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could my college essay be about me when during years 2019-2022 and how I was A main provider for my brother and write some stuff on why my grades were bad or whatever and how it was just me at the house or whatever and we were neglected, would that work if not because colleges might not buy the part that we were neglected, or could I say how Covid19 was had a huge impact on my mental state and how it affected me all through these years.

Ever since covid happened and I took a huge break from school and really outside interactions with others my mental state declined I Hadn’t really connected with others, During the time period (2019, April, when covid19 begun) Being locked up in the house made my mental wellbeing decline significantly, Being that I was stuck at home alone, when I had free time I never really went outside much, all I did Was just be stuck up in my room away from the outside world & not having anyone I thought* I could really talk to. Going into my high school years I Continued this ___ behavior, My depression started getting worse making me not do daily tasks I was handed at home, School activities and school Work, Up until my late sophomore year I found some people I am friends with to this day That really pulled me out of my Terrible mental state, They really did help me start to truly become myself And made a change in my attitude and mindset. Trying to well in school & Join school activities and clubs, working at a local job the (YMCA) together and getting in better shape by Going to the gym, Competitive Sport games and more. My Best Buddies which made me mature and wake up to the real world, pulled me out of some of my hardest times (or lowest point).

1. I meal prepped turkey and cheese sandwiches, toast and a lot of quick food to make, these responsibilities took time away from things i wanted to do such as school homework soccer, friends and much more. walking from my middle school to my brother's elementary school to walk him home (me and him to my mom's or dads house, which happened every weekday). 2. I fell into a depressed state and felt a bit numb with my body and stomach not feeling too well. i coped by negative self-talk, isolation, procrastination, and emotional binge eating. After every school day I would get off the bus after it dropped us to our stop walk towards my brother's elementary school and I would pick him up from school from my 6th to 10th grade and we would walk home either to my mom's or my dad's house depending on who's day it was because they were divorced. and when we would get home after walking, I would isolate myself from my family and eat junk food after doing whatever tasks I had to do which i always thought were stupid. 3. I met my friends during lunch I sat with a random group of people who were already friends, and I essentially joined their group where self-improvement was a big thing for everyone in the group. We would always hangout and play basketball or I would have some of my friends in my classes which would be fun and eventually we joined an Aau basketball team. Their friendship helped me self-improve myself and focus on bettering myself. 4. I started watching YouTube videos on how the mind works and how bettering myself is key to having a better life which is something I've always wanted, so I focused snapped out of my depression with help from my friends and started working harder and giving it my all on whatever task I was doing. I have 3 employees of the month awards since I have worked there. The major that usf has really interests me because currently I am taking a cyber security course at ucf, and business is what I want to do my father owns a business also. I live in Tampa and the Tampa campus is close to home so being at the campus it would be home not far away from home. I see usf prestigious college as another place to build myself and join their community which has a very nice friendly campus. Title: Navigating the Storm: A Tale of Resilience and Redemption

The unanticipated arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 heralded a period of unprecedented challenges that left an indelible mark on my journey through high school. As the world retreated behind closed doors, so too did my mental well-being. The isolation became more than a mere inconvenience; it became a crucible that tested the limits of my resilience.

During this tumultuous time, I found myself thrust into an unexpected role—becoming the primary provider for my younger brother. Navigating the complexities of my parents' divorce, I shouldered the responsibilities of ensuring his safety, walking him home from school every weekday, and grappling with the weight of familial obligations. The demands of this newfound responsibility exacted a toll on my academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, and, most profoundly, my own sense of self.

As I endeavored to balance the demands of home life, my grades suffered, revealing the toll this responsibility took on my academic standing. The routine of daily responsibilities—from meal prepping to coordinating our transition from school to our parents' houses—left me with precious little time for personal endeavors. The responsibilities I undertook were not just logistical; they were emotionally taxing, unfolding against the backdrop of a fractured familial landscape.

The weight of these challenges plunged me into a state of persistent despondency. Each day became a struggle against the tide of negative self-talk, isolation, procrastination, and the solace found in emotional binge eating. The darkness seemed insurmountable, a shroud that enveloped not just my academic pursuits but my very sense of self.

In the midst of this emotional tempest, however, emerged a lifeline—the unwavering support of friends who would later become my pillars of strength. It was during lunchtime encounters with a group focused on self-improvement that I found a refuge, a community that embraced and nurtured positive change. Engaging in activities like basketball and joining an AAU basketball team, I discovered the transformative power of camaraderie.

This newfound sense of belonging and support did not just pull me out of the depths of my depression; it rekindled a spark within me. The metamorphosis was profound, touching not only my attitude and mindset but also my commitment to self-improvement. My friends became catalysts for change, guiding me towards healthier coping mechanisms and redirecting my energy towards positive endeavors.

As I delved into understanding the intricacies of the mind through YouTube videos, I felt a shift within me. Armed with newfound knowledge and a determination to break free from the shackles of depression, I began to embrace life more fully. The metamorphosis wasn't instantaneous, but it was definitive. From a dark period of isolation and despair emerged a version of myself that was more resilient, more compassionate, and more determined than ever.

The transformative journey continued as I applied the lessons learned from my struggles to various aspects of my life. At my workplace, I earned the Employee of the Month award three times, a testament to my unwavering commitment to excellence. My dedication to self-improvement propelled me towards a cyber security course at UCF, aligning with my burgeoning interest in the field.

Now, as I set my sights on USF, I am drawn not only to its esteemed programs but also to the proximity of the Tampa campus to my home. The prospect of joining a community that values growth, resilience, and camaraderie resonates deeply with me. USF represents more than an academic institution; it symbolizes an opportunity for further evolution, for building upon the foundation of resilience forged during those challenging years.

In conclusion, my journey through the storm of adversity has not just shaped me; it has defined me. The trials of the years 2019-2022 were not merely obstacles; they were crucibles that forged a version of myself that is more resilient, compassionate, and determined than ever before. The prospect of joining USF's prestigious community is not just an academic pursuit; it is an embrace of growth, an acknowledgment of the transformative power of resilience, and a step towards a brighter future.
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