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demonstration(noun): a display or exhibition (of how something works etc) / uygulama,gösteri

-I'll give a quick demonstration of some first-aid techniques. / Bazı ilk yardım tekniklerini hızlıca göstereceğim.
-Taxi drivers staged a demonstration against the new law. / Taksi şoförleri yeni yasaya karşı bir gösteri düzenledi.

stage(verb): to organize and take part in a public meeting to complain about something / gösteri/protesto gösterisi vb. düzenlemek/yapmak/hazırlamak

-They staged a free concert in Central Park.

stage(noun): a period of development, or a particular time in a process / evre,aşama,safha

-Our project is in its final stages.
-I'm not prepared to comment at this stage. / Bu aşamada yorum yapmaya hazır değilim.

examine(verb): to look at someone or something very carefully, especially to try to discover something / incelemek
examine(verb): to test someone to see how much they know or how well they can do something / sınav/imtihan yapmak

-She picked up the knife and examined it closely.
-He was examined by a doctor as soon as he arrived.
-Her new show critically examines the relationship between the arts and popular culture.
-You'll be examined in three main areas: speaking, listening, and reading comprehension.

previously(adv): ​at a time before the time that you are talking about / önceden

-Previously he had been unwilling to help, but he’s now changed his mind.
-The building had previously been used as a hotel.

intend(verb): to want and plan to do something / niyet etmek,niyetlenmek,tasarlamak

-Unfortunately the meeting took longer than we intended.
-He intends to retire at the end of this year.
-I don't intend seeing him again. / Onu bir daha görmeye niyetim yok.

embarrass(verb): to make someone feel ashamed or shy / utandırmak, mahcup etmek

-My dad's always embarrassing me in front of my friends.
-What has been your most embarrassing moment?
-She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.

input(noun): ideas, money, effort, etc that you put into an activity or process in order to help it succeed / katkı, girdi, yardım

-Input from students is used to develop new and exciting courses. / Yeni ve heyecan verici kurslar geliştirmek için öğrencilerden gelen girdiler kullanılmaktadır.
-They all had some input into the discussion. / They all had some input into the discussion.

adverse(adj) / (adverse conditions/effects/impact): things that cause problems or danger / tehlike ve probleme neden olan olumsuz koşullar, etkiler
adverse comment/publicity/reaction, etc : something negative that is said or written about someone or something / olumsuz yorum, tepki, kanaat

-Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme.
-This drug is known to have adverse side effects.
-The book received a lot of adverse criticism. / Kitap çok sayıda olumsuz eleştiri aldı.

circumstance(noun): a condition (time, place etc) connected with an event / koşul, durum, vaziyet

-I think they coped very well under the circumstances. / Bence bu koşullar altında çok iyi başa çıktılar.
-Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death. / Polis, çocuğun ölümüyle ilgili herhangi bir şüpheli durum olmadığını söyledi.
-Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule the concert. / Öngörülemeyen koşullar nedeniyle konseri yeniden planlamak zorunda kaldık.
-In the circumstances, I don’t see what else I could have done.

nonetheless(adv): despite what has just been said / yine de, bununla beraber, buna rağmen
nevertheless(adv): despite that / yine de, bununla beraber

-He was extremely rude in meetings. Nonetheless, his arguments found some support.
-The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.
-The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.
-I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless. / Konu hakkında zaten çok şey biliyordum ama yine de konuşması ilginçti.
-Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. / Mağlubiyetimiz bekleniyordu ancak yine de hayal kırıklığı yarattı.

flaw(noun): a mistake or bad characteristic that stops someone or something from being perfect / zaaf, zayıflık, kusur, hata

-The old system had its flaws, but nevertheless it was preferable to the new one. / Eski sistemin kusurları vardı, ancak yine de yenisine tercih edilebilirdi.
-There's a flaw in your reasoning. / Muhakemenizde bir hata var.
-There is still a basic flaw in your selection procedure. / Seçim prosedürünüzde hala temel bir kusur var.

simplification(noun): the process of making simpler / basitleştirme

-Any simplification of the process can only be a good thing. / Sürecin basitleştirilmesi sadece iyi bir şey olabilir.
-Complaints have led to (a) simplification of the rules. / Şikayetler (a) kuralların basitleştirilmesine yol açmıştır.

composition(noun): the different parts that something is made of; the way in which the different parts are organized / karışım, terkip

-Has household composition changed in the last decade? / Son on yılda hanehalkı yapısı değişti mi?
-The overall composition of the Senate was Democrats 57 and Republicans 43. / Senato'nun genel bileşimi Demokratlar 57 ve Cumhuriyetçiler 43 şeklindeydi.
-The two drugs are nearly identical in composition. / İki ilacın bileşimi neredeyse aynıdır.

wander(verb): to walk slowly about a place without any purpose / gezinip durmak, boş boş dolaşmak, amaçsızca gezinmek

-They wandered aimlessly around the town. / Kasabanın etrafında amaçsızca dolaştılar.
- The child was found wandering the streets alone. / Çocuk sokaklarda tek başına dolaşırken bulundu.

artefact/artifact(noun): a man-made object of cultural or historical interest / insan eseri

-Archaeologists discovered some interesting Stone Age artefacts in the cave. / Arkeologlar mağarada bazı ilginç Taş Devri eserleri keşfetmiştir.
-All students will benefit from the study of primary sources and genuine artefacts from the past. / Tüm öğrenciler, birincil kaynakların ve geçmişten gelen gerçek eserlerin incelenmesinden faydalanacaktır.

descend(verb): to come or go down from a higher to a lower level / alçalmak, inişe geçmek

-The plane began to descend.
-Night descends quickly in the tropics. / Tropik bölgelerde gece çabuk çöker.
-She sang and little by little descended to the stage, where she immediately disappeared. / Şarkı söyledi ve yavaş yavaş sahneye inerek hemen gözden kayboldu.

contemporary(adj): of the present time / çağdaş, modern
account(noun): a written or spoken description of something that has happened / olup bitenlerin sözlü ya da yazılı açıklaması

-Most contemporary accounts of the event have been destroyed. / Olayla ilgili çağdaş kayıtların çoğu yok edilmiştir.
-She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book. / Kitabı araştırmak için yalnızca tamamen güncel belgeleri kullanmıştır.
-We have no contemporary account of the battle (= written near the time that it happened). / Savaşla ilgili çağdaş bir anlatıya sahip değiliz (= savaşın gerçekleştiği zamana yakın bir zamanda yazılmış).
-The documents provide a detailed account of the town's early history. / Belgeler, kasabanın erken dönem tarihine ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler sunmaktadır.
-Dr Richards describes this very well in his account of the events.

domestic(adj): of or inside a particular country; not foreign or international / ülke içi, dahili

-Output consists of both exports and sales on the domestic market. / Çıktı, hem ihracat hem de iç piyasadaki satışlardan oluşmaktadır.
-The election campaign has been focused mainly on domestic issues./ Seçim kampanyası ağırlıklı olarak iç meselelere odaklanmıştır.

overcome(verb): to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something / üstesinden gelmek

-The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue. / İki taraf bu konudaki görüş ayrılıklarının üstesinden gelmeyi başardı.
-He finally managed to overcome his fear of flying

differ(verb): to be different / farklı olmak,farkı olmak

-How does the book differ from the film?
-These computers differ quite a lot in price. / Bu bilgisayarlar fiyat açısından oldukça farklılık gösterir.
-They hold differing views. / They hold differing views.

range(noun): a group of different things of the same general type / çeşit, tür, sınıf, çeşitlilik, dağılım

-The hotel offers a wide range of facilities. / Otel çok çeşitli olanaklar sunmaktadır.
-We discussed a wide range of subjects. / Çok çeşitli konuları tartıştık.

range(verb): to have several different amounts or types / farklı miktar ve türler arasında değişmek

-Choose from 13 colours, ranging from classic white to antique blue.
-Tickets range from $12 to $35.

phase(noun): a stage or period that is part of a longer period / evre,aşama,safha

-The first phase of the project is scheduled for completion next year.
-My younger daughter is going through a phase of only wearing black. / Küçük kızım sadece siyah giydiği bir dönemden geçiyor.
-We are entering a new phase in the war.

odd(adj): strange or unusual / alışılmamış, garip, tuhaf, acayip

- I always thought there was something odd about her.
- It's a bit odd that he didn't come.

straightforward(adj): easy to do or understand / anlaşılması kolay, basit, açık seçik

-The task looked fairly straightforward / Görev oldukça basit görünüyordu.
-She's very straightforward. / Çok açık sözlüdür.

temper(noun): if somebody has a temper, they become angry very easily

-He must learn to control his temper. / Öfkesini kontrol etmeyi öğrenmeli.
-He’s in a bad temper. / Çok sinirli.

sacred(adj): relating to a religion or considered to be holy / kutsal, mukaddes, mübarek, ulu

-I don't work at weekends - my private time is sacred.
-Temples, mosques, churches, and synagogues are all sacred buildings.
-He considered it a sacred duty to fulfil his dead father’s wishes.

relevance(noun): the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about / ilgi, ilişki, alâka, münasebet

-This point has no relevance to the discussion.
-I don't see the relevance of your question. / Sorunuzun konuyla ilgisini anlayamadım.
-What he said has no direct relevance to the matter in hand. / Söylediklerinin elimizdeki konuyla doğrudan bir ilgisi yoktur.

spoil(verb): to stop something from being enjoyable or successful / bozmak, berbat etmek

-The picnic was spoiled by the bad weather.
-I don't want to spoil the fun, but could you turn the music down a bit?

enhance(verb): to improve something / geliştirmek, katkıda bulunmak, zenginlik katmak, (güç, güzellik, değer vb.) arttırmak

-Winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation.
-The book greatly enhanced his reputation.

sacrifice(noun/verb): something valuable that you give up in order to achieve something, or the act of giving it up / fedakarlık, özveri

-Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to succeed.
-There are thousands of men ready to sacrifice their lives for their country.

pace(noun): the speed at which something happens
blistering(adj): extremely fast / baş döndürücü hızda

-The economy has grown at a blistering pace.
-The runners have noticeably quickened their pace. / Koşucular fark edilir şekilde hızlandılar.
-Technology is changing at a blistering pace.

scale(noun): the size or level of something / boyut, ölçüt, derece, kapsam, çap

-We don't yet know the scale of the problem.
-Nuclear weapons cause destruction on a massive scale / Nükleer silahlar büyük ölçekte yıkıma neden olur.

sake(noun): for this reason or purpose / uğruna; ...için; ...sun diye

-For the sake of convenience, they combined the two departments. / Kolaylık sağlamak için iki departmanı birleştirdiler.
-For safety's sake, you shouldn't swim alone.
-He begged her to stay for the sake of the children. / Çocukların iyiliği için kalması için ona yalvardı.
-For heaven's sake, stop moaning! / Tanrı aşkına, sızlanmayı kes!

generous(adj): giving people a lot of money, presents, or time in a kind way / cömert
generosity(noun): the quality of being generous / cömertlik, eli açıklık

-I really appreciate all of your help and generosity.
-He is famed for his generosity.
-It is very generous of you to pay for our holiday.
-Try to be generous and forgive her.

tender(adj): kind, gentle and loving / şefkatli, sevgi dolu

-What he needs now is a lot of tender loving care (= sympathetic treatment).

desperate(adj): feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the situation you are in / çaresiz, her şeyi göze almış, gözü dönmüş, umutsuzluğa kapılmış

-He was absolutely desperate and would have tried anything to get her back.
-Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales. / İki yıldır kötü giden satışların ardından mağazalar umutsuzluğa kapılıyor.

commit(verb): If you commit money, time, energy, etc to something, you use it to try to achieve something. / (para, zaman, enerji vb.) ayırmak, vakfetmek, sarfetmek

-The government has committed thousands of pounds to the research.
- The city committed millions of dollars for the house project. / Belediye, konut projesi için milyonlarca dolar taahhüt etmiştir.


quarrel(noun): an angry disagreement between two or more people or groups / tartışma,anlaşmazlık

-They had a bitter quarrel about/over some money three years ago and they haven't spoken to each other since.
-We have no quarrel with the people of your country (= we have no reason to disagree with or dislike them).

patch(verb): yama(noun), yamalamak
patch up(verb): to deal with (a problem, disagreement, etc.) in order to improve or repair a relationship

-They finally patched up their differences.
-He is going to try to patch things up with his girlfriend.
-They seem to have patched up their quarrel (= finished their disagreement and started to be friendly).

stain(verb): to leave a mark on something that is difficult to remove / lekelemek

-That wine I spilt has stained my shirt.
-Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes.
-While she was changing the wheel on her car, her coat had become stained with oil.

nationwide(adj): existing or happening in all parts of a particular country / ülke çapında

-Women's groups have demanded a nationwide assault on sexism in the workplace. / Kadın grupları, işyerinde cinsiyetçiliğe karşı ülke çapında bir saldırı başlatılmasını talep etti.
-Consumer spending is down nationwide. / Tüketici harcamaları ülke çapında azaldı.

grant(noun): an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose / burs

-They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.
-The company received a $10,000 grant for software development.

grant(verb): to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way / vermek,tahsis etmek

-They granted her an entry visa.
-The authorities have refused to grant him a visa to visit the US / Yetkililer kendisine ABD'yi ziyaret etmesi için vize vermeyi reddetti.
-Management have granted a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure. / Yönetim, sendikanın baskısına yanıt olarak %10'luk bir ücret artışı sağladı.

tend(verb): to be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular characteristic / eğiliminde,meyilli olmak

-We tend to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.
-I think you tend to eat more in the winter.
-Things tend to get lost when you move house.

hint(noun) : something that you say or do that shows what you think or want, usually in a way that is not direct / ima,tavsiye,öğüt,ipucu

-He hinted that he wants to retire next year. / Gelecek yıl emekli olmak istediğini ima etti.
-He dropped (= made) several hints that he wanted an MP3 player for his birthday.
-The magazine gives lots of useful hints on how to save money. / Dergi, nasıl tasarruf edilebileceğine dair pek çok faydalı ipucu veriyor.

literary(adj): relating to literature, or typical of the type of language that is used in literature / edebi,edebiyatla ilgili

-It was Chaucer who really turned English into a literary language.

throughout(adv,preposition): during the whole of a period of time / süresince,boyunca

-We spent a week in London and it rained throughout.
-He yawned throughout the performance. / Gösteri boyunca esnedi.
-The same laws apply throughout much of Europe.
-The house was painted pink throughout.

anticipate(verb): to expect something, or to prepare for something before it happens / ummak,beklemek,tahmin etmek

-We anticipate that prices will fall next year.
-A businessman must try to anticipate what his customers will want. / Bir işadamı, müşterilerinin ne isteyeceğini tahmin etmeye çalışmalıdır.
- It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3 per cent.

extent(noun): the size or importance of something / ölçü, derece, mertebe, önem, miktar

-They are just beginning to realize the full extent of the damage.
-Her face was injured to such an extent (= so much) that he didn't recognize her.
-The bird’s wings measured 20 centimetres/centimeters at their fullest extent.

delight(noun): happiness and excited pleasure / sevinç,zevk,haz

-The children screamed with delight.
-She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans. / Tüm hayranlarını sevindirecek şekilde oyunu kolayca kazandı.
-She took a simple delight in joys that we could all share. / Hepimizin paylaşabileceği sevinçlerden basit bir zevk alırdı.
-She couldn't hide her delight at the news.

figure(noun): a number representing a particular amount, especially one given in official information

-Official figures indicate that crime is falling.
-By 2017, this figure had risen to 14 million.

union(noun): an organization that represents people who do a particular job / sendika, birlik

-Teachers' unions in England are demanding the same improvements as in Scotland.
-The union represents five million workers.

barely(adv): scarcely or only just / ancak, zar zor, hemen hemen

-He was barely alive when they found him.
-Barely 18, Lee was sent out to fight in the Gulf. / Henüz 18 yaşında olan Lee, Körfez'e savaşmaya gönderildi.
-We have barely enough food.

coverage(noun): the way a newspaper, television programme, etc reports an event or subject / tv veya gazetenin bir haberi, olayı yayınlama/sunma biçimi

-Sometimes it seems that press coverage of an event is inversely proportional to its true importance. / Bazen bir olayın basında yer almasının o olayın gerçek önemiyle ters orantılı olduğu görülmektedir.
-There is live coverage of the game on cable TV.
-The TV coverage of the Olympic Games was extensive. / Olimpiyat Oyunları'nın televizyon yayını çok genişti.

exist(verb): to be, or to be real / var olmak

-Poverty still exists in this country.
-Does life exist on other planets?
-We existed on a diet of rice.

loan(noun): an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing / borç para,kredi

-He repaid the loan within two years.
-She's trying to get a $50,000 loan to start her own business.
-We could apply for/take out a loan to buy a car.

interfere(verb): to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful / karışmak, burnunu sokmak

-Interfering in other people's relationships is always a mistake.
-I'd never interfere between (US with) a husband and wife.

Progress(verb,noun):gelişim, gelişmek, devam etmek,ilerlemek

-I decided to do a postgraduate course because it's a good way to progress your career.
-My Spanish never really progressed beyond the stage of being able to order drinks at the bar.
-As the war progressed, more and more countries became involved. / Savaş ilerledikçe daha fazla ülke savaşa dahil oldu.

valid(adj): based on truth or reason; able to be accepted / mantıklı,akla uygun,makul
valid(adj): A ticket or other document is valid if it is based on or used according to a set of official conditions that often include a time limit / geçerli

-My way of thinking might be different from yours, but it's equally valid. / Benim düşünce tarzım sizinkinden farklı olabilir, ancak aynı derecede geçerlidir.
-My passport is valid for another two years.
-For the experiment to be valid, it is essential to record the data accurately. / Deneyin geçerli olabilmesi için verilerin doğru bir şekilde kaydedilmesi şarttır.

partially(adv): not completely / kısmen,sınırlı olarak

-The meat was only partially cooked.
-The road was partially blocked by a fallen tree.

submit(verb): to send a document, plan, etc to someone so that they can consider it / sunmak, arzetmek, göndermek, vermek
submit(verb): to accept that someone has control over you and do what they tell you to do / uymak, yumuşak başlı olmak, razı olmak, boyun eğmek

-Applications must be submitted before 31 January.
-He was forced to submit to a full body search.
-I refuse to submit to his control. / Onun kontrolüne boyun eğmeyi reddediyorum.

consist(verb): to be made of or formed from something / oluşmak, var olmak

-The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.
-It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.
-The crowd consisted mostly of college kids and office workers.

wisdom(noun): the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments / akıl,akıllılık

-I certainly hope to gain a little wisdom as I grow older. / Yaşlandıkça biraz bilgelik kazanmayı umuyorum.
-I tend to doubt the wisdom of separating a child from its family whatever the circumstances. / Koşullar ne olursa olsun bir çocuğu ailesinden ayırmanın bilgeliğinden şüphe duyma eğilimindeyim.
-Did we ever stop to question the wisdom of going to war? / Savaşa girmenin ne kadar akıllıca olduğunu hiç sorguladık mı?

speciality(noun): a product that is extremely good in a particular place / uzmanlık, ihtisas sahası

-Paella is a speciality of the house (= a food that is unusually good in a particular restaurant).
-Unkind remarks are one of his specialities. / Kaba sözler onun uzmanlık alanlarından biridir.

applicant(noun): someone who asks for something officially, often by writing / başvuran, müracaat eden kişi

-There were over fifty applicants for the job.
-How many applicants did you have for the job? / İş için kaç kişi başvurdu?
-Successful applicants will be notified in writing.

enclose(verb): to send something in the same envelope or parcel as something else / iliştirmek,içine koymak
enclose(verb): to surround something / etrafını çevirmek

-Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your application. / Lütfen başvurunuzla birlikte özgeçmişinizi de ekleyiniz.
-The garden is enclosed by four walls.
-Please return the completed form, enclosing a recent photograph. / Lütfen doldurduğunuz formu yeni çekilmiş bir fotoğrafınızla birlikte geri gönderin.
-The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged. / Anıtı çevreleyen park yakın zamanda genişletilmiştir.

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