intact.

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