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16 Facebook Pages That You Must Follow For Kia Ceed Key Fob Marketers
How to Get a Kia Key Replacement

If you own a Kia smart remote fob or key that doesn't work, your first step is to visit your dealer. They will be able you with the code after verification that you own the.

You'll also need to visit an auto locksmith in order to get the key cut and programmed to start your car. They will cost you less than the dealer.

Hidden Key Fob

If you own a Kia, then you'll be thrilled to know that your key fob contains a hidden feature that allows you to open the windows and sunroof. This feature can be activated by holding and pressing the "unlock button" for 10 seconds. This is a clever technique that can protect your from being scorched in your car on a hot summer day.

You can also use your key fob to lock and unlock the door locks, close the boot and fold in the mirrors on the wing. This feature is great in the event that you park your car in a strange location and want to ensure it's secure from thieves. This feature is only available on models that have a remote/intelligent fob-key.

discover here is easy to replace the battery on your key fob. Take off the mechanical key and flip the fob's button upside-down. Make use of a flat-bladed instrument to break the bottom of the panel and expose the battery. Use the correct battery - one that is CR2023.

If you're ready to replace your battery, ensure you have the VIN number of your vehicle and the keys. Kia dealers won't be in a position to give you new keys without this information. Fortunately, an auto locksmith can.

Remote Start

Kia is always looking to make your life just a bit easier. One of their most useful features is their hands-free lock and unlock feature. All you need to do is place your thumb onto the handle and the car will unlock. It's ideal for times those who have plenty of hands or are just running out to the store for some fast food items.

Remote start is yet another fantastic feature. You can use your key fob to start your vehicle so that it's warm before you are ready to leave for work or the gym. This is particularly helpful for cold winter mornings, when you need to quickly heat your car and get ready to go.

You can also utilize your remote start button to trigger the panic alarm in your car, or if you notice that the battery of your key fob is dead, press it to access the analog key inside. You can also press the button on the rear of your fob in order to open the trunk or liftgate.

Change the battery on your key fob isn't something you have to perform often however it's crucial to know what to do when it comes time. The process is relatively simple and can be done at home, though you might require assistance from a professional if you have an intelligent key fob with many features.

Transponder Chip

The key fobs of Kia cars have a hidden microchip. The chip transmits a code to your car only when you use the keys. This is a fantastic security feature to prevent thieves from opening your car without your permission.

The key used to unlock your doors also activates the immobilizer of the vehicle. This makes it very difficult for thieves to hot wire your car because the transponder chip won't disengage the immobilizer. But, it's important to keep in mind that this won't make your car impervious to theft as skilled car thieves can discover ways to steal cars that have a transponder.

If you need to change the battery inside the Kia key fob, the procedure is simple and can be completed at home with the right tools. Utilize a flathead for the small slot on the side. Then, gently push the casing of plastic open using the screwdriver. The old battery can be removed and replaced with a new one.

The battery change in your Kia key fob may appear to be a simple task, but it's something that you'll be required to do regularly. If you want to save money on replacement of car keys services, think about hiring a professional locksmith who has a specialization in Kia models like the Rio, Soul, Forte, Optima, and Telluride Sportage. The top locksmiths for automotive will have a variety of key fobs in stock and you won't have to wait for parts shipments or search for a non-branded product yourself.


The immobilizer in Kia makes it difficult for thieves to steal your vehicle, as it ensures that only a key with the code is able to turn it on. it. This makes it very hard for anyone who doesn't have an authorized dealer to hack into the system to turn off the engine.

If your vehicle has an immobilizer, it is vital to keep your keys separated and not use them near each other while taking a drive or leaving your vehicle. If your keys are placed close to each other, the transponder chip could interfere with each other and cause a malfunction during start-up. Metal components on keys may also block the chip's signal transmission. If this occurs, the engine won't start and the key will have to be replaced.

You can get an additional key at the dealership. However, this can be more expensive than hiring a professional locksmith. Plus, you have to deal with the hassle of getting your car to and from the dealership.

It is essential to find an expert locksmith to replace the battery in your Kia in the event that it has an electronic key. They'll have all the necessary tools and will be able to do it swiftly on site. Additionally, they will be able to test the key with the correct equipment to determine if it is simply the ignition that's not working, or if there is something different.

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