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Joe Doe - the titular veteran (Peter Benson)
Chav - the killers
Twist Ending - Vansittart is an ex-commando
Sleazy Lawyer - James Vansittart comes off as one - except he isn't
Accidental Muder - they were robbing him
Fat & Skinny - Mark Price & Peter Cornish
Off On Technicality - their release, where Vansittart "proves" that none of the evidences is actually an evidence
By The Book Cop - Jack Burnes, who is like this specifically to avoid technicalities
Fair Cop - Luke Skinner, with posh background on top
Indian Shop - Veejay Patel
Immigrant Patriotism - him and Prabani Sundaran
Legal Drama
Police Procedural
Chekhov - electronic photo vs. analog album of mugshots, which bites the detectives in the ass (not enough shots presented)
Naive Newcomer - Prabani is just out of law, the witnesses are completely green
Consumate Prof - EVERYONE
Technology marches on - invoked by Burnes
Frontier Justice - the ending
Not what it looks like - Vensittart isn't a sleaze, he's preparing to waste those guysMisjusted Court - the killers get away or at least so it seems
Police are useless - the killers get off
Secret Secret Keeper - Burnes & Skinner for the lawyer

The Con
The 70s - '75, integral for story
Ugly tourist - the couple, their ignorance is a plot point
During the War - the story itself is WW2 Italy
Ghost story
Evil Hippie - downplayed
We help the helpless - the German surgeon helps both sides
Twist ending
The reveal
Ending changes everything

Red herring: two, the hippie and the "citizen"
Camp Gay: downplayed with harry plafrey
Decoy: two; both the hippy and the businessman exist to distrtact from John Higgins
Children are innocent: Julie, John's daughter is too young to be aware of strangers (and her daddy is a smuggler)
Beneath Suspicion - the whole point, with a regular tourist family man being smuggler, while two patsies distract
I need a smoke - the hippie

Dzieło Sztuki
Bit actor - Trumpington Gore
Master of Disguise - he even manages to pass as Pakistani & Nip
Not what it looks: it seems Trumpy is a braggant, but he's a fantastic actor
Ridiculously Average - Trumpy, which is a curse for him as a bit actor and bleassing for heisting
The heist
The Con
Working class hero - EVERYONE
Book Dumb - played with Benny Evans has merely vocational school, but is a self-taught expert on Reinessance
Kangaroo Court - how Benny is disposed by his employer
Smug Snake - Peregrine Slade
90s - integral for plot
Everything is Online
Tomboy/Playful hacker - Julie Day
Apprenaces Deceive - Julie is easily to dismiss as a literal punk
No account for taste - exploited with hamish mcfee's character
Greed - exploited
Fake Scott, Fake Foreigner - Trumpy's characters
Impovierished Patrician - Slade
Alcoholic - Colley Burnside, the forger; his pay is explicitly mentioned to be spend on booze
Former Criminal - Julie's boss is a black-hat turned white-hat
Angry Scott - Hamish
Meaningful Name
Happily ever after - everyone
Where they are now ending
Gaslighting - the whole "this is a great painting under the garrish shit on top of it"
Beat Them in their own game - Benny pays back with interest Slade's mistreatment and scheming, roping him into a "rare find"
Too Clever By Half - Slade could easily figure out the ruse if he wasn't so cock-sure about his knowledge and expertise
Best Served Cold - invoked
Fallen Artist - Colley
Nervous Tick - Slade's twitchy eye
Girlyness Upgrade - Julie post-marriage
Too good to be True - thanks to a precedence, Slade guys into the sham painting
Heist team - duh
Serial escalation - they start with a harmless prank, then perform a heist worth 265k pounds
Forger: two documents (contact from julie's boss) & paintings (colley)
break the haughty - the whole point is to take Slade down a peg or seven
head-tiltingly kinky - Slade is implied to have an affair with a dominatrix, but it's VERY vague

Szepczący Wiatr
Magical realism - it's a fairly grounded historical fiction... until Ben sleeps for a century
Perspective Flip - like Soldier Blue and Dances with Wolves, cavalry bad injun ok (but not good)
Injun Country
Cavalry Officer + Gentleman and Officer - both deconstructed
Believes Their own Lies - Custer
Kangaroo Court - Ben is put through one and declared a traitor to be court-martialed; Ben sentence is to be hanged, with surviving notes or the officer corps further used to scrapegoat him for Custer's defeat
Black & Grey Morality
Generation Xerox - William "Big Bill" Braddock is an exception from this rule, being nothing like his ancestors, but rest of the characters are effectively clones of the originals
Ghost Story
Fish Out of Temporal Water = Like Duck takes to water
Native Guide - the Pawnees and handful of others
Ghost Pregnancy
Cattle Baron - Braddock is a modern one
Mountain Man - Donaldson + Ben
Prospector - Ben's father
The Good Book - invoked and quoted verbatim
Sure Let's go with that - both sides with Ben and people accepting him to Fort Heritage
Contrived Coincidence - Ben getting to fort heritage, especially when there is nobody there and leaving when imspections arrive just to come back when they are gone
Love at first sight - Linda Pickett
Runaway Bride
Sympathetic Police - sheriff Paul Lewis, but as Ben applies more excessive means, he wearingly has to double down on chase after him
Small Town Tyrant - Braddock, who muscles his way to everything in his vicinity, including buying debts of Linda's father just to make sure she won't run
Like Father, Unlike Son - Kevin Braddock is a drunkard and a wimp
the 70s - plot-mandated
Indian maiden/chief's daughter - whispering wind
Because you were nice to me - whispering wind got saved by ben from rape and murder
No good deed - subverted, Ben is the sole survivor of custer's troops and the injun accept him, but it takes explainations to get there
Entertainingly Wrong
** Gen. Alfred Terry (one of Custer's sub-commanders) thinks the indians retreated hastly given the disarray, not knowing this is their way of burrying the dead
** Charlie about ben being mental
Automated Horse: defiet and extensively discussed
The Straight Man - Ben just rolls with all the crazy
Be careful what you say - "we've got technology"
Maybe magic, maybe mundane - Chłod Wielkiego Snu, which is even discussed
Western - well, it starts there
Genre Roulette: Western, Time Tavel, Comedy, Drama, Ghost Story
Badass underestimating - nobody takes Ben serious when he runs away
Soldier Turned Criminal - major Max, former green berett, working now as "security"
Cultural Clash - the white people really don't get the injuns and don't even try; on their side, the injuns are miffed by how weird are the white men antics
Gold Rush - in Black Mountains
Rape, Pillage & Burn - how the cavarly operates
Army of Thieves & Whore - Custer troops are notoriously undertrained and with endless stream of New Meat added to it, further eroding morale and discipline
Modern Major General - Custer and his officers
Iron Closet - implied with Kevin
Wife Beater - Braddock senior
Evil Blood - the Braddocks
Everyone has standards
** some of the officers and all guides are miffed by the pointless and vantom cruelty of Custer's corp
** police vs. Braddock
Suicidal mission - the native guides are fully aware how the fight at the Little Big Horn is going to roll out, so they dance first their dance of the dead
History repeats - Ben takes Whispering Wind to the same cave, while the same weather anomaly kills his pursuers
Wanted Poster - there is a 1k bountry on Ben
Never Found Body - played with, since they do find a century-old skeleton
Strong Family Resemblance
0% approval rating - Custer is absolutely hated by everyone: guides dislike his overconfidence, rank and file see him as bafoon and most of officers think he's incompetent
The cavalry arrives late - Since it's LBH battle
Been There, Shaped History - heavily downplayed with Ben
Book Dumb - Bn barely reads, but is the smartest character in the story
Method acting - how he is treated
Nobody Could Know This - unless, of course, he really is from the past
Inmodest Orgasm - Linda, a virgin, makes love to Ben loud enough for it to echo over the mountains
First time pregnancy
Unsuitable inheritor - Kevin is an incompetent weakling vs. Big Bill's, well, big charisma and drive

Hilarious in hindsight - Revenant plot vs. historical past
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