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Louis and Birtha were bored. They had nothing to do They decided to explore the attic of their old house, hoping to find something interesting. They went through the dusty boxes and trunks, finding old clothes, books, and toys. They tried on some hats and scarves, pretending to be different people from old fashioned times. They laughed at each other's funny attire and accents. Then, they ended up finding a small wooden box. It had an image of a fairy on it. Louis opened the box and saw a tiny key inside. "Look, a key!" he said. "I wonder what it unlocks." He looked around and saw a door with a keyhole. He ran to the door and put in the key. It fit perfectly. He turned the key and opened the door. "Wow!" he said. "It's a secret room!" He entered the room and saw a big bookshelf full of books. He picked one of the books and opened it. It was a book about fairies. "Birtha, come here!" he called. "I found a book about fairies! "Birtha followed him into the room and saw the book. She was still confused. "Can you read it to me?" she asked. "Sure," Louis said. He started to read the book aloud. "Once upon a time, there was a magical fairy who lived in a forest. She had a special power: she could travel through time. She loved to visit different places and times and learn new things. She had a portal that could take her anywhere she wanted to go. She just had to say the name of the place and time, and the portal would open." As Louis read the book, something strange happened. The book started to glow bright. The words on the page became blurry. The pictures became clear. And then, the book opened a portal. "Look!" Birtha said. "It's a portal!" She pointed at the portal that appeared in front of them. It was a swirling circle of colors. "Where do you think it goes?" Louis asked. "I don't know. Let's find out!" Birtha said. She grabbed Louis' hand and jumped into the portal. "No Birtha, we can't!! what if we never come back??" asked louis "well, we will find out soon enough!!" She grabbed his hand and tugged it into the purple, wispy portal. They felt a whoosh of air and a tingling sensation. They closed their eyes and screamed. When they opened them again, they were in a different place and time. They were amazed by the sight. They wanted to explore the castle and meet the people. They walked towards the gate, hoping to get in. But then, they heard a voice behind them. “Hello, there. Who may you be?” the voice said. They turned around and saw a fairy. She looked just as you'd imagine from a fairytale, glitter spirals around her. She was the fairy from the book. She had followed them through the portal. She wanted to help them on their adventure. “Hi, I’m Louis. And this is Birtha. We’re from the future,” Louis said. “The future? How fascinating. I’m Sila, the time-traveling fairy. I’m here to show you around. Do you want to see the castle?” Sila said. “Yes, please!” Birtha said. “Alright, then. Follow me. But be careful. This is a dangerous time. There are wars, dragons, and witches. You have to be brave and smart. And don’t forget to have fun!” Sila said. She waved her wand and opened the gate. She led them into the castle. She showed them the throne room, the kitchen, the library, and the dungeon. She told them stories about the king, the queen, the knights, and the princess. She made them laugh with her jokes and magic tricks. Louis and Birtha had a great time. They learned a lot about medieval England. They made friends with Sila. They had an amazing adventure. They didn’t want to leave. But they knew they had to go back to their own time. They thanked Sila for everything. She hugged them and gave them a gift. It was a necklace with a fairy pendant. “This is for you. It will remind you of me and this place. And if you ever want to visit me again, just say my name and the portal will open. I’ll be waiting for you,” Sila said. "Thank you, Sila. We’ll miss you. We’ll come back soon,” Louis and Birtha said. They said goodbye to Sila and the castle. They walked back to the portal. They held hands and jumped in. They felt a whoosh of air and a tingling sensation. They closed their eyes and screamed. When they opened them again, they were back in the secret room. They looked at the book. It was still glowing. They looked at the necklace. It was still shining. They looked at each other. They were still smiling. They loved time traveling and decided to do it all the time. The end.
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