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For Noah: It looks like a lot, I’m sorry, just trying to be thorough lol. Like I said, he can answer short and sweet, or even not at all

Prayer Strategy:
1. What role does prayer play in your personal walk with Jesus Christ?
2. How do you believe prayer can impact Christian students in their daily lives?
3. In what specific ways do you think we can pray for lost students to encounter Christ?
4. Can you share any experiences where prayer has played a significant role in student ministry outreach efforts?
5. What practical steps do you suggest for implementing a consistent prayer strategy within the student ministry?

Personal Connection Strategy:
1. How do you approach building relationships with other students who may not share your faith?
2. What do you believe are effective ways to demonstrate Christ's love and compassion to non-Christian peers?
3. Can you share an example of a successful personal connection with a non-believing student that led to meaningful conversation or discipleship?
4. How do you navigate the balance between building relationships with non-Christian peers and maintaining your own faith and convictions?
5. What advice do you have for student leaders on initiating conversations about faith with their non-Christian friends?

Outreach Event Strategy:
1. From your perspective, what makes a successful student ministry outreach event?
2. Can you suggest any creative ideas for outreach events that would effectively engage both Christian and non-Christian students?
3. How important do you think it is for an outreach event to explicitly present the gospel message?
4. What practical steps would you recommend for planning and executing an outreach event that is both fun and impactful?
5. In your experience, what are some common challenges or obstacles to overcome when organizing outreach events, and how do you suggest addressing them?

These questions should help gather valuable insights and suggestions for developing a comprehensive student ministry outreach strategy.
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Regards; Team

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