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"In the context of 1682-1789, the French revolution was mainly caused by dynastic problems of the Bourbons."

- Louis XIV chose a mosquito-infested swamp as the site for Versailles palace & many nobles accompanied him to see this (courtiers far from impressed)
- way to prove that his will is greater than nature
- Le Vau greatest architect of age to transform hunting lodge
- 1st wife = Maria Theresa, politically vital as ensured peace between Fr & Sp; had many children but didn't have looks/edu/charm/spirit to captivate Louis
- Had to accept infidelity
- XIV demanding, wanted immediate results (couldn't wait for saplings to grow in garden)
- de La Vallière, 1st mistress, bore 4 children yet later lost interest in her in spite of trying to regain his attention
- Won War of Devolution against Spain by May 1668 so held grand party to celebrate + show off new mistress de Montespan
- Really beautiful & knew all about please/jewells/marvellous clothing/food/flowers/gardening + about feasts & entertainments so ambassadors said contributed to legend of Sun
King as so involved in Versailles
- Spent most of time w/ king despite her being married; had suite of 20 rooms vs queen's 11. Included bathroom, strange for the time. Found it hard to share Louis w/ wife
- Parties described as pagan masses; fireworks, rides along canal in gondolas, balls for thousands, ballets, dances all in one tremendous circus of celebration for king

- XIV moved entire court to Versailles 'cuz spent so much time there. Built pavillions for governors so Versailles functioned as seat of monarchy where he could govern. Eventually made his permenant home after construction/garden complete and invited leading nobles do same (prevent rebel)
- surrounded Louis w/ glory & status, esssential to his kingship. Finance min. Colbert worried ab cost of building for this
- Many accidents & deaths in building new "envelope" structure to accomadate this - mostly roofers/carpenters (ppl working high up) on site. Corpses rmeoved at night to not demoralise workforce
- Mother once went to site angry at death of her son cursing Versailles and the King for him to see even tho guards everywhere
- Hardouin-Mansart architect after Le Vau died. His new adjustments cost far more and took far longer than estimated.
- During XIV, a lot of time, Versailles just huge building site. Many court ladies complained ab this. Works started 6am. dust. many relieved selves in corridors not unlike farmyard stench
- Royal levee = noble dressup. wvn during mealtimes qld just watch him nd wait for him to speak to them
- XIV commisioned 100s of paintings sculptures and other decorations to outdo Italy, show off Fr arts mostly as him as embodiment of Fr glory. Backup team of intellectuals writers also to figure out how to convey king's image in most grand way possible
- Great Fr painter recruited to do so Le Brun. Art often depicte d him as consquerer frequently drawing from mythologial figures e.g. Jupiter & Apollo(fav).
- louis went hunting 3 times a day counci meetings 3 times a day - hard worker
- Hal of mirros complete after 6 yrs v impressvie & astonishing made palac e outshine almost every other one conceived or buult

- Next mistress, complete turnaround. As XIV became more religious & conscious of sacrillege in adultery w married woman (double infideliry) de Maintenon pious, intellifent & quiet.Cook plumber gardener teacher nursemaid. So marre=ied to her when previous wife died Maria Theresa. Thought she could help him to salvatioj but as commoner could marry only secretly in church
- Evenetually everyibe significant was in France so exclusion as a nobleman was disastrous
- 1686 XIV caught anal fistula infective pus likely to sprea d to rest of body and surgery highly riskly and very infrqrwuently successful ad dath likely bt wen thru w it awywa & took coucil meeting jest night despite pale sheen of sweat. Recovered but..
- 2 yrs later in war w Spain France and Sweden. Some of silver in Versailles quitely removed and melted down to fund this. Forced to sign infavourable peace treaty to give up some land. Sun King in decline
- 4 yrsof peace but then Spain King died to throne for XIV grandsonwhich provoked war w other major Euro powers which lasted 12yrs & brought France to great ruin.
- As XIV became old and frail more underinfluence of devout wife and shunned former lavish amusements he loved of Palace. focusded on tiquette
- 1715 aged 76 aftere 72 yrs on throne became srsly ill again. gangrenous unfection
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