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Growing up on the streets, homeless, by yourself isn't easy. Especially when you are 18 and has been on their own almost their whole childhood. I am Shaun and I'm going through a hard life. I was abandoned by my parents long ago. I have no idea why it happened but ever since then I've been living through hell.

I haven't had many friends ever since I've been put in this situation. The only help I ever get is from me begging for something on the street and occasionally getting something. Most of my days are spent just wandering around the alleys and roads looking for support from someone, anyone.

Today is just a normal night for me, just searching around looking for help or guidance. I haven't had luck in a while. The last time I had someone by my side like a partner or something was 2 years ago. Then he found out that he had aids and didn't have the money to treat it. He died later that year.

I'm not really sure where I am. Lost in a wet and dirty alleyway, looking for anything or anyone. It's raining out and I'm getting pretty cold. . When I suddenly heard a loud screech coming from a woman in distress. I immediately think that someone is dying. I began to search for the sound, "Somebody help me!" she screeched. This scream was a lot louder than the first one, it even hurt my ears a little bit. I sprint my way through the alley looking for the lady, jumping over dead dogs and leftover needles in the process.

"Stop hitting me!" she cried. So many questions begin going through my head. Why is she getting beaten? Who is the girl? What is happening over there? And most importantly, who is doing this to her? I run faster and faster getting more and more curious and scared of what I'm going to find once I see. It has been over a minute since the last scream I'm starting to lose where I am and think that maybe she's already dead or she has been kidnapped from the area. But wait I can hear someone, it is very quiet. It seems like the yell of someone with tape over their mouth. There's no other sounds so it's to make my way as the noise got louder the closer I keep walking.

The grunts start getting clearer and clearer as I keep carefully going closer. I'm starting to creep up to a corner and I know that I'm right next to where the stuff. I start to question if I even should go over there for my safety, maybe I'll end up like her. The noise got quieter and dimmer to being completely gone.

I need to go and see now before she dies but I'm still scared because I have no idea on what could be over there. I feel nervous, frightened and not ready all at the same time.

I force myself to go over there for the good of the woman so she doesn't suffer or have it get any worse. I begin to very slowly start creeping past the corner I hid behind. Inching closer and closer to the end of it I try to take a quick glimpse at the situation.

As soon as I see the scene I immediately look away in shock of what I saw. I need to get a better look at it because I couldn't quite make out what was happening. I try as hard as I can to look over there without being caught because I don't want to end up like she did.

I peek past the corner, trying to make absolutely no sound, as scared as ever. I make my way to the corner to see what ensued. All I can see at the moment is body on the ground barely. I keep lying low but I start to go to see the rest of the hallway. As soon as I get past the corner I see a tall figure above the body on the ground. I try to get a better look at the figure but it seemed that it spotted me because as soon I started to get a better look it immediately sprinted away.
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