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Nestled away - down in the brush
Lived a young Moogle - always in a rush.
Speeding along through the air with a high pitched roar!
"Slow down, little kupo!" called the others, as she rattled past their door,
"Never!" she'd cry, at the top of her lungs,
"I'm a dragon!" she announced, with a spit of her tongue!

Her pals did their best by their strange little friend
"Mogette, we'll train you, if being a dragon you really intend!"
So train they did all night and day, all manner of places
Mogette fought and she flew, all on her friends good graces.
but it wasn't enough! No scales grew
No matter what she did, her efforts fell through.

"This isn't working!" Mogette said with a huff,
Throwing down her sword, she'd had quite enough!
"You'll get your scales, we know you can do it!"
But Mogette didn't believe, she was at the end of her wit.
A plan she had, in the back of her head,
"I'll go find adventure!" the thought filled her with dread.

She had to do it, she had to be brave!
Mogette wanted her scales, she would never cave!
Late one night, she would made her escape
With a good bye note wrote, wrapped warm in her cape.

The world was so big, where to go first?
Mogette was excited, ready to burst!
"I'll go find dragons" she thought to herself
"The ones in my stories that lined my bookshelf"
To the clouds, that is where she flew
Up up up, that is where the dragons lived - She knew!

Birds of all kinds, green red and blue
None were dragons, Mogettes frustration grew!
Maybe higher, is where they hid?
She couldn't return a failure, kupo forbid!
Higher in the sky, Mogette kept her climb
She had to find something, it was almost bedtime!

Mogette searched and searched, not a dragon in sight
She searched for so long, she no longer had light.
Her pom pom aglow, her determination bright
It happened - Silhouetted by the moon
A dragon came, not a moment too soon.

Its claws, big as a mog - Its scaled shined black
But Mogette wasn't scared, she couldn't go back!
"Mr Dragon!" she'd roar. "Teach me your ways!"
The dragon spat flame, it set the scale ablaze!
Mogette stood her growd, fluttering in the sky
It would take more than fire to see her good bye.

"You're still here, little Mog?" the dragon spoke with a drawl
"Most would have fled, few stand against a dragons call."
Mogette held out an arm, pointing with narrowed eyes
"I want to be like you, to fly, breath fire and control the skys!"
The dragon roared, its laugh echoing out
It breathed a long breath, smoke issuing from its mighty snout.

"You're brave, little Mog. Braver than I, I commend"
"But you don't need me, what you need is a friend."
Mogette looked puzzled, blinking her eyes,
"A friend, Mr Dragon?" she would exclaim in surprise
A slow nod came her way, a wise beast knew
Trusting your friends was the real breakthrough.

"Return home, little Mog, and heed this creature"
"What you need is a friend, an ally and teacher"
The dragon would smile, twisting away
Mogette watched him leave, what a strange day.
She thought on the lesson - Time to head back,
If nothing else, Mogette truely needed a snack.

"We've been looking everywhere!" cried her friends as she landed
Hands on her hips, they narrowed their eyes and demanded.
"I'm sorry, kupo! I just wanted it so bad." Mogette would explain
Pom pom slumped, "I just wanted to be a dragon, I've been such a pain."
Her friends all sighed, "Mogette, don't be silly, don't make a fuss."
"You've always been a dragon to us."
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