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Learning a New Skill Can Give You a Sense of Power
Learning a new skill can help you beat boredom, expand your job opportunities and take your career to the next level. But, most importantly, it can give you a sense of power over your own life. It shows you’re capable of change and growth, which makes you more interested in trying new things and not settling into the same routines that can lead to mental and physical stagnation.

To learn something, people must first identify what they know and then compare that to what they’re hoping to learn. win game news This process, called assimilation, is an important part of the learning cycle.

Piaget, like other cognitivists, believed that knowledge was constructed. But unlike previous theories, he didn’t think that the individual could construct the whole of their own understanding on their own, and therefore needed the guidance of others (Kretchmar, 2019a).

Vygotsky built on Piaget’s work but believed that other theories overemphasized the role of the individual in construction of knowledge. He also emphasized the importance of interaction with others in the development and learning processes, including how children communicate with adults and older peers who can explain more complex concepts to them. He called this concept “zone of proximal development,” or ZPD.

ZPD theory is similar to that of cognitive and social constructivist theories, in that learners make sense of information by comparing it to their existing knowledge. But, unlike the other theories, it’s not a fixed number and can vary for different subjects, with some students being advanced in math but struggling with languages for example. The way a person experiences ZPD is largely influenced by their environment, culture and ability to interact with the world around them (Flair, 2019).

To be most effective, learning should be fun, which means engaging in activities that encourage curiosity. For instance, arousing students’ interest in a topic through stories will help them remember lessons that might otherwise go in one ear and out the other. Organizational psychologist Peg Neuhauser found that information derived from storytelling is remembered far more accurately, and for longer, than facts.

For adult learners, figuring out how to engage their interests is even more important. Some strategies include using visuals, focusing on details and facts, and using tools like flash cards to study. However, learning a new skill can be intimidating, especially for those who are not naturally curious. So, it’s important to be patient and remind yourself that learning takes time, and be kind to yourself.

One of the best ways to learn is by sharing your own mistakes and learning from them. In fact, research has shown that when leaders share their own professional mistakes and what they learned from them, they increase the likelihood of employees following suit. By telling their own personal stories, managers convey a set of underlying values, show that they’re human, and demonstrate leadership in the face of challenge. They can also create a safe, risk-free space for colleagues to discuss their own struggles and provide insight into how they dealt with them.
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