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”Good morning. My name is Barsha, and I’m here today to talk to you about REPORTS in ABAP”. So these are the contents which I am going to cover in my presentation .
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So, What is Report ?
Introduction to SAP ABAP Reports
In the realm of SAP development (Advanced Business Application Programming) reports play a pivotal role in leveraging the vast data that is stored within the SAP system, transforming it into meaningful insights and actionable information. These programs cater to a diverse range of reporting needs, ranging from simple data listings to complex analytics, allowing users to visualize and comprehend information crucial for effective business operations. ABAP reports contribute significantly to optimizing processes and maximizing the value of SAP investments.


Key Characteristics of SAP ABAP Reports:
Data Extraction: Reports in SAP ABAP are crafted to extract relevant data from SAP's underlying databases. This data, sourced from various modules and transactions, is then processed and presented in a comprehensible format.

Customization and Flexibility: One of the defining features of ABAP reports is their flexibility. Developers can tailor reports to meet specific business requirements, incorporating user-defined layouts, calculations, and interactivity.

User Interaction: Reports can be interactive, enabling users to navigate through data, make selections, and drill down into details. This user-friendly aspect enhances the overall usability of the reports.

Integration with SAP Tools: ABAP reports seamlessly integrate with various SAP tools, including the ABAP List Viewer (ALV), which enhances the presentation and manipulation of data, and SAP Query for ad-hoc reporting without extensive programming.

Types of Reports in SAP ABAP

1. Classical Reports:
Description: Classical reports are the foundational type of ABAP reports. They present data in a straightforward, tabular format on the SAP GUI.

Characteristics: Typically created using basic WRITE statements, they are effective for displaying simple lists of data

2. Interactive Reports:
Description: Interactive reports enhance user engagement by allowing dynamic interaction with displayed data.

Characteristics: Users can navigate through the data, make selections, and drill down for detailed information. This fosters a more dynamic and user-friendly experience.

3. ALV Reports (ABAP List Viewer):
Description: ALV reports provide advanced features for data presentation and manipulation.

Characteristics: They leverage the ABAP List Viewer to offer functionalities like sorting, filtering, and subtotaling. ALV reports enhance the overall user experience.

4.ABAP Query Reports in SAP ABAP
This is also another tool for ABAP reports. This report has high accuracy and efficiency in the SAP ABAP.

5.Logical Database Reports
Logical database is another tool for ABAP reports. Using LDB we can provide extra features for ABAP reports.

While using LDB there is no need for us to declare Parameters.


Below is the sequential order of events in the classical report.

Events Description
This is the first step in the classical report. This will be activated before displaying the selection screen.

AT Selection Screen
Started activating after the user’s input in the selection screen. This event checks the user input before the execution of the program. Once the user input is processed, the selection screen will be in active mode.

Activated once after the processing of the selection screen that is when the user tries to execute on the selection screen.

It will start activating after the last statement in Start-of-Selection is executed.

Data is displayed on a new page as a result of the first WRITE statement.
It will display the text at the end of the page. This is the last event in creating the classical report in SAP ABAP.

This will initiate when we double-click on the list when the event is initiated, then a new sublist will be generated. In this event, if the statements have been returned and we can be seen in the newly generated sublist.

This event provides the user functions keys.Function codes that trigger AT USER-COMMAND must be defined in the own GUI status.

This function is used for predefined function keys.

Top of Page during Line Selection
Top event for the secondary list.

Logical Database Reports

Logical database is another tool for ABAP reports. Using LDB we can provide extra features for ABAP reports.While using LDB there is no need for us to declare Parameters.Selection-screen as they will be generated automatically.
We have to use the statement NODES in ABAP report.If there are many tables the Performance will be slow as all the table data will be read from top node to bottom node .

ABAP Query Reports
As I have mentioned earlier ABAP query is another tool for ABAP. It provides efficency for ABAP reports. These reports are very accurate.
Transaction Code : SQ01

ALV Report
ALV Report is one of the many ways of displaying SAP table data in a reporting manner. Acronym ALV stands for ABAP List Viewer. ALV Report in SAP ABAP are very commonly used in many standard and custom SAP transaction across different SAP modules.

ALV reports include various in-built functions:

Sorting of records.
Filtering of records.
Totaling of records when there is a quantity column.
Sub totaling of records when there is a quantity column.
Hiding columns.
Changing order of columns.
Downloading report in Excel or HTML format.
Main advantage of these functions is, we can avoid implementing these all the way from scratch. You can use these functions because the mechanism we are using to develop an ALV report is standard function modules provided by SAP.
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Regards; Team

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