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it’s my first night at my new job, the Morgue.
I’m a loner man, this is my first job in three years since my divorce. I’m a janitor at the morgue and I have a night shift.


I grab my phone and keys with a gentle touch and head out of my small apartment. I walk through the slim halls of my house and walk out the front door, locking and shutting the door behind me.
my apartment is room 68 so its not a far walk to leave the building.
Soon I reach my car, I walk around to the drivers side and unlock the door and I lean my upper body down, and sit down in the leather seat, I reach around and grab the seat belt and lock it in the buckle with a soft ‘Click!’
I start the car and put it in reverse and pull out of the drive way and hit the road
as I drive, the street lights pass by my car, illuminating my car with the orange glow from the streetlamps.
I drive with ease down the dark streets, shining my headlights forward.

I’m not very excited about this new job. I mean, being a janitor is already boring and hard work but all night and at a smelly old morgue? Cmon now…

after a while of driving down the illuminated night streets I arrive at the Morgue.
the building was bigger then I expected. The windows are tented and the building looked to be burned down at one point and abandon.
“is this the right address..?” I wonder to myself as I park in the bumpy, rocky parking lot.
I put my car in park and gather my things into my pockets.
I pull my keys out of the keyhole and out my keys in my back pocket and step out of my car, shutting the door behind me with a loud ‘bang!’ and I walk through the parking lot, rocks crunched below my feet as I walked. I walk up to the front of the morgue to be greeted with a security guard. This security guard looked me head to toe as he speaks in an annoyed tone

security guard- “wow, another one. I’m surprised you took the job... not a lot of people work here, especially at night,
go ahead in sir”
the security guard says as he steps aside from the door and unlocks the door and pushes it open.
the door looked to be quite heavy and sounded creaky and old
I’m almost caught off guard by his annoyed tone and I wonder why he’s surprised by me taking the job, but I think none of it and I enter the building, I’m immediately greeted by dim light and a musty smell of death that fills my nostrils. The vibe here was eerie and the tension was thick.
I glance behind me at to look at the guard but the door was shut, my eyebrows raise slightly in surprise as the shut door jump scares me but I quickly regain my compositor and turn my head back forward and begin walking through the wide, empty, reeking hallways.
my footsteps echo through the empty hallways, that being the only sound besides my husky breathing.
I look around as I walk, I noticed some lights flickered every-now-and then, I look at the rooms along the halls and I see a door, titled “Janitor closet” and my footsteps stop at that location. I open the door to the closet and look around. The closet was like a pitch-black void, the amount of area was unknown, which left me only the one choice to enter the pitch black janitor closet
I step my right foot in the closet and enter the closet. I put my arms out like a zombie as I fe
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