NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

Q5: Attributes

Match (Default)
S&P (cases are crucial)

Partial Match
FB has more
0 attribute - SRT has attribute, but SW has none)
Length - SRT is longer, but SW has less e.g.
FB has less
0 attribute (in BP) pre-selector/swatch/table format/bullet points)
0 attributes (not in BP)
Different Formatting
Missing Space
Code t tt n r u00a0 â€
Another Difference
No Match
Wrong Attribute (SW=Brand but SRT=Color)
Another Difference (SW=Brand, SRT=Brand but Both brands are different)

call outs
Chocolate scent
Smells like cinnamon
Notes (Top, Middle, Base)
Our candle has top notes(Cherry), Middle Notes(Blueberry), Base(Vanilla)
Aroma of Cinnamon
Rose Fragrance

SW=Scent: Unscented, SRT=No Value, Match>Both Missing
SW=Scent: Unscented, SRT=Unscented, FB has more>0

L-W-H Callout
L x W x H
L by W by H
Long by Wide by Tall
Long: 15"
Wide: 12"
Tall: 9"

L x W x H
L by W by H
Long by Wide by Tall
Long: 15"
Wide: 12"
Tall: 9"
1 by 1
1 by 2 by 3

No value

If new attribute has value, tag it as fb has more>0
If no value from new attribute, tag as match both>missing

Old att, regardless if has value or no value, always check on website
Brand- First reference is logo
Check hover value
Check footnote
Title Bar

Callouts aside from brand
Brand Born to be Sassy
Vendor by CJ Company
By Marco Polo
Author Yen Constantino

If size of Preselected is different variant compared to SRT, check variant ID at the last part of url. If when variant ID changed when selecting another attribute on preselector,
No match>Wrong attribute.

If Sw does not have any preselected value, but SRT has. Check variant id at the last part of url. if variant id change,
FB has more>0 attribute

if sw has no color selector name or hover name, but SRT has attribute,
No match>Another difference [No hover value]

CONTENT - The composition of the material.
Where the info is available on the SW, the value should contain:
❑ the type of material
❑ any units (100%; 14k)
❑ the make-up/structure (Solid; Mixed; Pure; Plated)
The content of the material value will depend on the information available on the SW, any could be any combination of the above.

Clothing & Accessories
Faux leather
Genuine leather
100% organic cotton

Health & Beauty
50% recycled cotton
50% muslin

Jewelry & Watches E.g.
Gold Plated
Gold Filled
Pure Gold
Real Gold
14K Gold Dipped
14K Gold
950 Silver
Freshwater cultured pearl

Home & Furniture
Solid Wood
Mixed Metals

Different parts of the product might be out of different materials.
We want to capture as many of them as the seller mentions on their website
The format should be the same as that on the SW.


►Can Label
❑ Generally, If the seller website loads just fine and the Facebook listing also
loads, your answer will be CAN LABEL.
❑ If you encounter a seller website that asks for a captcha verification before
you can continue to the site, just go through the captcha and tag the job as

►Widget Error
►Violating Content
❑The image contains sensitive or violating content
▪ Child Exploitation and/or Child Nudity
▪ Self Injury and Suicidal Content
▪ Credible Threats, Violence or Calls to Violence
▪ Sexual Content and/or Nudity
▪ Hate Speech
▪ Acts of Terrorism
▪ Human Trafficking
▪ Bullying and Harassment

►Wrong Link
❑The product information do not appear or render on the SRT screen or you
encounter. You encounter some seller’s website or SRT issue.

▪Seller URL opens to an unexpected page
❖ Seller's homepage
❖ 404/402 page
❖ Page that does not load, or looks blank
❖ Pop-up requesting a zip code or birthday input
❖ Any other page that is not a PDP (lands on a discovery/collections page)
❑ If a pop-up appears asking what country or store location you're looking

for. ALWAYS select United States (USA) as the default, before you begin

exploring/navigating the seller's website or rating the job.
❑ This is significant because there are some websites or products' availability
are determined by the country or shop/store in which you are located.
▪Merged products
▪Wrong language

▪Personalized products
➡Personalized Product (Wrong Link)
▪ Build from scratch
▪ Write Preference in a textbox
▪ Customize before adding to cart
▪ Select multiple separate products for bundle
➡Not a personalized product (Can Label)

▪ Select single attribute on SW
▪ Pre-bundled products that do not need to be built from scratch

Response Option
►Same Products
▪ SW = SRT (at first glance)
►Different Products
▪ SW ≠ SRT (at first glance)
▪ Not enough information

Step 2: Comparison Question
❑This question is designed to be an initial comparison of the
Facebook listing vs. the seller’s product page. You do not
need to check that all the individual fields in the job are
exactly the same as those on the seller’s website (yet).
Response Options:
➢ Same Products
▪Based on an initial check, the product in the job is the same as the product
on the seller’s website (at first glance - e.g. product in the job is a pair of
jeans; the product on the seller’s website is a pair of jeans)
➢ Different Products
▪Completely different product: Based on an initial check, the product in the
job is different to the product on the seller’s website (e.g. product in the job
is a bag; the product on the seller’s website is a pair of jeans)

Q2: IMAGES (Always check the "ATTRRIBUTE" to know what product to check)
► What counts as image
▪ Picture of product, either on its own or with other products
▪ Pictures of someone using product (naay model)
▪ Diagram and illustration of the product
▪ Text-only images explicit about the product (e.g. ingredients)
▪ Packaging that is part of the product (e.g. case of sunglasses)
► What does not count as image
▪ Videos
▪ GIFs
▪ Image of size charts
▪ Images in product recommendations/customer reviews
▪ Any other media on the seller's website

Where are images, usually:
• Most images are typically in the top half of the seller’s website
(above-the-fold),close to the price and the title in a gallery, carousel or
stacked on top of one another
• Some images might be further down (below-the-fold) and integrated
into additional description sections, especially images of people using
the product or close-up images key


RELEVANT IMAGE - it’s the correct product or variant we’re looking for.
[ex. Red bag (SRT) vs. Red bag (SWS)]

IRRELEVANT IMAGE - Incorrect product/variant, or it’s a different product option.
[ex. Red bag (SRT) vs. Green bag (SWS)]

REQUIRED: [Incorrect product/variant, or it’s a different product option.]
➢ Images of a different product
➢ Images that are text only & not about the product [e.g. image about the brand]
➢ Images that contain illustrations/diagrams that are not of or about the product
➢ Images that are only about special offers, discounts, gifts
➢ Images that are Customer Reviews

Note: If image of illustration is animated [drawing] image is irrelevant but required

➢ Images that are logos or awards only
➢ Images that are icons [If it's rendered then tag it as MORE]
➢ Images that are from highlight section
[A highlight section typically contains icon-like images, potentially each paired

with short text (e.g. 1-5 words, or not in a full sentence/no period) describing

key attributes of the product. The images are a dominant part of the section,

occupying more than half the area of the section]
➢ Images that come from product recommendations widgets
[If it's rendered then tag it as MORE]
➢ Images from the seller’s social media
➢ Images with text overlay [If it's rendered then CROSSCHECK.

Product: Shampoo [e.g. before and after pic of hair]

IGNORED IMAGES - This type of images can be ignored. Meaning, if it gets

rendered in SRT just tag it as MATCH. If not, then tag it as MATCH still.

➢ Videos
➢ GIFs
➢ Size Chart
➢ Clip/static image from the video/s in the PDP or seller’s website


1. Does the first image in the Facebook listing match the first image on the seller’s
website? [Yes/No]
◘ Yes if the first image in the Facebook listing has the same content and

quality as the first image on the seller’s website

1. How many images of the product are there above-the-fold on the seller’s

◘ Focus on the product that the job is for. Quickly check the title, size and
color in SRT to make sure you know which product to check
◘ Use the blue button to open the page on the seller’s website
◘ Count the images that are specific to the product above-the-fold on

the seller’s website
o Only count the images that are relevant to the specific product the

job is for
o That means not counting videos, GIFs or size charts, even if they

appear ATF
o That means not counting images for different product options

even if they appear ATF
◘ Click through all of the images ATF to perform your check. Do not rely

on the pagination markers without checking
◘ Provide the count of relevant images above-the-fold on the seller’s

website in a numerical format (e.g. 5), with no letters
◘ If there are more than 21 relevant images above-the-fold on the

seller’s website, record “22” as the count. There is no need to count past

22 images. If there are more than 21 relevant images above-the-fold on

the seller’s website, stop counting.

2. How many images of the product in SRT match the images above-the-fold

on the seller’s website?
◘ Look at the images in SRT
◘ Of the images that are specific to the product above-the-fold on the

seller’s website, check how many of them match the images in SRT
◘ Provide a count of the images specific to the product that match

between SRT and the seller’s website in a numerical format (e.g. 4)

with no letters

Question — Image parity checks
MATCH - Both the same (the first 4 criteria must be true)

DEFAULT: ◘ Quantity
◘ Content (same subject matter)
◘ Quality (Resolution)
◘ Size
◘ Duplicate
◘ Wrong Image

◘ Do not count videos, gifs, images of size charts

MATCH - Both missing
◘ No images: There are no images to compare on the Facebook listing or the seller’s
website, so they match by default

PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has more

◘ Quantity (SRT has extra image relevant to the product)
◘ 0 Images (SW has no images, but SRT has some)
◘ Quality (SRT image have higher resolution compared to SW)
◘ Duplicates (repeated image on SRT but not on SW)
◘ Wrong Images (contains at least 1 image of the wrong product option)

PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has less
◘ Quantity ATF (carousel/gallery) (missing at least 1 ATF image)
◘ Quantity BTF (Below "Add to Cart"/No text around the image)
◘ 0 Images (SRT has no image, but SW has some)
◘ Quality (SRT has low resolution compared to SW)
◘ Duplicates (Repeated images ONLY on SW)
◘ Wrong Images (at least 1 image of wrong product not relevant on SW that SRT don't)

PARTIAL MATCH - Formatting (any can be true)
◘ Size
◘ Padding
◘ Another Difference

NO MATCH - Wrong images
◘ Wrong Images
◘ Another Difference

There is usually one title per product, which appears at the top of the seller’s page.

Sometimes, the title might be taken from headers on the seller’s website and the


Product Title
Title bar

What counts as a title:
◘ The name of the product that on the buyer’s website
◘ Can sometimes be one word only

Where are titles, usually:
◘ Often the headline of the product page, in a format that stands out from
the description
(e.g. larger font; bold formatting)
◘ Rarely, we might also look at the breadcrumb and/or the website URL to

decide on the most complete title

MATCH - Both the same (first 3 criteria must be true)
DEFAULT: ◘ Content
◘ Length
◘ Spelling/Punctuation
(If one is lacking on default, considered Partial Match)
◘ Links (Product Title is hyperlink)
◘ Price/Offers (If discount/offer is mentioned on title)
◘ Alerts (Free Shipping, Limited Edition)
◘ Brand

MATCH - Both missing
No description: There is no title to compare on the Facebook listing or the seller’s
website, so they match by default

Video working (IP), Video is working (RP) = NO MATCH > WRONG VIDEO
Video is working (RP), Video is working (IP) =
Video is working (FRONT VIEW of the product)
Video is working (BACK VIEW of the product)
Video is working (Relevant product)
Video is working (Irrelevant product)
Broken Video/s
Video is working (Irrelevant product)
Video is working (Relevant product)
No videos
Broken Video/s
Broken Video/s
Video is working (Relevant product)
Video is working (Irrelevant product)
Video is in Landscape view
Video is in Portrait view

FB listing has more
◘ 0 title -
◘ Length

FB listing has less
◘ 0 title - SW has title, not on SRT
◘ Length - SRT has less
◘ Links
◘ Note
◘ Price /Offers (Price is the only Optional)
◘ Alerts
◘ Brand

Different Formatting
◘ Missing spaces
◘ Spelling / punctuation
◘ Another difference

Wrong title
Another difference

FB listing has less
• If price on SW is missing, length will be shorter
• Independent selection also helps us to differentiate between information
we expect to be missing (links, offers, price, alerts in our FB listing titles),
and information we do not expect to be missing (keywords on seller’s title)

FB listing has less
• The Offers option will be changed to Offers/Price for simplicity.
Offers/Price refers to any discounts or mentions of pricing mentioned
in the title on the seller’s website, but not in the title on SRT.


Sellers can have multiple descriptions or sections of text about their product on their website.
We expect our description in SRT to contain all description sections that are relevant to the
product, regardless of where the information is on the seller’s page (both above-and-belowthe-fold).
What counts as a ‘description’?
A full explanation and breakdown of the description is available in the appendix. In short, the
description is the combined text that describes the product, including its qualities, functionality
or usage, and its features. Customers use the description to learn more about the product and
the other content of the page (such as the images) into context.
Where is the description, usually?
Descriptions can be anywhere on the seller’s website PDP. There is typically a ‘main’ description
above-the-fold that is focused exclusively on the product, and contains the most relevant
information that the customer needs to see at a glance.
Further descriptions might be lower down (below-the-fold) on the seller’s page, typically either
in designated sections (that may or may not expand and collapse), or next to BTF images to add
additional context to the product’s special features.
We exclude some information on the seller’s page from our definition of the description. Please
see the appendix for a full list.
Raters might see 2 versions of the description in SRT, in this case please follow the same
guideline for both of them.
What text do we expect in the Description?
We expect SRT to display all possible sections of description on the seller’s website, and the
sections available vary seller-to-seller.
It is important to expand any headers and sections of text on the seller’s website to assess the
full description. To be included in the description, the section needs to be written out in full on
the seller’s website. Any information that clicks and links to elsewhere on the seller’s website
should be considered a link during Parity assessment.
If the section is explicitly excluded from the description, we do not expect it to display in SRT. If
the section is not on the exclusion list, we expect it in SRT, regardless of the terminology used
on the seller’s website.
Common eligible section names and areas to compare against on the seller’s website are
included in the table below.

What is Main Description
What counts as a ‘main’ description:
• The first text block, paragraph or section on the seller’s website
• The description that is most specific / relevant to the
Where is the main description, usually:
• At the top of the seller’s website, underneath the title (not halfway down or at the
bottom of the page)
• If there is no main description at the top of the page, we consider it missing
• Depending on the seller’s website layout, the main description might not be at the top
of the page (but it usually is)
What is Additional Description
For a small set of products and sellers, we will assess more than the main description. Sellers
might have multiple description sections on their websites, each contributing more to the
buyer’s understanding of the product.
When a job contains more than the main description, check the rest of the description against
the whole of the seller’s website page to the parity questions below (very similar to the usual
questions, with some changes).
Description section exclusions
There are some sections that we never expect to be displayed in SRT as part of the description
only. If any of the following sections are present in SRT, we’d typically class the description as
No Match > Wrong description.
We do not expect the description to include sections exclusively about:
• The brand (such as the brand’s mission statement, promises to the customer, or other
generic information)
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Dedicated sizing-sections - any section headed under ‘size/sizing guide/info/chart’,
‘size’, ‘sizing’, ‘size and fit’. This includes size information in plain text and tabular
• Price / Payment Options
• Icons / Flags / Banners anywhere on the page (e.g. “Best Selling product”, “Selling Fast”)
• Store information (hours, pick-up times, inventory availability)
• Customer reviews
• Customer service
• Membership Status / Membership Details
• Legal footnotes
If this information does not exist in its exclusive section* but rather nested in the general
description, it is not exclusion and therefore raters should not select No Match > Wrong
description. For example, if there is a sentence about sizing in the description paragraph, this
sentence will not be considered exclusion.
*What is an exclusive section? A structured section dedicated exclusively to the information
• Information in a separate paragraph
• Information in an accordion
• Information under a separate tab
• Information under a collapsible section
Optional / Nice to have Section
What is an Optional / Nice to have Section?
This means that it is not expected as part of the additional description, and therefore if this
content is missing from SRT, raters can select Match. However, if the texts are present on SRT,
we will not fail the content so in this case raters can also select Match.
Please see below for the sections raters can consider as ‘Optional / Nice to have Section’
1. Highlight Section
A highlight section typically contains icon-like images, potentially each paired with short text
(e.g. 1-5 words) describing key attributes of the product. The images are a dominant part of the
section, occupying more than half the area of the section. See example below.
Some part of the description might look like a highlight section however if it contains full
sentences, the content should be part of the additional description. In the screenshot below,
we expect the text to be part of the description. However, we do not expect the images to be
part of the Image section on SRT so raters can ignore the images in this case.

2. About the brand section
This is a section which typically fall under ‘About us’ or ‘About the brand’. The section can
include information such as the brand’s mission statement, promises to the customer, or other
generic information).
In this screenshot below, this paragraph is a nice to have. If this content is missing from SRT,
raters can select Match. However, if the texts are present on SRT, raters can also select Match.
3. Non-exclusive Size Guide
If there is sizing information not under a section that are exclusively dedicated to sizing, but
under a general description paragraph this information will also be deemed as optional/ nice to
have information.
For example, the description paragraph contains plain text about sizing measurements (e.g.
could be a set of measurements in bullet points, or a sentence about sizing ‘fits true to size’) -
raters can select Match for both cases when SRT does capture and does not capture this information.

Before you start
• We care about the all descriptions on the seller’s website
• Bullet points are included in the definition of the description
• We might still need to consider the ‘main’ description (the first section of text about the
product above-the-fold) at certain times when answering the parity questions
• If there are bullet points, we do not expect the actual bullet point icon (e.g. • ) to show
in SRT
• Line breaks do not need a white space before or after them in SRT. As long as the
information is on a new line, the line break will appear to the Facebook buyer

MATCH - Both the same (first 4 criteria must be true)
1. Same content (must be true for Match - Both the same): The Facebook listing has the
same description(s) as the seller’s website, and all parts of the description match.
They’re both about exactly the same thing, written in the same way
2. Same length (must be true for Match - Both the same): There are no extra or missing
sentences in the Facebook listing. The descriptions are the same length
3. Same text order (must be true for Match - Both the same): When there is more than
one description on the seller’s website, each paragraph/section of description is
captured in the same order in the Facebook listing
4. Same spelling / punctuation (must be true for Match - Both the same): Line breaks do
not matter. Spelling and punctuation is exactly the same.
5. Same shipping details (this does not have to be true for Match - Both the same, as it
depends on whether the seller website has shipping details or not): Any shipping
details included anywhere in the description(s) on the seller’s website are also in the
Facebook listing
6. Same links (this does not have to be true for Match - Both the same, as it depends on
whether the seller website has links or not): Any text links included in the description(s)
on the seller’s website are also in the Facebook listing (the links will not be clickable in
7. Same surveys/feedback/reviews (this does not have to be true for Match - Both the
same, as it depends on whether the seller website has surveys/feedback/reviews or
not): Any requests for buyer feedback of any kind included in the description(s) on the
seller’s website are also in the Facebook listing
8. Same discounts/gifting info (this does not have to be true for Match - Both the same,
as it depends on whether the seller website has discounts/gifting info or not): Any
information about gifts (including free gifts, gift wrapping options, discounts and offers)
included in the description(s) on the seller’s website is also in the Facebook listing
MATCH - Both missing
1. No description: There is no description to compare on the Facebook listing or the
seller’s website, so they match by default
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has more (any can be true)
1. 0 description: There is a description in the Facebook listing, but not on the seller’s
2. Length: The description in the Facebook listing is longer than that on the seller’s
website. The description in the Facebook listing does not contain any excluded content
3. Shipping details: The description in the Facebook listing contains shipping details that
are not in the description on the seller’s website
4. Links: The description in the Facebook listing contains links that are not in the
description on the seller’s website
5. Surveys/feedback/reviews: The description in the Facebook listing contains requests
for surveys, customer reviews or feedback of any kind that are not in the description on
the seller’s website
6. Discounts/gifting info/promotion: The description in the Facebook listing contains
information about discounts or special offers or promotion that are not in the
description on the seller’s website
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has less (any can be true)
1. 0 description: There is a description on the seller’s website, but not in the Facebook
a. If the whole description is missing, ONLY select 0 description
b. You DO NOT need to co-select 0 description and length if the description is on
the seller’s website and entirely missing in SRT
2. Length MAIN: The description in the Facebook listing is shorter than the seller’s. The
missing text comes from the first/main section of the description on the seller’s website.
a. If the missing text is shipping
details/links/surveys/feedback/reviews/gifting/discounts etc., raters should only
select option 4-7 below, respectively
3. Length ADDITIONAL: The Facebook listing contains all the description content from the
main description on the seller’s website, but is missing any amount of text from other
description sections on the seller’s website (i.e. SRT only contains the first/main section
of text from the seller’s website)
a. If the missing text is shipping
details/links/surveys/feedback/reviews/gifting/discounts etc., raters should only
select option 4-7 below, respectively
4. Shipping details: The description on the seller’s website contains shipping details that
are not in the Facebook listing
5. Links: The description on the seller’s website contains links that are not in the Facebook
6. Surveys/feedback/reviews: The description on the seller’s website contains requests
for surveys, customer reviews or feedback of any kind that are not in the Facebook
7. Discounts/gifting info/ promotions: The description on the seller’s website contains
information about discounts or special offers or promotions that are not in the
Facebook listing
PARTIAL MATCH - Formatting (any can be true)
1. Missing spaces: The description in the Facebook listing contains missing spaces between
words or punctuation symbols that are not also on the seller’s website
2. Spelling / punctuation: The description in the Facebook listing contains spellings or
punctuation symbols that are not the same as the seller’s website
3. Code: The description in the Facebook listing contains code, tags (e.g. <br>) or markup
language that is not also on the seller’s website
4. Text order: When there is more than one description on the seller’s website, the
paragraphs/text in the Facebook listing is presented in the wrong order
5. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the description in the Facebook listing vs. the seller’s website (mandatory field)
NO MATCH - Wrong description
1. Wrong description: The description in the Facebook listing contains excluded content,
or is completely incorrect in another way (e.g. it’s not in the English language). . The
Facebook listing only has a description of the wrong product or product option.
2. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the description in the Facebook listing vs. the seller’s website (mandatory field)

We expect all information in the description to be written out in full on the seller’s website. We
do not consider any content on linked pages (whether those links lead us to elsewhere on the
seller’s website, or an entirely different site) to be part of the description.
If any mention of linked sections is made in the description, we record a Partial Match with


What is a size chart definition?
Size chart is a tool used by customers to assess the fit of a product against their body, home, or
other space, aiding them in making an informed decision on the right size to purchase. It
presents a detailed comparison of body measurements or measurement ranges against sellerspecific size labels (such as S, M, L) and may also include additional size labels for converting
between different size formats.
While size charts are commonly represented as tables, they can also take the form of free text
or bullet points, as long as they provide all the necessary measurements essential for guiding
the buyer. The key components typically found in a size chart include:
Brand Sizing or Size measurements : This refers to the size labels used by the seller to identify
the different sizes of their products, often represented with letters (S, M, L) or other specific
Measurement labels: These are the exact body measurements or measurement ranges
associated with the product, such as waist, hips, chest, sleeve length, and others, which help
customers understand how the product's dimensions align with their own body measurements.
Additional Sizes: This label offers alternative size formats that allow customers to convert
between different sizing systems, making it easier to find the right size regardless of regional or
brand-specific variations.
Size units - define measurement units used to define sizes, (e.g cm, inches)
Size variants - define corresponding category or variant, (e.g Hat, Tops, Denim, Shorts)

Where is size chart located in the Product Details Page?
Size charts can be presented in carousel images, in description, in below-the-fold description, as
a link to a pop-up, as a link to a new page. If you can’t find size charts in any of the given URLs
for an entry, try searching on the website using Ctrl + F for the following keywords: Size chart,
size guide.
If there are multiple size charts presented in multiple locations (e.g. pop-up, description, new
page) consider any of them as a match for comparison, as far as they are relevant size charts
(see definition below). Some websites only have conversion charts. In this case if there is no
other size chart with measurements of multiple sizes of the item, raters can accept conversion
How to compare size charts and match content
Size charts might have a significant amount of rows and columns, which might make full sizeby-size comparison an overwhelming task. We do not expect raters to compare each number!
Please compare values only from the first row and first column of the table that present on SRT.

We need to validate all values for the first row with ‘Small’ size measurement, i.e.
• “34-37’
• ‘29-32’
• ‘33.5’
as well as all values for the first column with ‘Burst’ measurement label
• ‘34-37’
• ‘35-39’
• ‘36-41’
During comparison, the following needs to be taken into account:
Order of measurement labels and size measurements on SWS might be different. Please make
sure that comparison happens for the matching column/rows!
1. SWS might have duplicated measurement labels for different size units (i.e.
inches/cm). Please ensure that comparison happening for matching size units when it is
2. SWS might have less size measurements or measurement labels.
In such a scenario, we need to skip corresponding cell and mark mismatch under either
‘Measurement Labels’ or ‘Size measurements’ (or both). Please select ‘Content’ label only if
values themselves are different
How to identify that SRT has the right size chart
What is Relevant Size Chart?
There can be multiple Size Charts present on the website for a product. However, there should
be only one relevant size chart which is suitable for this product, that size chart is called
Relevant Size Chart.
a. If there are different Size Charts for different countries, and any of the country
size charts is presented on SRT, it can be considered a match.
b. If there are different size units like - inches, cm. Either of them can be
considered as a match.
c. If there are different Size Charts for different categories, compare to the one
which is most suitable for this product. For this case, you need to look at the
product images, title, description to choose the most suitable size charts.
Usually, there are enough product details along with multiple size charts which
can be related back to the product’s title/image/description. Additionally, size
measurements (S, M, L, XL) on PDP can be used as a guidance to choose the
most relevant size chart (which has the same size measurements as the product).
d. In case of websites, where the seller is selling combo set (like tshirt and pants
together), and there is no specific size chart for combo sets on the websites,
consider any of the tshirt or pants Size Chart for matching with SRT SC.
• If there are multiple relevant size charts, if SRT matches with any of relevant size charts
consider it as a match.
• If a non-relevant size chart is presented choose no match as indicated in the decision

In some scenarios, catalog can have a dedicated page with size charts for all of the products.
If you faced such job, use the Relevant size chart definition to identify the right size chart. If SRT
has the relevant size chart, raters can compare content. If SRT does not have the relevant size
chart, select No Match.
Out of stock
When an item is out of stock, it is sometimes impossible to open the corresponding size chart:

Often another item from the same website could have size chat button:

Dynamic fit
Some websites offer dynamic dialog to select appropriate size. We do not expect raters to
complete it or interact with this window. In cases when FB has size charts while the seller
website has only dynamic fit option available we should select PARTIAL MATCH > FB listing has
more > Dynamic Fit option.
• !There are cases where both size chart and dynamic fit flow present. Please select
option above only when size chart is missing
Different size variants examples
Example in which you can pick the relevant size chart which is T-Shirts, using the description
information which says “Itsa Girl Thing tees are cute southern and country shirts for girls
featuring original designs and sassy sayings.” and can be found on the Size Chart popup too.

Relevant size chart examples
This is a complicated example in which you need to compare the relevant size chart using Style
information(in description) and also product image to say that it belongs to “Unisex” Size Chart.
And if it is relevant.

MATCH - Both the same (all must be true)
1. Same content: The Facebook listing has the same size chart as the seller’s website, and
content of the size chart matches
a. Please refer to how to match content section in appendix for more details
2. Same measurements labels: all of the measurements labels are matching to the seller
website - both by quantity and wording
3. Same size labels: all of the size measurements are matching to the seller website - both
by quantity and wording
4. Same size units: all of the size units are matching to the seller website
5. Same spelling / punctuation: Line breaks do not matter. Spelling and punctuation is
exactly the same. Minor formatting issues would be tolerated here like capitalisation, or
Small being written S.
MATCH - Both missing
1. No size chart: There is no size chart to compare on the Facebook listing or the seller’s
website, so they match by default
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has more (any can be true)
1. 0 size chart: There is a size chart in the Facebook listing, but not on the seller’s website
2. Out of stock: There are no stock on seller’s website and size chart is not visible/clickable
3. Dynamic fit: There are dynamic widget on seller’s website that show size suggestions
after dialog
a. Please refer to the dynamic fit appendix for example
4. Measurement Labels: FB has more measurement labels (columns in SRT)
i. Please refer to the appendix for details on what constitutes to the
measurement labels
b. Size measurements: FB has more size measurements (rows in SRT)
i. Please refer to the appendix for details on what constitutes to the size
c. Size units: FB has size units, seller’s website doesn’t have them
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has less (any can be true)
1. 0 size chart: There is a size chart on the seller’s website, but not in the Facebook listing
a. You DO NOT need to co-select 0 size chart and length if the size chart is on the
seller’s website and entirely missing in SRT
2. Content: The size chart in the Facebook listing has different content
a. Please refer to how to match content section in appendix for more details
3. Measurement Labels: FB missing some of the measurement labels (columns in SRT)
a. Please refer to the appendix for details on what constitutes to the measurement
4. Size measurements: FB missing some of the size measurements (rows in SRT)
a. Please refer to the appendix for details on what constitutes to the size
5. Size units: FB missing size units, while seller’s website has them
PARTIAL MATCH - Formatting (any can be true)
1. Spelling / punctuation: The size chart in the Facebook listing contains spellings or
punctuation symbols that are not the same as the seller’s website
2. Code: The size chart in the Facebook listing contains code, tags (e.g. <br>) or markup
language that is not also on the seller’s website
3. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the size chart in the Facebook listing vs. the seller’s website (mandatory field)
NO MATCH - Wrong size chart
1. Wrong size chart: None of the content, measurement labels and size labels of the size
charts in the Facebook listing match the size charts on the seller’s website. The
Facebook listing only has a size chart of the wrong product or product option. In case
that the seller website has multiple size charts, the Facebook listing has a size chart
different from the relevant size chart (see definition above).
2. Consolidated size chart: Seller website has separate page with many size charts on it
a. please refer to the consolidated size chart guide per catalog for additional
3. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the size chart in the Facebook listing vs. the seller’s website (mandatory field)


What is a video definition?
A video is a piece of playable and pausable media on the seller’s website, typically
demonstrating the use or a special feature of a product.
Videos might also be available for seasonal advertising (e.g. Christmas or Thanksgiving trailers),
or to showcase the values and impact of the brand.
The only videos that we are interested in are:
• above-the-fold, alongside the seller’s ATF images in the gallery, carousel, or other
display space
• provided by the seller, and not attached to customer reviews, recommendations, or
other user-generated content

Should I consider this a video?
any videos above-the-fold including:
any video that autoplays
any video that does not autoplay, but has a play button
any content
live action or animation

any videos below-the-fold
static images
static diagrams
videos in recommendations modules
videos in customer reviews

A gif is an image file that displays a very short moving or animated sequence on a loop.
The top image on the left is a gif of a customer demonstrating the flexibility of a product.
While some gifs might look like a video clip at first glance, the user cannot interact with them as
they would a typical video.
There is no play or pause button, any the duration of the clip is not specified. They also cannot
be sped up or slowed down, and are usually low resolution quality.
In comparison, the video beneath the gif is playable and pausable. The video duration is 7
seconds, and can be replayed with manual action from the user.

MATCH - Both the same
1. Same quantity: Count the total number of Videos (of the product itself, and any “wrong
Videos”) ATF and BTF on the seller’s website.
a. Select only this option if there are the same number of Videos on the Facebook
listing and the seller’s website in total, and all the Videos are relevant to the
b. Co-select this option and “same wrong Videos” (option 6) if there are the same
number of Videos on the Facebook listing and the seller’s website, and both
sources contain at least 1 “wrong Video”
c. Do not count: gifs (what considered to be a video)
2. Same content: The Videos on the Facebook listing and the seller’s website contain the
same subject matter (e.g. same video content )
a. There is no need to watch the full video! Decisions should be made based on
the video preview, or when it is not possible, by comparing the first couple of
seconds of video.
i. Because of above - we do not expect different video length to be
counted-in during evaluation
3. Same quality (resolution): The Video quality is the same on the Facebook listing and the
seller’s website
a. If an Video is low quality
(blurry/padded/stretched/cropped/watermarked/blank), it is low quality on the
Facebook listing and the seller’s website in the same way
b. Aspect Ratio (i.e. ratio of video width to its height) on the Videos in the Facebook
listing and on the seller’s website matched
4. Same duplicates: Any duplicate or repeated Videos on the Facebook listing are also
duplicated on the seller’s website
5. Same wrong Videos: Any Videos of the wrong product, wrong product option or Videos
not relevant to the product are present on both the Facebook listing and the seller’s
a. Select only this option if all the Videos on the Facebook listing and the seller’s
website are of the wrong products (i.e. the job appears to be about a red bag,
based on the color attribute, the description, the title, but all the Videos in SRT
and on the seller website are for a green bag)
b. Co-select this option and “same quantity” (option 1) if there are the same
number of Videos on the Facebook listing and the seller’s website, and both
sources contain at least 1 “wrong Video”
c. Do not count: gifs (what considered to be a video)
MATCH - Both missing
1. No Videos: There are no Videos to compare on the Facebook listing or the seller’s
website, so they match by default
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has more (any can be true)
1. Quantity: Count the total number of Videos (of the product itself, and any “wrong
Videos”) ATF and BTF on the seller’s website.
a. Select only this option if there more Videos on the Facebook listing, and the
extra Videos are relevant to the product
b. Co-select this option and “wrong Videos” (option 5) if there are more Videos on
the Facebook listing, and the extra Videos contain at least 1 “wrong Video”
c. Do not count: gifs (what considered to be a video)
2. 0 Videos: The seller has no Videos, but the Facebook listing has some (any amount)
3. Quality: The Facebook listing Videos are a higher resolution than the seller’s Videos (i.e.
the seller’s Videos are blurry/padded/stretched/cropped/watermarked/blank/a logo
only, but Facebook’s are not)
4. Duplicates: There are duplicate (repeated) Videos in the Facebook listing, but not on the
seller’s website
5. Wrong Videos: Some of the Videos match, but the Facebook listing contains at least 1
Video of the wrong product, wrong product option, or an Video not relevant to the
product or video can’t be rendered on SRT. The seller’s website does not contain the
same wrong Video
a. Co-select this option and “quantity” (option 1) if there are more Videos on the
Facebook listing, and the extra Videos contain at least 1 “wrong Video”
b. Do not count: gifs (what considered to be a video)
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has less (any can be true)
1. Quantity ATF: The Facebook listing is missing at least 1 Video of the product found
above-the-fold on the seller’s website.
a. Select only this option if the ATF Videos missing from the Facebook listing are
relevant to the product
b. Co-select this option and “wrong Videos” (option 6) if the ATF Videos missing
from the Facebook listing are for the wrong product/a different product
c. Do not count: gifs (what considered to be a video)
2. Quantity BTF: The Facebook listing is missing at least 1 Video found below-the-fold on
the seller’s website.
a. Select only this option if the BTF Videos missing from the Facebook listing are
relevant to the product
b. Co-select this option and “wrong Videos” (option 6) if the BTF Videos missing
from the Facebook listing are for the wrong product/a different product
c. Do not count: gifs (what considered to be a video)
3. 0 Videos: The Facebook listing has 0 Videos, but the seller’s website has some (any
4. Quality: The Facebook listing Videos are lower resolution than the seller’s website (i.e.
the Facebook Videos are blurry/padded/stretched/cropped/watermarked/blank, but
the seller’s are not)
5. Duplicates: There are duplicate (repeated) Videos only on the seller’s website
6. Wrong Videos: Some of the Videos match, but there is at least 1 Video of the wrong
product, wrong product option, video can’t be rendered on SRT or an Video not relevant
to the product on the seller’s website that the Facebook listing does not contain
a. Co-select this option and “quantity ATF” or “quantity BTF” (option 1 or 2) if there
are fewer Videos on the Facebook listing, and the missing Videos contain at least
1 “wrong Video”
PARTIAL MATCH - Formatting (any can be true)
1. Aspect Ratio: There is different aspect Ratio (i.e. ratio of video width to its height) used
or content cropped on the Video only in the Facebook listing, not on the seller’s website
2. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the formatting of Videos in the Facebook listing vs. the seller’s website
(mandatory field)
NO MATCH - Wrong Videos
1. Wrong Videos: None of the Videos in the Facebook listing match the Videos on the
seller’s website. The Facebook listing only has Videos of the wrong product or product
2. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the Videos in the Facebook listing vs. the seller’s website (mandatory field)
How to handle broken SRT videos
In some scenarios SRT might render content that either can’t properly rendered or not
appeared to be a video (for example there GIF or image in Videos section):

Sometimes only part of the videos might be missing, in this case we assume that part of videos
are present and one is wrong:
Please consider such items to be ‘Wrong Videos’.
If there are no videos that could match presented video - FB Has More > Wrong Videos should be selected
If there are videos on SWS, but some or all videos are not rendering properly on SRT - both FB Has Less > Quantity and FB Has Less > Wrong Videos should be selected


Also asked in SRT as: “Does the attribute value match?”
This question will take the longest time to complete, because we want to understand each
attribute individually.
Attributes are the features and qualities that are specific to the product. The Facebook listing
(SRT) will show attributes in separate fields that each have their own name - for example,
Ingredients, Material, Color, Size, Scent.
Each attribute will have its own ‘value’ (the text, the content of the attribute; e.g. Color: Red;
Material: Freshwater Cultured Pearl).
Attributes are not always presented separately on the seller’s website. You will need to look at
the whole page on the seller’s website to answer the attribute questions.
What counts as an attribute:
• There is no single ‘perfect’ value for each attribute, but the types of values that we
expect are described in the appendix at the bottom of this document
Where is an attribute, usually:
• Contained in any section of text on the seller's website
• Listed in bullet points before or after the description
• Listed in a ‘details’ or ‘specifications’ section on the seller’s website
• Clearly visible in text on an image - e.g. capacity 50ml written on a beauty product
Before you start:
• The type of attributes that you will need to check will vary, based on the category that
the product is in (e.g. the attributes that the buyer needs for a dress will be different to
the attributes needed for a pair of shoes)
• It’s rare for a seller’s website to explicitly list attributes and their values the way we
would in SRT (e.g. Material: 100% Cotton; Scent: Vanilla)
• It is more common for attribute values to be embedded in text elsewhere on the page
• If the attribute value is in both the description and a bullet point, we expect to have the
value in the bullet point (on the basis that the seller is emphasizing or ‘calling out’ the
• If there are percentages next to attributes (especially for Material or Ingredients), we
care about capturing the % symbol as well (e.g. 50% cotton, 50% polyester)
• If there are specific features mentioned as part of the attribute (especially for Material),
we care about capturing those features (e.g. ‘Premium Italian leathers’; ‘Flexible Vinyl’;
‘316L grade stainless steel’)
• If the link to the seller’s website does not default to the expected product, please
check the appendix for steps to follow before answering the questions

MATCH - Both the same (all must be true)
1. Same content: The Facebook listing (SRT) has the same attribute value as the seller’s
website, and all parts of the attribute match. They’re both about exactly the same thing,
written in the same way
2. Same length: There are no extra or missing words in the Facebook listing (SRT). The
attribute values are the same length
3. Same spelling and punctuation: Line breaks do not matter. Spelling and punctuation is
exactly the same. Uppercase (e.g. AEIOU) and lowercase (e.g. aeiou) letter are all in the
same place
MATCH - Both missing
1. No attribute: There is no attribute value to compare on the Facebook listing (SRT) or the
seller’s website, so they match by default
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has more (any can be true)
1. 0 attribute: There is an attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT), but not on the
seller’s website
2. Length: The attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) is longer than the value on the
seller’s website. The value in SRT is more contains additional content (still about the
attribute) that is not present on the seller’s website
PARTIAL MATCH - FB listing has less (any can be true)
Note: If selecting 0 attribute, please only choose one of the available answers (not both)
1. 0 attribute (in BP): There is an attribute value on the seller’s website, but not in the
Facebook listing (SRT). The attribute value on the seller’s website is in a bullet point, or
presented in a structured way (like a list or a table
2. 0 attribute (not in BP): There is an attribute value on the seller’s website, but not in the
Facebook listing (SRT). The attribute value on the seller’s website is in the title, image,
description, or somewhere else on the PDP that is not a bullet point, list or table
3. Length: The attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) (SRT) does match somewhere
on the seller’s website, but the value on the seller’s website is longer than the value in
SRT. The value on the seller’s website contains additional relevant content that is not
present in SRT
PARTIAL MATCH - Formatting (any can be true)
1. Missing spaces: The attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) contains missing spaces
between words or punctuation symbols that are not also on the seller’s website. The
attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) looks compressed
2. Spelling / punctuation: The attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) contains
spellings or punctuation symbols that are not the same as the seller’s website.
3. Code: The attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) contains code, tags (e.g. <br>) or
markup language that is not also on the seller’s website
4. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is different
about the attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) vs. the seller’s website
(mandatory field)
NO MATCH - Wrong product
1. Wrong attribute value: No part of the attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT)
matches the attribute value on the seller’s website. The Facebook listing (SRT) only has
an attribute value for the wrong product, wrong product option or wrong attribute
2. Another difference: Write down a brief explanation of anything else that is completely
different about the attribute value in the Facebook listing (SRT) vs. the seller’s website
(mandatory field)

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