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Suggestions to help improve the Server:


- The best way to interact with people on the server is through our unique chat system. However, to make full use of it, you must understand what chat channels are appropriate depending on the situation. Older players, by now, understand how the chat channels work, but a lot of new players have no clue. We rely heavily on the notion that our players will guide newcomers when it comes to using chat. Now, I'm not saying that is bad thing, in fact just the opposite. With that in mind, giving the tools to newcomers to learn on their own would help out a ton.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

It would be simple enough to add book to their kit, giving a brief description of the chat system, or a command that explains it to them like /rules, or signs in spawn going over the various chat channels. This will help simplify an already complicated server, for most newcomers. Is this going to change the server and increase the pop by a 100? No, but it's a small step in the right direction.

- One of my favorite things about servers are those cool plugins that just add on to the uniqueness of it. A perfect example is the chairs plugin and moneydrop plugin. These plugins are awesome, and just make the server feel cooler. However, a new player may never experience these plugins, because they have no idea that there being used on the server. These plugins are a great selling point for the server and shouldn't be hidden. When a player joins a server, they are looking for a unique experience, something fun and exciting. With our large rule list, it would be refreshing for the player to see plugin A, B, & C and say "Oh I like these!" A way we can list these plugins could be through the website. For some of them, we could give brief examples on how to use, or interact with a certain plugin. Examples of this: Brewery(Once we have a stable version), Movecraft(Once it's installed), and even something simple how to sit in a chair!

- We could spice up the ./vote message

- '{GOLD}============{DARK_GRAY}{ {DARK_AQUA}Avalon{GRAY} - {GOLD}Game of Thrones {DARK_GRAY}}{GOLD}============'

Even these small things help the server look more unique and focused on a central theme!


- We've had a lot of success with events this map. IMO I think we should try for at least 1-3 events during the week and 1 big event for the weekend. Players love a break from the grind of the server, and hopefully it will pull more players into liking the server. Besides no one holds event like you do haha.


- My only suggestion is that we explore other outlets for money to be used on. Right now, I think the prices are fair, as well as the ranks.


- Someone made a suggestion to add all the flowers/plants to the shop!

Leader Weapons:

- I know you have already handed out all of the leaders special weapons, but if you wanted, we could make them more special using mythicmobs custom items. I could add hearts, movement speed, and make the weapon unbreakable.

Here are just a few suggestions homie
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Regards; Team

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