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12 Companies Are Leading The Way In Electric Wood Burner Stove
Electric Wood Burner Stove

Electric stoves are often referred to as fake log burners, however, they are more than that! They are simple to set up and provide high levels of control and energy efficiency.

Search for models that have an area rating that is suitable to your home. A higher rating means that it is able to efficiently heat a larger area.

Easy to install

In contrast to wood-burning stoves that require a chimney for venting smoke and other debris out, electric log burners can be used in almost every room. All you need is an ordinary three-pin plug socket and access to mains electricity. These heaters are available in freestanding or recessed models that can be moved around a room. Some models come with an inbuilt blower that distributes the heat evenly and efficiently.

The design of an electric log stove is an important aspect to consider when selecting one for your home. Look for models with modern or contemporary designs, which will complement your furniture and other accessories. Some brands offer a range of finishes, including polished black and stainless steel. Other features include an LED display with adjustable flame settings, as well as remote control operation.

Measure the space where you intend to install an electric stove before buying one. Use a stud locating device to find the wall studs. It is best to put the stove in a wall with a solid non-combustible, non-flammable surface. This will lower the chance of fire and damage to your walls.

Electric stoves are a great option for homeowners looking to experience the look and feel an actual fire without spending a fortune. They are also energy efficient and can be operated with the standard plug for your home. However it is important to note that they do not warm the entire space as efficiently as central heating systems.

Electric stoves are also beneficial for the environment because they don't produce pollution or carbon dioxide. Additionally, you can use it as an emergency source of heating during a power outage.

Comparatively to and gas stoves electric stoves are simpler to install and operate. Electric stoves are also more efficient than other types. You can choose from many designs, sizes and colors that can be matched to the interior of your home. Some of the stylish models come with a digital remote control that is easy to use and includes timers that can be programmed. Moreover there are models that can be upgraded to include an optional log store to add convenience.


If you're not able to install a traditional wood burner stove or a multi fuel fire because of the space issue an electric log burner could offer you a similar appearance and feel. In contrast to wood or gas burning stoves, electric log burners require no chimney or flue, just plugging them into a power outlet to instantly heat up and stunning flame effects. Electric stoves that stand on their own are portable, so you can create the perfect atmosphere in any space.

There are many designs and finishes to choose from, including black and metallic. A lot of models come with an array of colors. There are also more traditional electric stoves with a glazed finish or cast iron finishes for rustic or classic looks. If you're looking for more contemporary or modern design, then there are plenty of high-end models that utilize LED or LCD technology to produce stunning, realistic flame visuals and stunning ember bed lighting effects.

Some electric stoves are also equipped with features that make them more energy-efficient and cost-effective. The thermostatic controls, for example will automatically adjust the amount of heat produced in accordance with the temperature in your room. This can reduce the amount of energy consumed. Other features include timers and adjustable settings that let you set when the stove will switch off or on so that you can regulate the amount of heat used in your home.

Electric stoves' running costs are a different aspect to take into consideration when selecting one. Although they are typically cheaper than other types, you should still consider your budget when selecting a fireplace.

To assist you in finding the ideal electric stove that won't break the bank it is best to go to a reputable and knowledgeable retailer. They can offer you personalized advice on the best products to purchase for your home and help you make the right purchase.

A reputable retailer can help you answer any questions you have about the installation or use of your electric stove. This will provide you with additional security and peace of mind. They will have access to several top brands and provide a range of electric stoves to suit every budget.

Energy efficient

Electric stoves are a fantastic alternative for homes that do not have a chimney or flue and allow you to recreate the look and feel of a real fire. Electric log burners are more efficient than traditional log burning stoves that use gas, wood, or coal. They heat the room by using an element that can be operated by a remote or an app. They are ideal for conservatories and rooms that are difficult to heat.

Selecting the best electric stove for your home means selecting one that suits both your style and needs. There are a variety of electric stoves to choose from, including freestanding models and multi-fuel models that can be used with various fuels. Choose a model that has realistic flame effects to give you the most authentic experience. These flame effects are created by using LED or holographic technology and can be adjusted to alter the intensity. Certain models come with ceramic logs which can be arranged into different configurations to create an authentic look.

If you're looking for ways to save more energy, you should consider a wood stove that is eco-friendly and powered by renewable sources, such as solar or wind panels. This is especially useful when you live in an area that is susceptible to power cuts or surges.

Modern wood burning stoves often come with a catalytic combustor which enhances combustion while stopping the accumulation of flammable creosote. As a result, they are less polluting and more efficient than the stoves they replaced.

You should also think about maintenance ease. Electric stoves are much easier to clean than wood or gas appliances and don't require ash or fume clearance. They're an excellent choice for those with allergies and sensitivities to fumes and dust.

Realistic flames

Electric stoves are a fantastic choice for people who want the aesthetic appeal of dancing flames without the need to use fuel. Electric stoves don't emit harmful gases, pollutants or toxic substances and can be turned off when they are not being used. This makes them a secure and practical choice for families with curious pets or children.

LED lights and holographic technology are used to create a realistic flame effect. A majority of models provide various fire settings that can be adapted to your preferences. Consider features such as the ability to control the intensity of the flames as well as the color. You should also consider choosing one with ceramic logs that look realistic and soothing to the eye.

Another benefit of an electric stove is that it can be used throughout the year. You can turn the flame effect on and enjoy the mesmerizing glow of the dancing flames while your home remains warm and cozy. You'll be able to find a model that matches your decor. While black and metallic shades are common, some models are available in a more varied color palette, like stark whites and rustic reds.

Electric stoves are also an economical heating option because electrical energy is completely converted into heat. This is in contrast to traditional wood burners which can use up to 80% of their energy. Electric stoves do not lose heat up the chimney or flue, which means that the heat produced will remain in the room.

When it comes to selecting an electric stove, it is recommended to talk to an expert retailer who can provide personalized advice and a hands-on demonstration of the models they have in their showroom. They can help you select the ideal electric stove for your house, and can even help with the maintenance and installation.

Gazco, Broseley Fires and Dimplex are among the most popular brands. All of them make stunning electric stoves that feature realistic flame effects and can be fitted in any standard fireplace opening. Their stoves are available in a range of styles that include contemporary and traditional and some come with unique features that set them apart from other stoves. Gazco Ashdon, for instance, has a cast iron frame and a Jet Black finish which enhances any interior decor. It also has an exclusive VeriFlame (tm) technology as well as a highly realistic log-effect fuelbed.

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