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15 Things You Didn't Know About Argos Fridge Freezer
Choosing an Argos Fridge Freezer

Argos fridge freezers offer the space needed for an organized, healthy kitchen. Choose from models with humidity drawers that control the climate, ensuring that food items remain fresher for longer.

Some models have electronic controls, which alert the user if they have left the door open or a fault has occurred. Be sure to look for doors that can be reversible that allow you to alter the direction the refrigerator opens according to your kitchen layout.

Ample Storage Space

There are many aspects to consider when selecting the right refrigerator freezer including capacity and colour to size and energy class. But, many people do not consider one of the most important things storage space. If you're looking for a place to store your weekly shop or the frozen food in your cupboards, it's always ideal to select an appliance that will meet your family's needs without clogging your kitchen.

If you're after a sleek fridge freezer that fits seamlessly into your modern kitchen take a look at this model from Samsung. fridge freezer frost free utilizes SpaeMax technology to create slim walls that maximize your fridge's capacity without sacrificing style. You'll have ample room to store your fresh produce thanks to four shelves for your fridge and the freezer compartment is big enough to accommodate your frozen meals. Plus, frost-free technology means you don't have to waste time cleaning your appliance.

This Hoover model has the 50/50 split option for those who want to have a fair distribution of freezer and fridge storage. It also comes with a number of handy functions to make life easier like an alarm that is triggered when someone isn't closing the door (perfect for those teens who are always late!). Smart cooling adaptability lets it to alter the amount of power used depending on how much cooling you require, thereby decreasing your energy costs and extending the life of your fridge.

There's plenty of space for your daily shopping needs with this 2m high refrigerator freezer, which has numerous handy storage compartments to help you get organised. There's also a section that's 0°C for meat and fish. A VitaFresh Salad drawer manages humidity, and Metal Tech cooling ensures cool air is distributed evenly throughout the appliance. A non-plumbed water dispenser enables you to drink chilled drinks whenever you'd like.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficient fridge freezers are more energy efficient and reduce your electricity bill. They typically come with a fridge compartment and an area for freezers that you can switch between, based on how much you have to store. Look for models that have a top freezer since they are believed to be more efficient in energy use than the bottom models. They can also make it easier for you to reach your frozen food. You can check the energy rating which will give you an idea of how efficient it is compared to other appliances such as washing machines as well as tumble dryers and cookers. The higher the rating the more energy efficient it is.

Frost-Free Technology

Commonly found in kitchens of all sizes, a fridge freezer is an essential appliance that lets you to store your favorite foods and ensure that you're ready for unexpected guests. There are many aspects to consider when selecting the best fridge freezer for your home. From how much food it can hold to its energy efficiency, it is important to keep these in mind.

The most sought-after option is an integrated model designed to be hidden behind a cabinet door and allows you to connect it to your kitchen appliances. They're generally more expensive than freestanding units, however they will save you space.

A chest freezer is a great option for those who have more space than they require and who need quick access to their frozen food items. They're available in upright and pull-out styles, depending on your preferred storage style.

Refrigerator freezers can provide a variety of features that can enhance your everyday life, from the latest cooling technologies to smart tech that lets you keep track of what's in your fridge from afar and make shopping lists. Other beneficial features include reversible doors so that you can choose which side to open your fridge depending on how you use your kitchen, as well as alarms that sound when a member of the family has not close the fridge properly!

In addition to these practical functions Some fridge freezers also have an anti-bacterial coating to help keep your fresh meats and produce safe from bacteria. They can also be equipped with a variety of temperature settings, such as quick freezing and defrost that is quick to meet your needs.

Our GHI experts assess the performance of each fridge freezer performing a variety tests. They examine the temperature regulation and the speed at which the appliance is able to return to its original setting after being switched off as well as the design and functionality for shelves and drawers. They also look at the warranty, ease of use and maintenance, and how quiet the unit is when operating.

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