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How Kia Car Key Replacement Became The Hottest Trend In 2023
A Kia Key Fob Replacement Can Make Your Life Easier

One of the coolest aspects of the Kia key fob is the ability to summon your vehicle to you. It's not as cool as Tesla's feature to summon your car, but it will save you from having to search for your keys every when you enter the vehicle.

However, the battery inside your key fob will eventually degrade. G28CarKeys may be necessary to replace it.

Hands-Free Lock/Unlock

Kia is always looking for ways to make driving in Brandon more convenient. This handy little keyfob function is no different. Whenever you and your Kia are in close proximity all you need to do is put your thumb on the door handle and it will unlock. This is extremely useful when you have your hands full while running around and need to get on with your day.

Some Kias come with a unique feature where you can summon your car using the key fob. Although it's not like Tesla's summon feature, it can be extremely useful when trying to squeeze into a tight parking spot or back from one. You can easily move your car into the desired spot by pressing the button on your keyfob.

You can also make use of your key fob in order to start your car in the event that the battery is dead, though this may not be possible in all models and scenarios. If you're unable to open your car with the physical key inside the fob or if it fails to start by itself, try placing the fob against the remote starter button. You can find a number of YouTube videos that will help you through the procedure. You can also refer to the owner's manual for your vehicle.


Kia key fobs have an embedded chip inside the fobs that can unlock doors or start the car. This technology has become a well-known feature since it reduces time and effort for the driver by not having to use their hands. The key fob must be programmed to perform this function. This can be done through a dealership or a locksmith.

In general, the process of reprogramming is easy and is done using an OBD2 diagnostic tool. It is essential to have the appropriate OBD2 diagnostic tool for your specific vehicle model. This is because the steps for reprogramming key fobs vary little between models.

It is safer to have the reprogramming process done by the dealer. Dealerships have the expertise and expertise to reprogram the most modern vehicles. Dealerships are also able to provide a guarantee on the new key fob and ensure it is correct in its programming to work with your car.

The ability to open the door and lock your vehicle using your finger is a huge convenience, especially when it's cold or you're hands full. However, your key fob will eventually need to have its battery replaced. It's important to keep it in mind that the mechanical key still functions, even if the fob battery dies.

Battery Replacement

Kia is working hard to make the lives of Anderson drivers a little less stressful with its hands-free lock/unlock feature. When you approach your car and push the keyfob button with your finger, it opens the doors so you can get inside without having search for your keys. It's not uncommon for the battery on the key fob to die and cause a delay when you press the buttons.

If this is the situation you're in, your Kia might require a quick reset. This can be accomplished at home using a few basic tools and a couple of minutes. It's important to keep a spare battery handy in case you need to swap it out, as these batteries typically cost $10 or less and are readily available in big-box stores and hardware retailers. The owner's manual of your vehicle will provide specific instructions on changing the battery in your key fob and YouTube is also full of videos that show you exactly what to do.

The process to replace the battery in the key fob is identical for both standard and smart Kia models. Start by removing your key fob from the ring of your key with your keys for work and home. Then, use a plastic pry bar tool or small flathead screwdrivers to separate the switchblade metal ignition key from the inside of the fob. Once you've done that you can open the fob case and see a slot for the battery.

Replacement Keys

Kia's hands-free lock/unlock function allows you to open your door just by placing your keyfob close to it. To start your car, press the button on the key fob to unlock the engine. You can also use your power trunk or liftgate to open or close the liftgate by itself. It is crucial to press and hold the power trunk/liftgate button for at minimum one second to fully open or close your liftgate.

The key fob can be used to lock or unlock the door and activate the panic alarm, and turn on your rear defroster. But, it isn't used to unlock the trunk or start the engine, so you'll require a physical key in order to gain access to your car's cargo area. If you're unsure of how to operate the power trunk/liftgate, check your owner's manual.

If you've lost your key fob, or need to replace it you can purchase the traditional metal key at a hardware store for less than $10. You can also get an replacement fob through a dealer or locksmith, but this option is generally more expensive and requires additional services. Dealers can make an electronic smart key with a transponder for $200. Locksmiths can charge up to $500. In certain instances the bumper-to-bumper guarantee on your car or auto club membership might help you pay for these costs.

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