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here are the rules for my new hide and seek... same setup, 5 hiders and 2 seekers... thers just a few differences, and its all based on the honor system for this game... so the 2 seekers must buy 1 here are the rules for my new hide and seek... same setup, 5 hiders and 2 seekers... thers just a few differences, and its all based on the honor system for this game... so the 2 seekers must buy 1 pink ward for the start of the game and place it in the very middle of mid lane for the setup. that will be their main source of vision throughout the game... the hiders are not allowed to touch the pink ward in the middle of the map, no auto attacking it... so for this new hide and seek game to be viable, you can not enter a lane at all or purposely kill jungle creeps...the only way you can "pass through" a lane is through the very middle of mid lane from river to river in order to cross lane into a seperate jungle... other than that, you must not stay in any lane at all, only in the jungle... seekers are free to cross through mid lane at any point to avoid the hiders having vision on them, just be careful not to get in the enemy turret range or it will give the hiders vision of where you are... you can not purposely proc a jungle camp in order to force damage on your opponent at all, so if you hide in baron or dragon pit, dont proc the buff on purpose.... now lets get back to mid lane for a second... i know i said you can only cross mid lane in the very center by the enemy pink ward.... even in late game when towers have been pushed by the minions, you still cannot cross mid lane anywhere but the very center by the pink ward... other than that, you can cross river from top to bttm jungle freely in order to use your skills to dash or kite walls if necessary... lets hope this game mode works out and maybe we can revive hide and seek in a very new and unique way! same perma bans as the original hide and seek game, you all should know who they are! make sure to discuss them in game lobby and lets have a fun game (:
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