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In this hands on you are going to work on kubernetes ConfigMaps, Secrets, Persistence Storage and Persistence Storage Claims

Environment Setup

Check whether docker & minikube are properly installed and configured.

Start Minikube and execute this command to sync host docker with minikube docker `minikube -p minikube docker-env` and `eval $(minikube docker-env)`

------------------------------------------------ ConfigMaps ------------------------------------------------
Step - 1
Create a ConfigMap named `fresco-config`.
Add key `SERVER_URL`.
Add value ``.

Verify if the ConfigMap is created.

Step - 2
Create an nginx pod with the environmental variable `SERVER_URL_ENV`.
Use the ConfigMap created earlier, and assign the value to it. Use below template:

`apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: fresco-nginx-pod
- name: fresco-nginx-container
image: nginx
env: fetch the value of SERVER_URL_ENV from previous configMap`

Test your configuration by executing this command: kubectl exec -it fresco-nginx-pod -- sh -c env | grep SERVER_URL_ENV
It should display:

------------------------------------------------ Secrets ------------------------------------------------
Step - 1
Create a Secret `fresco-secret` using:

Step - 2
Modify the above nginx pod to add the fresco-secret and mountPath /etc/test:

Use this command to check if the pod and secret are successfully configured:
kubectl exec -it fresco-nginx-pod -- sh -c "cat /etc/test/* | base64 -d"
It should display both username & password

------------------------------------------------ Persistence Volume ------------------------------------------------
Create a PV named `fresco-pv` using the following parameters:
storageClassName - manual
capacity - 100MB
accessMode - ReadWriteOnce
hostPath - /tmp/fresco

Create a PVC named `fresco-pvc`, and request for 50MB.
To verify successful creation, ensure it is bound to `fresco-pv`.

Modify above nginx pod named `fresco-nginx-pod` using the following parameters:
Request for fresco-pvc as a volume
Use /usr/share/nginx/html for mount path.

**Hint:** Use `kubectl describe pod fresco-nginx-pod` for debugging.

------------------------------------------------ RBAC ------------------------------------------------
In this section, you will create a user `emp` and assign 'read' rights on pods belonging to the namespace `dev`.

Create a namespace named `dev`.
Use `openssl`, and create a private key named `emp.key`.

Create a certificate sign request named `emp.csr` using the private key generated earlier.
Use the following information:
name :emp
group: dev

Generate `emp.crt` by approving the request created earlier.

Create a new context pointing to the cluster `minikube`, and name it `dev-ctx`. It should point to the namespace `dev`, and the user should be `emp`.

Set credentials for `emp`.
Use `emp.key` and `emp.crt` created earlier.

Create a role named `emp-role`, and assign `get`, `list` access on `pods` and `deployments`(use `dev` namespace).

Bind `emp` to the role `emp-role` created earlier, and name it `emp-bind`.

Run an `nginx` pod under the `dev-ctx` and `dev` namespace and `nginx` name.

Execute `kubectl --context=dev-ctx get pods -o wide`, and ensure it is deployed.

If you try to execute `kubectl --context=dev-ctx get pods -n default`, a `forbidden` error appears. This is because only employees are authorized to access the `dev` namespace.
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