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doesn't look too(?) sketch
the issue? no bathroom, and no sq ft descriptions, probably shows early hints of being unprofessional

the bathroom looks kinda janky, three other people live there. the seller rating doesn't look bad though, it's nearly 5 stars (but reviewed by 10 people, i mean it's not like there's millionares renting so idk how any reviews one can get)

23 minute walk to any nearby bus stop and it's the fuckin 10, but i like the fact that there's a 2bed 2ba situation for only 1,200
that's 600 for two people and pretty damn not bad gotta go for a tour though i don't think these are the actual rooms showing in the listing

looks really spacious, the bath is HUGE idk they mentioned it's a studio but multiple rooms?? i think it's the same issue with the listing not actually showing the space listed. need a tour. another place that's only accessible by the 10 but looks like a 5 minute walk instead of 23

holy shit there has to be something wrong with the place? besides the fact that there's an ac unit instead of heating it's not bad. 2bed 1ba in the middle of downtown and freshly renovated with laundry units. $1450, and $725 per person

it just doesn't look right. there's only two picture and it's of the exact same bed listed as "1 bed 1ba" townhouse and $550 a month. worth noting but with several grains of salt, if not the whole qt

1 bed 1 ba townhouuse listed as $550 but with no address
from what i saw from the window it's in a neigborhood and not in the middle of nowhere but you'll have to call ig
the description is also in spanish but i can read the important bits. says deposit required and no laundry so yeah

2 beds 1 bath for $610 a month
looks janky as hell and like it's in a basement, i can't confirm it but i FEEL the bugs in the pictures provided. super close to the transite center though (like 2,000 feet) and up for immediate lease bc the homeowner's going to florida. also preffered female tenant so..... oh and there's laundry included hell yeah im showing u this place

1 bed 1 ba
looks old as hell and slightly haunted, but says unfurnished. 3 other people living there and some weird agreement about a roation for house cleaning

townhosue 1bed 1ba suprisingly spacious living room for $700 laundry included and apparently super close to FCC so there's no real question about transit acessibility

1 bed 1 bath, kinda small with a male tenant preffered. also in hillcrest, i've been in hillcrest and they have issues with ants otheriwse here ya go:

if and when i get a job we should revisit zillow. it's not good for under 1,000 and a single bed and bathroom (there was literally no listings) but for two they have stuff up too 1,500 and two bedrooms. not much but quite a few and it's worth taking note of for the future
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