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<elementary-666> no
<elementary-666> im sorry, i will not
<vask1lux> Why not?
<elementary-666> idk
<elementary-666> i dont trust that site
<vask1lux> WHy not?
<vask1lux> I have set no rules
<vask1lux> come on bro!
<vask1lux> It's on my own host service so do not worry
<elementary-666> it just looks, tooo easy . it does no matter if there are rules or not
<vask1lux> Too easy?
<vask1lux> for what?
<vask1lux> I mean its completely anonymous
<elementary-666> why not searching for people on other irc's, this is a anonymous irc and i dont think that that people will click on you links
<vask1lux> and my very first success in doing something like that properly!
<vask1lux> Exactly!It is targeting people who want to speak and have their opinions heard anonymously
<elementary-666> then bring it to public with other media
<vask1lux> other media?
<elementary-666> youtube for example
<vask1lux> Uhhh I do not speak on youtube videos
<vask1lux> I have a weird accent
<vask1lux> and I cannot talk in public
<elementary-666> then use ttspeach
<vask1lux> I just....cant
<vask1lux> My account is for commenting only
<vask1lux> and to say what?
<elementary-666> anyway, if your page comes to big public and it is without rules, the people would post illegal links or something on there
<vask1lux> According to the law, I am not held viable to what they do
<vask1lux> it's up to them
<elementary-666> but it's shown on your page and you are the page owner, they will bring u down like or megaupload for example ^^
<elementary-666> dotcom said that he is not responsible for the content that is hosting on megaupload. But in the end the fbi fucked him.
<vask1lux> I am in Greece
<vask1lux> internet laws here are different
<vask1lux> they are quite free, much more free than in the USA
<elementary-666> i dont know about the law's there
<vask1lux> Trust me, I cannot get in trouble easily
<elementary-666> but i don't think that they allow a service like a forum where everyone can post what they want
<vask1lux> They do*
<vask1lux> My provider allows everything i want
<elementary-666> so you are your own provider? xD
<vask1lux> Sort of
<vask1lux> A guy named captain hydrogen already signed up
<vask1lux> you can sign up too if you wish
<elementary-666> i dont know what i should do on a site like that
<vask1lux> I actually need a moderator for activating users if they sign up
<vask1lux> so thats why i need you
<vask1lux> and please trust my site,it is not dangerous as it is held on a secret server
<elementary-666> i dont wanna be a moderator of a site without rules
<elementary-666> im not living in greece so i do not have unlimited internet rights here
<vask1lux> Fine....ill put rules
<vask1lux> you won
<vask1lux> but the rules will not cover anything non-person-harming
<vask1lux> for example discussions over hacking will be allowed
<vask1lux> but CP wont be tolerated
<elementary-666> repeating myself: it just looks, tooo easy . it does no matter if there are rules or not
<elementary-666> i will not sign up there and dont want to be a moderator there.
<vask1lux> :(
<elementary-666> im sorry
<vask1lux> its okay......... i tried.......
<vask1lux> but i wasted so much time trying to get some registered and i got only 1 member!!!!!
<elementary-666> try ask something else ;)
<vask1lux> But at least, dont sign up-but can you reccomend it?
<elementary-666> what is your goal with that
<elementary-666> you wanna harvest my ip right?
<vask1lux> No
<elementary-666> anyway it would be very hard for you because im using tor and 256bit vpn
<vask1lux> TBH,I do not have the required knowledge to harvest an ip address
<vask1lux> and i do not find a use of it
<elementary-666> how can i know that?
<vask1lux> why would i target an innocent user
<elementary-666> how you know that i am innocent?
<elementary-666> you cant know
<elementary-666> and i have no reason to trust you
<vask1lux> I consider you innocent
<vask1lux> hacking is innocent unless it is targeted on innocent people
<vask1lux> If you hack for example a poor person to steal their money, you are a fucktard
<vask1lux> if you hack a fat cat rich person, you are ok
<elementary-666> so you mean with that i am a poor person? :D
<elementary-666> how can u know?
<vask1lux> ....
<vask1lux> Really?
<vask1lux> Anyway, all i want to say is that
<vask1lux> you are safe with me
<vask1lux> if you feel unsafe to post just hide your damn ip
<vask1lux> i will get my site on a tor hidden service too
<elementary-666> what do you think what operating system i am using?
<vask1lux> Absolutely linux!
<vask1lux> its obvious!
<elementary-666> how you know that?
<vask1lux> Idk
<vask1lux> Cus smart people use linux
<vask1lux> Can we exchange pgp?
<vask1lux> I will send you my pgp public key
<elementary-666> no i dont want to
<vask1lux> If you want to be more secure
<vask1lux> Ill just give it to you in case
<elementary-666> im not more secure then..
<vask1lux> -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
<vask1lux> Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
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<vask1lux> =Ua1D
<vask1lux> -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
<vask1lux> There you go
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