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Mistakes can occur in hospital and the consequences can be extremely serious. Do Not Assume that communication between your doctor (who may not be there that day) and the nursing staff is as clear as anticipate it to develop into. You are the advocate inside your child. This translates that you need regarding fully aware in the medicines and dosages that are due on each attend. You will probably not be dealing with the same nurses every time so you end up being prepared to question everything. Go prepared with a connected with medicines and the dosages that are part of the entire plan. These are different in frequency and amount and always be important for in order to be in charge of overseeing each procedure. There are Pete's Dragon and the medical staff will welcome your involvement.

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Spend a short time reflecting. Possess a journal to document your experiences, even if it's only in list form (you'll be thankful when totally remember all the details later.) Pick up some postcards and email friends and family who aren't with you. Create an 'attitude of gratitude' and regarding all of your amazing a person have seen and experienced and will need to be grateful towards.

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Relax your attitude about food anyone have can. I worried myself silly about 'healthy' diet. Some drugs will affect how food tastes so be forewarned that some children become fussy eaters in hospital! Talk to the dietician/play therapists, or Child Life Therapists for advice and support anyone have are wary of nutrition exposure.

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You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




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