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Who Is Responsible For An Integrated Freezer Budget? 12 Top Notch Ways To Spend Your Money
The Benefits of an Integrated Freezer

The design is designed to blend into your kitchen and hide behind cabinet doors, integrated freezers give you all the storage space you need but without compromising that elegant sleek appearance. These models are available as split 50/50 or 70/30 refrigerator/freezer models.

The fridge-freezers that are integrated are typically the same width as freestanding models - about 54-55cm. This is to ensure that they will fit inside the normal fridge housing cabinet.

Discreet design

The main feature of an integrated freezer is the way it blends into the kitchen cabinetry, concealing the appliance behind the door. This sleek, modern design is popular among homeowners who want an elegant and sleek design. It's also a great option for those who live in a tiny house or in an open-plan area, because a refrigerator that is freestanding will generally take up space.

A freezer that is integrated is designed to sit seamlessly within a fitted kitchen without disrupting the design you've invested time and money perfecting. Combining two appliances into one will allow you to create a compact layout, which is simpler to maintain.

The fridge freezers that are integrated come in fixed and sliding hinge models. It is crucial to select the appropriate installation method to ensure that the appliance is properly fitted. It's all in how the cabinet doors are connected to your fridge freezer. Most cabinets can accommodate either. However, it's best to first confirm.

In addition, the height of an integrated refrigerator and freezer could differ slightly too. There are low-mid-height options that measure around 130cm high, and there are also taller 178cm versions that can be fitted into the majority of cabinets.

Finally, there are various door splits for the freezer and fridge that you can pick from. There are fridge freezers that are integrated that provide equal storage space for both the freezer and refrigerator sections. Other options include 60:40 and 70 which offer more freezer space than fridge space.

An integrated fridge freezer also requires less maintenance than a fridge that is a stand-alone. It's also believed to have a longer lifespan than an open-air fridge or freezer too. This is because they are not exposed to the weather as a freestanding model and consequently less likely to be damaged by extreme temperatures or humidity. The integrated fridge freezers also consume less energy than their freestanding counterparts, which can aid in reducing your energy costs and carbon footprint.

Smart technology

If you love modern and sleek kitchen design then an integrated freezer is a good option. These appliances integrate the freezer and refrigerator into one unit and can be integrated into your kitchen layout without affecting the look you have spent so much money and time creating. They are also more discrete than freestanding fridge freezers, which may be an advantage when you want to keep your kitchen's aesthetic as neat and harmonious as possible.

They're still equipped with the benefits of a freestanding unit, including frost-free techniqes as well as a reversible door, and an integrated water and Ice dispenser. There are also energy efficient options that can help you save money while keeping your food fresh.

The kind of installation you choose for your kitchen cabinets will determine whether the freezer of your fridge is a sliding or fixed unit. The dimension of an integrated refrigerator is usually 60cm, which is the standard size to ensure it is able to fit inside the housing cupboard. It is also important to check the height of your cabinets as it can vary. You can pick between a midi model that measures 130cm tall, and a 'full-height' option that is 190cm tall.

Many of the most recent integrated freezers feature intelligent features that allow you to monitor and control your appliance remotely. You can monitor the contents of your fridge, set reminders for grocery shopping, and more by using a smartphone app that is compatible with the appliance. Some have even come with special speed-freeze settings that rapidly lower the temperature so that your food items stay fresh for longer.

Certain models have antibacterial linings that help reduce the smell and also help to prevent mould. They also come with the super-cool feature that quickly lowers the temperature so that food can be chilled more quickly. There are freezer for sale near me with HarvestFresh salad drawers that are designed to keep fruit and vegetables fresher for longer, and NeoFrost technology that utilizes two separate cooling systems for the fridge and freezer compartments, ensuring an even temperature and can be accessed at the same time.

You'll also find fridges with holiday mode, which is ideal if you are traveling, as it will reduce the temperature and switch to a manual operation. There are also models that feature a super-quiet operation to reduce noise.

Easy to install

Unlike freestanding freezers which are distinctive by themselves, integrated models blend seamlessly into the design of your kitchen, allowing you to create a cohesive look. Popular with those who have open-plan kitchens or contemporary-styled kitchens, these freezers are able to fit well behind cabinet doors and provide all the functionality of a standalone appliance without altering the decor.

Follow the directions and refer to the installation kit to ensure that your fridge freezer has been installed correctly. Based on the model that you select, it might require additional steps such as adding or removing the bridging cabinet above the fridge freezer, if your cabinet is less than the cabinet housing on either side.

It's also important to ensure that the new integrated fridge freezer is attached to a wall fixing that is strong enough to hold the weight of the appliance. It is possible for it to fall over and cause damage or leave exposed cuts if it's not properly mounted.

Many of the most recent fridge-freezers also offer advanced technology that will help to ease the burden of kitchen tasks, such as defrosting. These features are incorporated in a subtle manner so that you don't notice them at first glance however they are significant to the efficiency of your appliance and will reduce your the energy usage.

When selecting an integrated freezer, choose one with strong hinges that are made from an excellent material like stainless steel. The hinges of poor quality will wear out quickly and become rusty over time and it's important to invest in a durable, high-quality set that you can rely on for a long time.

Our selection of refrigerator freezers that integrate has something for all. We offer a variety of options, from affordable to top-of-the line. You can find everything from compact options from brands like Beko, Candy and Hotpoint, to premium fridge-freezers from brands like Bosch, AEG and Neff. Browse online or visit us in our Cardiff store for expert advice and unparalleled customer service. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Energy efficient

Integrated fridge freezers are designed to fit seamlessly into the kitchen, without affecting the style you've been focusing on. This does not mean that they are less energy-efficient than freestanding models. In fact, the opposite is true. The integrated fridge freezers consume less energy since they combine refrigeration and freezing within one appliance. They also come with advanced features such as ActiveSmart Foodcare or All Around cooling, which reduce energy consumption by circulating air in the fridge and the freezer compartments.

Our range of integrated refrigerator freezers is available in various capacities so that you can pick the ideal model for your kitchen. Our Montpellier MITF197 Integrated Tall No Frost Freezer, for instance, has eight freezer compartments, each with capacities of 197 Liters. This means you can store anything from frozen vegetables to ice-cream. The freezer compartments are accessible thanks to the slide-out drawer design, and chrome trims on each compartment add an elegant design to this sleek model.

Fridge freezers consume a large amount of energy each year, which is the reason selecting a model that is efficient is so important. Check the Energy Label for a rating between A+ and A. Also, visit the site of the manufacturer for full details about the product. A lower rating means that your fridge and freezer consumes less energy, which can reduce your electricity bills over the long term.

A lot of integrated fridge freezers feature a split of 70/30, giving you more room in the fridge than in the freezer, which is ideal for those who cook fresh meals regularly. These fridge freezers integrated into the fridge are also equipped with frost-free technology which helps reduce energy consumption and maintenance.

If you're replacing an existing fridge freezer, ensure that it's a 60cm-wide model. If you're planning to build a new kitchen, you'll need install a bridging cabinet above the fridge freezer integrated in case it's sitting between cabinets, as it will create a ring around it and cover any cut edges of the cabinet housing.

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