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my name is calenna in this is the calenna nashay white story we going to start off when i was 8 so my name was calenna nshay underwood but my dad changed it to calenna nashay white or some reason but i turned 9 in December 1st 2023. my mom name yana underwood in my dad name clevendwhite im in 3rd grade acting a fool because of both of my parents because they fight all the time in thats where i learn it from like i bascliey got my mom in dad same dna that dont make no sense. but i fight all the time in got sent to jevior by my mom. my dad dont allways send me somewhere bad cause he spiolle me a lot more then her, my birthday is decmeber 1st 2014, i go to alabama to visit my grandparents, in my couizns last time i went there my sister named christana carmiachel her dad drived us to alabama aventers, i was really scared but after all its noting to be afriad of cause its just abunch of water. then i want there again cause every summer i go to alabama, i have lots of couzins in i also love them as much as i love god my question is... who dont love god? god is the one that made us just the way we is in i love that for him. dont make ashame of yourself you look just as beafuiel in handsome as a l e d lights this is one reason that i love god for. he died on the cross for us. he made us pretty in handsome. in one more thing. in probllay another and another in another but anyways u guys think everything is true on the internet but its not . yall think yall saw Jesus in god on the imternet but thats not what god or Jesus. that is all fake but one thing i know for god in jesus is that they might be balck u never know not this is the chater about the devil..., everybody is acred of him in im am too cause likeee who not scared of him? but he was once a goodness but he wanted to defeat god but so as he cant. they both are powerul in some people is on the devil team but im not, somethimes u cant be on nobody team but im still on god team, once my mom told ,me this but this is very scary most deff at night if u canot listen to this part thyen dont ,isten, but my mom once told me ; u better pray that u die before the world ends because if u dont then u will burn... in then if u kill yourself or if u die then they will clone u, in that whats made me very scary cause why would she tell me something like this at night ? but thats all welcome to calenna nashay white worlds!! goodbye hope u guys enjoyed!
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